Chapter 1

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Ron was standing on the top of the Empire State building staring at the street.

"Good-Bye New York," he said and the whole New York was blown away in seconds.

A few moments later at The White House, Washington

"Sir New York has vanished", said Mr Clington

"What!!" said The President

"Suddenly out of nowhere an explosion occurred at Manhattan and its impact was so devastating that the whole New York has vanished."

"How the hell is this possible?"

"Sir, it's like a nuclear bomb has been exploded there."

"Who was it? Do we know our enemy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Was it China, Korea, Iraq, Russia?"

"Actually Sir it was a single man or so he claims."

"A single man! It can't be. How can a single man destroy a whole town of over 20 miles? Wait a minute. What do you mean by he claims?"

"Sir, we have received video footage which was originally sent to the State Senator of New York, Sir Stanford."

"Play it now"

Mr Clington played it on the TV screen. A view of New York City flashed on the screen and a serious voice emerged.

"A peaceful city with lots and lots of wonders, Times Square, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and many more. You know Senator I love this place and I want to discuss more and more about this with you. But I can't. Actually there is one thing I hate to tell you about this place. It's going to turn into ash soon. The whole city, each and everything is going to vanish........ Wait! Let me correct myself. Hello President! You know I knew that the Senator will never believe me and if you are watching it I am damn sure that New York is no more. I know you would be thinking about which country I am working for or which country hired me. Sorry to disappoint you but I am working alone. And mark my word within one week; the whole USA will suffer the same Fate."

The footage ends and there was fear in the atmosphere now.

"What was that? Did he just threatened me of destroying my country?" said the President.

"I think he just did", said Mr Clington

"There is no way he could be bluffing right"

"Sir, He just blew up a whole New York City. How can it be considered as a bluffing?"

"Command each and every cop and military man to be alert and arrest any person who seems suspicious. Also, make sure no one leaves there house this whole week except on medical emergency and arrange the parliament session in an hour"

"Yes Sir!!"

The whole US went under one-week isolation. Nobody was allowed to leave his/her house. Everybody was panicking even though they didn't know what was going on.

Different rumours started to spread. Rumours like "China planning an attack on the US", "A mystical creature hunting humans", "Terrorist roaming in public" and many more. But they didn't know what was going on.

While in the Parliament session everyone was very much tensed.

"We have to take action very quickly or we will lose our country", said one of the parliament members.

"But what should we do? It's not like we have any leads on the situation", said another one of them

"Though we have most intelligent detectives of the country working on finding him we haven't gained any clue on finding this guy", another one said.

"What should we do? Does anyone have any opinion?" President said

"I think at first we should restrict them in the nuclear bunkers" another member of parliament suggested.

"But there is not enough space for the entire country."

"I think we should take them who can later contribute to rebuild the nation."

"You mean the rich right."

"I think we should leave black people back. They are nothing but a disgrace to the nation."

"How can you decide if some have the right to live on the basis of their finance and colour?" said Mr Wane.

Suddenly a knock at the door was heard.

"Whose there?" said the president.

A soldier enters the room with a letter in his hands. He salutes The President, delivers the letter to him and leaves.

The president opened the letter and read it.

"What!!" he screamed.

"What happened sir?" everybody in the room asks.

"Each and every nuclear bunker in the country has been destroyed!!"

"Oh No!!" everybody exclaimed.

"What!!" the President screamed.

"What happened sir?" everybody in the room asks.

"Each and every nuclear bunker is destroyed!!"

"Oh No!!" everybody exclaimed.

"So what do we do next Sir", asked one of the members.

"I think there is no choice except waiting", said another one of the members.

"No! We can't risk the lives of millions just like that" someone objected.

"I am afraid we have no choice", said The President and with that, the meeting was over.

It has been four days since that day and New York's destruction. Just three days were left to the USA's destruction. Each and every cop and the whole army were on full guard. But they were unable to capture any suspect.

The Parliament members were now taking the situation lightly. They were starting to believe that the person would be bluffing about the whole US destruction. But President believed that he was not. He was having a feeling that something was odd. Even though the nation had the most intelligent detective nothing was coming out of the sleeve.

The President was standing in his balcony and having his evening coffee but his mind was not relaxed.

All of a sudden Mr Clington came there.

"Ah! Mr Clington. Do you have some update?" asked Mr President.

"Yes Sir. Rather a big one" said Mr Clington.

"What is it?"

"Sir Detective Damian is here. It's better if he gives it to you."

"Very well. Can you please send him in?"

"Of course sir", said Mr Clington and left.

"Hope it is a good one", said President to himself.

Soon after that Detective Damian enters the balcony.

"Good evening sir", said Mr Damian.

"Good evening detective."

"Sir I got a major update on the situation."

"Forget the formalities and articulate the update and the details."

"Sir not only the US but the whole North America is going to be destroyed within 3 days."


"Yes Sir."

"How can you say that?"

"Sir each any every nuclear bunker on the continent has been destroyed 4 days ago."

The President was aghast by listening to it.

"So detective what do you think? What's going to happen?"

"Well sir, I am sure that something big is going to happen. He did that in such a short time and for that, you have to be fast as hell"

"It is also possible that a country or an agency is involved."

"It has a quite high possibility. However, I think it's not."

"And why is that so?"

"I don't know but when I saw the video which you send us, I got a feeling he was not bluffing. He was damn serious and he was in pain too. I think he didn't want to but he had to do this all. And also that it's not going to end here. This same situation will take over the whole world soon. Whatever is the case I don't think we are going to survive the destruction he has planned. All nuclear bunkers are gone which means no place to hide. But the question is how is he getting this much of nuclear power?"

One week has been passed since the New York incident. Today is when the USA or the whole North America will suffer. The military was on the mark. The parliament was tensed. Citizens were terrified and everyone was waiting what will happen next.

"Sir it's started" Mr Clington Screamed.

"What! Where?" asked The President.

"Alaska Sir"

"That means Alaska is no more?"

"Sir another one at Yukon and next at top of Manitoba and next at Quebec and with that Canada is gone".

And soon after that, the whole of North America was destroyed. Everyone across the globe was amazed. Leader of each and every country were shocked. Soon a UN meeting was held and there a video clip was played.

"You all have seen what happened to North America right. I warned them and it's your turn now. Each and every country in this world is going to crumble down. And there is nothing you can do. So live your last moments. And I am sure this time no one is taking it as a bluff."

The screen goes blank and so does everyone's mind.

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