Found you

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Woah this is almost 3000 words be proud of me also it's 12:00 am I'm gonna hate myself tomorrow


The next day the five of them come pick me up.

"Sup y'all."

"Hey Y/N!" We drove to frank's house and hung out, me and Patrick sitting next to each other and the other four teasing us.

A while later me and Patrick are the only ones up.

"I have an idea."

"Yeah?" I ask.

"To get you and Pete to stop fighting. It's kinda dumb but it's all I got."

"It's be nice to not have to punch someone every time I pick up my brother and sister."

"Ok so...." he tells me his plan, it sounds insane but it just might work

"Why not?" I shrug

"I got it from the thing we're reading in English." He says sheepishly.

"Nerd." I pull him closer and we both fall asleep.

The next morning, we'll more like a few hours later my phone wakes me up.

"Y/N!" The other guys complain

"Idiots!" I mock them and turn off my alarm. "Oh yeah I've gotta be woken up every few hours for the next two days, so that's y'all's job now." I pull Patrick closer to me again and fall asleep. The cycle continues until about 3:00 pm.

"Come on baby, we gotta talk to the guys about the plan." I'm shaken awake.

"Ughh. No. Come back and cuddle with me goddammit." I complain without opening my eyes.

"Awww. Too cute." I hear someone say.

"Shut up!" I open my eyes and see Gerard recording with his phone.

"Awwww. Mornin sleeping beauty." He says, laughing.

"Fuck off." I pull Patrick into a quick kiss and get up.

"I already told them. We didn't- I didn't want to wake you." He corrects himself after glancing at the guys.

"He's a keeper Y/N! He wouldn't let us shove mud in your face to wake you up." Frank says. Not the worst way I've been woken up.

"Now that's true love right there." Gerard pretends to swoon and falls into Ray, who steps back and lets him fall to the floor. "Ow!"

"Let's get going. Already texted pete."

"And I called Billie and his guys. It's all set up." Gerard says.


We get into my car and go to the park, listening to music on the way there. Patrick isn't really into it so he has some earbuds in.

"Here." I pull one of them out and he nods.

"Let's do this!"

Patrick goes first and sits on a bench, Mikey goes near the entrance to the park and hides, Gerard gets into Billie and his friends car, and frank and ray wait in the car.

Mikes: he's here!

Idiot emo boy: sending guys

Me: heading out

Mikes: my dates in like half an hour, tell me how this goes

I get out of the car, which is on the other side and walk to where Patrick is. I hear yelling.

"Heard you're dating him huh?" Billie says.


"Well we don't appreciate private school preps like you hanging around our people."

"Hey! Let go of me!"

My phone goes off again.

Bastard: ok Y/N go

I walk faster. "Let go of him dude!"

"Y/N?" Hes a pretty good actor I'll give him that.

"Yeah. Let go of him." I walk closer.

"No. You know how it is. We don't associate with his type. Let alone date them." He pushes Patrick to the ground.

"Well then I guess I'm my own type. And so is he. So why don't you leave?" The three start a "fight" with me with I end up "winning".

"Y/N?" I'm helping Patrick up.

"What'd you want wentz?"

"I-uhh... is Patrick okay?" I pretend to scan him for injuries and nod my head. The three left so now it's just me Patrick and Pete.

"See! I told you! He does care about me!" Patrick says to Pete. I made sure one of them actually punched me just to add effect.

"Well- look at him! I know him Patrick. Hes gonna hurt you or get you hurt. He just did." You know what that's a fair point. Patrick might not actually be hurt but the guy at the fight who hurt him more then once. What if that happens again?

"You don't know him like I do pete. He cares about me. He'd never let anything happen to me dude. I love him."

But what if I'm not there. When you're like me and the gang we make a lot of enemies. What if they hurt him?

"Pat you've been my friend for like ever. I don't want to see some random punk guy make you get hurt."

"He's not!" But what if I do? I can't be around him 24/7. He has a life and goes to a different school. He has a future and I'm gonna drag him down. I have nothing going for me

"Patrick." I say quietly.

"Yeah?" He turns to me.

"I think-I think he's right. You have everything going for you. You're gonna be something amazing one day. I'm just gonna drag you down or get you hurt." There's a lump in my throat.

