5. Aftercare

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βœŽπ“‚ƒEnjoy Reading Guys βœ§Λ–Β°.πŸŽ§πŸ“–



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After all the drama and bickerings, we got some personal peaceful time to spend. Bhai was too stressed about it, but for me that moment was like my brain froze, I was standing like a statue there, Aunty was hugging me all the time, as it was very unexpected, something so sudden that I couldn't digest this fact.

In this evening only I was getting ready as the bride's maid and now I'm married in place of the actual bride.

When Ved sat near me, after closing the door of our room, I couldn't hold myself back, I hugged him very tightly and started sobbing, it's too much now, I never had this plan.

My face hidden in his chest and his chin resting on my head, soothingly patting my back.

"Why Ved, why it's me, I never had this plan yaar, I never wanted to marry, this is - this is too much" I sobbed harder, my words came out broken.

"Sh - Sh, clam down Aisha, calm down" He said.

"Again again, all these reputation, image, social status came between us, Mom again kept me at the stake for all these, why why she can't love me, why me. Are those things much important than my likings, my decisions" I said to him, my heart is breaking by the demeanor of my Mom.

"Ok stop crying Yaar, nhi to fir tujhe headache hoga, acha tell me what exactly happened" He asked me. I narrated the whole incident that took place at evening.

"I'm sorry Aisha for whatever happened to you, without your convince, but now nothing can be changed, you know, I also never wanted to get married, but Dad forced me into this. I never had any dreams regarding this, but one thing I had was, that I'll treat my wife with the uttermost care and affection, if not love, but I'll try to fullfill my every responsibility and always respect her.

We can't change the past but we can change the future for betterment right, just 6 months, just 6 months you stay with me, if you feel like you can spend the rest of your life with me, stay forever. But if not no one will say or force you into anything, have divorce and stay free, like the way you wanted" He said, his words actually comforted me enough. I painfully smiled looking at me, he also smiled.

"Ok I'm glad that you understood me, I'll give it a chance, but Ved aren't you sad that your bride got replaced" I asked him, curiousity laced in my voice.

"No I'm not sad, as I earlier told you, I didn't had any specific feeling towards Arunima, I'll just thought that after marriage I'll comfort her enough, atleast she could share her room with me. But infact it's good right you married me as our bond is good and we always felt comfortable with each other, and atleast it will be easy to tackle you since I'm doing this through a long time" His eyes widened in mischief, he said making me pout, but later I laughed at it.

"Yes, I also have to handle this monkey uff, it's hectic, I want to sleep, I'm tired" I said in a tiresome voice, he squinted his eyes in disbelief.

"But atleast change your outfit, the jewelleries, lehenga seem quite heavy, and eat something before dozing off" He said to me, and I nodded.

"Yaar, I don't have an ounce of energy to stand and do all these, please remove this jewellries and free my bun along with remove the make - up" I demanded him giving him the most innocent look.

"No" He said,

"Please Vedu" I pleaded, showing him my best puppy eyes. Still he refused.

"You'll not do huh, I'll immediately tell bhai" I threatened him.

And guess what - He actually got scared, I innerly smirked.

"Please darling, don't tell this to your hitler brother, he'll immediately slit my throat for refusing his sister's demand, do you wanna get widow on the day of your marriage hein" He pleaded me. I smirked trying resist thr blush creeping on me by his endearment.

Well these endearments and all are common between us, but still I fucking blushed, seems like marriage effect.

"Oho someone blushed, all red red" He teased me, I glared at me.

"Sorry sorry sorry, I'm doing it" He said.

I turned my back towards him, he slowly removed the veil, all the hairpins and flowers, very delicately, then he untangled my hair strands with him fingers by massaging my scalp around, soothing the pain of hairpins and all, then properly braided my hair.

Then he removed all the jewellries, with the uttermost care, making sure they don't hurt me. Then he took all those and kept them on the dressing table. And brought coconut oil and a towel with water. He made me turn towards him, and cleaned my makeup with the coconut oil along with massaging my cheeks. After the removal of makeup he dipped the towel in water and cleaned my face.
After that he said -

"Kapde to khudse change karegi na, ya fir mai hi karu, though I don't have any problem" He said smirking at the end. It would be a lie to say that my cheeks didn't turned into a tomato.

