Things Get Scary

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I wake up feeling toasty in the blankets and I open my eyes and see the power is back on and I sit up look and Will wasn't in bed

I get up and throw on sweats and a hoodie and walk to the living room and see Will cleaning a bunch of melting snow

"The hell happen in here?" I ask and he looks up and laughs

"Earlier before we fell asleep and you were freezing. Well the reason was because the window doors were unlocked and snow blew in. Look there's a freaking huge icicle right here in the door way!" He says and I see a giant icicle hanging probably the size of a baseball bat

"That's insane." I say staring at it and he sighs

"Anyways, I'm cleaning up this snow. Most of its melted so watch your step." He says and I back up as I was barefooted

"Why didn't you wake me? I would help." I say and he shrugs

"You looked comfortable." He laughs and I roll my eyes

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna get changed so I can help you." I state and he chuckles and I walk off to the room

I change in more warmer clothes and put on some shoes before I hear a thud and a yell

"Agh! NICO! NICO!" I hear a panic shout and I book it out and when I run around the corner I gasp in horror

"Oh my gods Will!" I say and run over and he winces in pain

"I- I slipped and I hit against the door and icicle just fell right threw my leg" He says and is biting his lip in pain

That's an understatement that thing was stuck right into thigh. All the way through.

"We need to call an ambulance." I say looking for a phone

"No use, power to the building is on but cell towers are completely down." Will says and moves his leg and winces

"Stop moving, it's gonna melt eventually right? Should we pull it out?" I ask and he shakes his head

"It will cause me to bleed out, it's already bleeding a lot we need to get to the ER." He says and I look at him

"Will I can't drive." I say and he grabs my hand

"Your gonna have too, because I can't." He says and I sigh and see how much pain he's in.

"Okay but we need to wrap this up." I state  and I get up and run to the top cabinet grabbing the first aid kit and come back

"Okay gauze first around the icicle." He says and grits his teeth and as I place it around then grab the ace bandage and do the same thing

"Nico you can't carry me go find Chiron." He says and I hesitate and nod and run out and head down to the office and bang on the door

Chiron opens it wide eyed and I tell him what happened and we go back and he rushes in

"William are you alright?" He asks and Will nods and he puts Wills arm on his shoulder and I take the other side and we lift will up and he clenches his jaw tightly trying not to make a sound

We slowly make it down the stairs and an employee opens the door for us and we are hit by the cold winter wind and I unlock the car and we lay Will in the back seat

"Are you two gonna be okay?" Chiron asks and I hesitate and nod

"We'll be okay" I say and get in the car and start the car

"Dammit." I hear Will mumble and I look and see the blood seeping through the icicle

"Fuck" I curse and back out and start driving onto the road

I keep my eyes on the road gripping the steering wheel

I turn on my hazards and speed up

"Nico slow down." Will said and I shake my head

"Will you are bleeding out and that ice is melting, sorry but you can't tell me what to do right now." I snap and focus on the road and he shuts up

I turn onto highway and thankfully because of the weather hardly any cars are on the road

"Its messed up we don't live near a fucking hospital." I mumble to myself and I glance  in the review mirror at Will and I see his normally tan skin turning pale

I speed up and suddenly I see through the snowy wind and 18 wheeler laying across the highway on its side and I hit the breaks and we stop in front of it and get out of the car

The crazy wind nips my face and I walk around and curse

Dammit! This thing is blocking the whole road we can't get around!

I kick the turned 18 wheeler and I hear someone shouting for help and I look and see barely through the wind someone waving out the truck and I run over and climb up

"Hey gimme your hand!" I shout and a hand reaches out and grabs mine and I help pull them out and we hop down and suddenly I freeze


He recognizes me and hesitates and before he looks to the car

"Is Will in there? Is he alright?" He asks and I glare at him

"Will is bleeding out and I'm trying to rush him to the hospital but your fucking truck is blocking the road!" I snap and he eyes widen and he looks worried

Oh now you care.