"Y/N. That not- you'd never- you're-"

"Pat. It's can't keep going with us. I love you so much to do that to you." I run to my car. The other three are already there. I jump into the driver's seat and tear out of there. They guys are trying to talk to me but I just go home. They follow me to my room and sit silently, watching me play my bass. It always clears my head and helps me think. They know I'll explain it in a few minutes.

"I broke up with him." I say. The looks of shock on their faces aren't surprising.

"Oh god Y/N. It's gonna be okay." Gerard says.

"I know. It's for the best. At least I still have you guys. Minus one because he's on a freakin date." I shrug.

"Let's go to my place and do some band practice. Bring your bass, we'll wait in the car."

I put it in the gig bag with a tuner and my last few picks. I put the black fabric over my shoulders and go to the car. I put my bass in the trunk carefully and we go to Gerard and Mikey's house. Their parents are almost never home so it's a great place to practice, they even have a thing set up in the garage.

"So let's play!"

We have a great time and when Mikey gets back I still play with them. Kinda unconventional to have two guitarists and two bassists with no drummer but we make it work. By that I mean finding a drummer. People seem to like our sound though, because eventually our band, My Chemical Romance makes it big.

"We did awesome!" I'm tired but still kinda high off adrenaline after our last show.

"Yeah we did!" Mikey high fives me.

"I'm gonna go to that one bar we passed after I take a quick shower, anyone coming?" I ask.

The other four agree and we're there about an hour later.

"Oh my god it's Y/N!" Recognized by a fan. It's happening more and more. I put on a smile.

"Hey dude! How ya doin?" I ask.

"Oh my god I'm a huge fan! You and Mikey inspired me to start playing bass!" She says excitedly. I love it when people do that.

"Hey mikes! Come 'ere a second!" I yell out to him. He comes over. "We got another bass player for our army againts guitarists. They're ruled the music world for too long." The fan giggles and asks for a picture.

We take a selfie and Mikey makes fun of my "ridiculously long arms"

"Let's head back, we gotta get going to our next show anyway. Who are we performing with again?" I ask him as we look for the others.

"Fall out boy. They were in the area." I've heard a few of their songs not enough to really remember anything about them but I'm assuming they're similar to us, don't know any of the members though.


We find the other three and head back to the bus. After I change I fall into bed and am out like a light.

I'm the first one up the next morning so I go out to grab some breakfast, leaving a note for them.

I go to a nearby Waffle House and sit down with my hood up. It's a my chemical romance one, which for some odd reason I've found less people recognize me.

"Welcome to Waffle House, what can I get you?" A cheerful lady asks.

"Just a chocolate waffle." I say. I hear a voice behind me, a few guys talking.

"I'm so excited guys! I'm gonna see him. What if it's awkward?"

"It won't be. You guys loved each other."

They sound similar but I ignore them and go on my phone. I have a fan page for my own band just to see what the bandom's like. Everyone always Wants to know where I get the pictures I post, none of them know I'm in the band. It's honestly kinda funny. Although I've read some fanfic and wow that can get crazy.

A waffle is placed in front of me and I say thank you. I start eating and when I finish I order the guys normal orders to go and pay. Someone slides into the booth across from me. I don't lift my head from the table.

"You goin to the my chemical romance concert tonight?" They ask.

See? No one expects me to wear my own merch. "Yep."

"Who's your favorite member?"

"Y/N and Mikey. Bass is cool."

"I feel ya. Do you know the opening band?"

"Yeah. Set it off and some band called fall out boy."

He's quiet for a second. "Don't listen to fall out boy?"

"Nope." I pop the p.

"Here ya go." The lady puts a bag in front of me.

"Thanks." I stand up.

"Wait- you're Y/N."

"Yeah." I walk out with the food in my hand.

I go back to the bus to find the other guys awake.

"Food!" I hold it up before putting it on the counter.

"Hell yeah!" They dig in and I go get dressed.

I put in a black shirt and some black jeans. We're touring for revenge right now so there's some more stuff coming later.

"Hey guys. Almost time for sound check." I say as I walk out of the bus and to the venue.

"Be right there!" They call.

A tech hands me my bass and I slip the strap over my head and go up on stage. It's already tuned and plugged in so I start you know what they do to guys like us in prison, our first song on the list. A guy with curly hair comes out. And watches.