Such a besharm;

"Stop flirting with me, you go to washroom, fresh-up and change, until I'm done" I said.

"Ok" He said. And headed towards the washroom.

"Listen" I called him back, he stopped and turned to look at me. And raised his eyebrow asking what happened.

" What I'll wear, I don't have my clothes here" I said to him.

" Ummm, you wear my t-shirt and pants, I'm bringing it for you " He said, I gave him a thumbs - up, approving it.

He handed me a blue t-shirt with Naruto's print and a black pant from his suit-case and went to washroom.

I changed my clothes into his, honestly his clothes are too big, the t-shirt itself covers my thighs. The pants cover me very much and it's so big that it's not even fitting, applying some desi Jugar, I secured it's elastic with a rubber band, adjusting to my size.

After that I kept my head on the headrest to seek some relaxation. Listening the sound of door creak, I looked towards the desired direction, Oh My God

Such a Unholy View, but it's hot;

Ved came wearing a sweatpant, all shirt-less, his muscles are perking, all freshly bathed, the water droplets caressing his abs, his white skin color shining brightly, such a osm view.

Her view guys 🌚

Suddenly he laughed loud looking at me, all dolled up in his clothes, looking like a hanger.

"Stop it yaar, by the way thr view is sexy Mr Raichand" I said replacing my irritated expression with a smirk.

After that he stopped laughing, and looked at me confused, but he blushed after deciphering the meaning of my words. Blushed creeping on him making his neck and ears red.

"Cute" I muttered smiling, he said to me wearing a t-shirt, also not meeting my gaze. "Ashleel ladki"

It was 2 am at night, since we couldn't order anything right now, I attacked on Ved's junk food collection, and since we both were equally hungry, we enjoyed it with Asish Chanchalani 's video.

After finishing the food, now it's time to doze off

"Ok, you sleep on the bed, I'll adjust on the couch" He said to me.

"Why you'll adjust on the couch, it's not like first time we are sharing a bed" I exclaimed.

"It's not like that, are you comfortable" He asked me.

" Hell yes, when I was uncomfortable with you yaar" I said, clearing my point.

"But now we are married right, the relation changed, that's why" He said, his overthinking, uff!

"So what you are still my best friend, chalo come to the bed" I said.

"Ok but iss bed ki halat sone layak hai nahi" He said eyeing the bed which is loaded with my shattered pieces of bridal attire.

I gave him a cheeky smile and in return he huffed. He carried my heavy lehenga and placed it on the couch, then he again came and held my blouse, duppatta to keep it on the couch.

But suddenly I noticed his ears, neck all turned red looking at a thing, I followed his gaze and deciphered the reason of his shy blush, he's holding my red lacy bra, along with all other stuffs.

Our gazes met, I averted it to avoid embarrassment of this situation. He kept them on the couch and lied on the empty space of the bed that was occupied by my stuffs, facing other side.

I kept my leg on his thigh and hugged him, as I'm used to sleep with my Robin plushy since years, so it's difficult for me sleeping without cuddling him. It's present in my room.

I titled my face up and kissed Ved 's cheek, he suddenly turned towards my side, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Thank you for the aftercare baby" I said giving him a cute look.

"Welcome" He said restraining the blush on the endearment 'baby'.

I hugged him tightly hiding my face in his chest, I felt his body stiffed.

"I can't sleep without cuddling my Robin, since it's not present here please cuddle me" I demanded him.

He placed his hand on my back, hugged me. And muttered "Goodnight" In a husky voice.

"Good night" I also wished him, nudging my nose in his chest.

Soon we both dozed in the embrace of sleep in the peace of each other's arms.

── β‹†β‹…β˜†β‹…β‹† ──

β€’ Word Count - 1660

β€’ Vote Target - 20
β€’ Comment down below, how's the chapter.

Aren't they too cute,
Manifesting a bond as theirs 😩❀
Vedant is such a Pookie right πŸŽ€

Love Y'all are bye ❀

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