"It was an accident I was delivering this supplies to a grocery store but my truck hit a rough patch of black ice and it flipped on its side...wait my truck has an emergency button it automatically calls first responders and tracks the truck!" He says and jumps back climbing in and I felt a relief hit me when he said that and he comes out and reaches his hand out to me and I sigh and climb up and grab his hand and he sits on the top

"We have to get Will to the other side they will be coming from that direction." He says to me and I clench my fist

As much as I don't want to trust him I really have no choice right now

"I'll get him out, I'm gonna need you to lift up when I get to you. I'm gonna bring the car screw me over and I'll beat the hell out of you." I threat and he gulps and puts his hands up in surrender and I hop down and march back to the car and open Wills door

"Fuck." I mumble worried and I see the icicle melted and there was so much blood

"Under the seat there's another first aid kit." He says holding his head seeming dizzy and  I reach under and pull it out

I clean up as much as I could and wrap it up tightly and tie another ace bandage on the top of his thigh  to cut off blood flow to the wound to stop more blood from coming out

"Will, your Dad is here." I whisper and he looks at me and I swear he got paler

"H-he d-di-didn't h-hurt you d-did he?" He asks and I shake my head

"He's sober and he seems in the right mind right now. He was the trucker in the  road and he clicked an emergency button so help is coming Will. But right now we have to trust him and get you on the other side." I say and he looks reluctant but honestly he has no choice

"O-ok-okay" He mumbles and I nod and get in the front and drive up closer and get out and open the door Wills back was facing and reach under his arms and pull him out and he tries to balance on his good leg but he was dizzy

I lean him up against the truck getting in front of him so he can see me

"I'm gonna have to let him pull you up okay? I'm right here, I'm following right after." I say and he nods slowly

"Nico...I-I know I-I'm confident m-most the time b-but-" I stop him by kissing him

"Its okay to be scared. I'm right here, you don't have to trust him but trust me okay?" I ask him and he nods shivering

I motion Apollo and he leans down and pulls Will up by his arms and I jump up climbing on top and I see flashing lights in the distance and wave my hand and hop down and Apollo lowers Will down carefully

The ambulance pulls up and people hop out with a stretcher and they put Will on it

"Who are you to him?" They ask and I follow them

"His boyfriend." I say and they look at Apollo

"And you?" And he goes to answer but I stop him

"He's the trucker, he helped me get him over" I state and Will reaches grabbing my hand

"Are you injured from the accident?" He asks Apollo and he shakes his head and we all get in the ambulance and they take off

(Time Skip)

I pace around the waiting room while Apollo is sitting holding a ice pack to his arm

"Son, it's best to sit down." He says and I shoot him a glare

"You may have not cared about his well be all these years but I do so shut up." I snap and he sigh

"Niccoló" He says and I snap my head to look at him

"You remember my first name?" I ask and he smiles a bit

"When your Mom was pregnant with you and chose your name, oh my gods you would move so much and she would always scold you while you were still in her belly saying your name a lot." He says and my lips twitch up but I shake my head

"Telling me that doesn't change anything. You busted my lip and you neglected Will" I say and he sits up

"You're right, I did do that...I didn't even notice Will left me and moved out until 2 weeks later...I just drank and drank. I saw you that day and it just came back to me and I lashed out...but seeing Will come at me like that and seeing him hate me...after that day I hit you I went to rehab. I've been sober for a few weeks. I'm still going to AA. They helped me get this new job...when I was completely stable I wanted to reach out to Will and show him that I was better....but honestly I think it won't matter. I hurt him, and I hurt you, someone he loves and cares about." He says and I open my kouth then close it

Dam, I don't even know what to say to that.

"Here for William Solace?" We hear and we look and a doctor was standing there

Him and I both go over to her and she looks at us

"Is Will okay?" I ask urgently

"Mr.Solace is-"


I love you a lot! See you in the next chapter!

Good Bye



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