"Hey, I'm in fall out boy! You're Y/N right? I'm joe" He says when I finish.

"Yeah. What's up dude. No offense but I haven't really heard any of your music. I'll definitely hear it tonight though."

"Well I gotta get going, see you later." He waves.

"Bye." The guys come out a few minutes later and we make sure everything's gonna go smoothly.

It does and before we know it it's time for set it off to go on. They're a pretty good band so I was excited when they agreed to open for us.

Next went fall out boy. By then I had already pulled on a black bulletproof vest and was wearing heavy red eyeshadow. Fall out boy started playing and I look at the stage. The lead singer looks so familiar and he sounds that way too. I can't place him though.

They finish and walk off stage. It gets ready for us and we go out and preform. We do awesome and as we leave the crowds still screaming. I toss my pick into the crowd before I walk off and wink at the person who catches it.

I hand a tech person my bass and go to a dressing room to shower and change. After I change into black ripped jeans and a dark green t shirt.

I get a text from mikey

Mikes: hey I'm heading to this club with set it off and fall out boy, who's joining?

Me: Hell yeah!

Bastard: absolutely

Idiot emo man: I'm gonna sit this one out

Our last brain cell: me too.

Mikey me and frank walk together because the other two bands already left. We bump into a few fans but finally make it to the club.

"We got like a vip room, so the other guys are I. There." Mikey says.


I just hang out in the corner nursing a beer on my phone. While they get all drunk. We have a few off days until the next one so I don't blame them.

"Hey Y/N ." Its that guy from fall out boy.


"You were really awesome tonight." He says.

"You too. Never heard any of your stuff before. I can see why you're popular." I absolutely 100% feel like I know him. "What was your name again?"

"Patrick." He has an unreadable expression. It clicks. I stare in shock for a second.

"I gotta go to the bathroom." I mumble and stumble out. Oh god. I go outside and find the Waffle House I saw before. I go in and order a coffee.

"Rough night?" The lady asks.

"Yeah. Just had a concert then saw my first love, who happened to be in the opening band that I broke up with years ago to protect him." I say in a monotone voice.

"Wow kid. Hold on a second." She walks away and comes back with a cup of hot chocolate. "Always helps me after I go through some stuff. On the house." I want to argue but another customer walk in and she goes to help them. A few days after we broke up I refused to cry over him again. Guess I'm doing it anyway.

"Y/N." Its him. I don't turn around and he sits next to me at the counter. "I need closure. Why'd you leave me?"

"I really never thought I'd ever get anywhere near here. And my life back then was dangerous. Dangerous and dumb. A few weeks after we broke up I get this." I show him my shoulder, which had a scar from a fight where someone brought a knife. "While they guys were trying to stop it from bleeding after all I could think about was what if you were there? The guy could've hurt you. Probably would've."

"I would get into 1000 fights just to be with you."

"And I'd never let that happen."

He slams his fists on the table "You can't just keep trying to protect me Y/N! I'm not You're damsel in distress that you have to save every 5 minutes! I can take care of myself!" Hes mad as hell. I can feel my anger building too. I slam a $20 down on the table and wan out, him behind me.

"That's not the point Patrick! They way I was before was dumb. I fought as much as I could because I was a stupid teen! You were perfect pat! The world's an awful place and you've always been too good for it. You've always been too good for me."

"I don't care if you think I'm too good for you. I'm not. Never had been. You're passionate. You fight for your friends and what you believe in. You're tough but the best person I've ever met. You care about people. Y/N, you're the one who's too good for me."

I hug him. I'm not sure what else to do. "I never got over you Patrick. You're beautiful inside and out. I love you."

"I love you too." We pull apart.

"Wanna head back to the club or we can go to the venue? I gotta clear my stuff out of m dressing room anyway."


We walk back together and a hole I didn't even know I had before has been filled.

We go to my dressing room and I shove everything into a bag. I sit next to Patrick on the couch.


"Hi." I look at him. God I missed him. I lean in and he does the same. It would've been awesome if mikey didn't come barging in.

"Mikey!" I yell, pulling away from him.

"Sorry. Wanted to make sure you two were good. Use protection!" Mikey closes the door again.

"God I hate him." I say and pull Patrick closer. He lays his head on my chest and we both fall asleep. Both our bands take tons of pictures when they find us.

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