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Warning: Some of the content might trigger sensitive viewers. It is slightly vague, and almost all of it are in the movies. But it is there, so feel free to just skip wherever you see this: **

'I owe you,'

'It's okay,'

'If it was the other way around and it was down to me to save your life, and now you be honest with me,' she said acutely, looking deep into Steve's blue eyes. 'Would you trust me to do it?'

She looked away, not being able to be brave enough to hear him.

Steve was sincere when he said the next words.

'I would now,' he replied, slightly nodding. 'And I am always honest.'

She found the courage to look at him. A short, rare smile appeared on her face.

Her stomach was rumbling. Perhaps it was just hunger.

Steve heart was thumping, threatening to burst out of him. He played it off by offering a short smile to cover him up.

'Well,' she said, with a lopsided smile. 'You do seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out they died for nothing.'

'Well,' he responded, shifting backwards on his place. 'Guess I just like to know who I'm fighting.'

Natasha smiled even wider.

There was a silence between the two. Not an awkward, dense, tranquility. A peaceful, warm bliss.

Both if them, basking in their feelings for one another, their gazes, focusing hard on ther other's image.

Natasha bit her lower lip. Steve caught this action and couldn't help but stare at her, his gaze dropping to her lips, his toes curling in need. He was now smiling at her with, love.

Natasha scrutinised his stare. She felt, for the first time, what it felt like to be loved and appreciated, with all she had learned from the Red Room. Even her conscious reminded her.

'Наталья, тебя никто никогда не полюбит. Вы никогда не найдете достаточно наивного человека, чтобы любить вас.' ['No one will ever love you Natalia. You will never find anyone naïve enough to love you.']


'Тот человек? Пожалуйста. Он не заслуживает такого грязного монстра, как ты. Вы чудовище. Тебе не должно быть даже в живых. Клинт должен был убить тебя.' [ 'That man? Please. He doesn't deserve a filthy monster like you. You are a monster. You shouldn't even be alive. Clint should have killed you.']

Steve is too good for you.

He shouldn't be with a person who's this tainted.


He probably wants a family. What can you do?

Thank god for that "Ceremony". No more of you will ever be in this world. And certainly not of Rogers.

Poor Steve. It had to be you?

Broken. Pathetic. Evil. Unloved.



'You're . . . crying,'

Natasha reached her left hand to her face, where a tear was leaking. Steve brushed his fingers against her hand and cupped her jaw.

'You aren't what they had forced you to be,' he said tenderly. 'I see a beautiful, kind woman, who has now defeated her demons, and is currently sitting in front of me, and whom I trust with my whole life.' His hand traced her jaw, neck, collarbone and rested on her shoulder, stroking it .

Natasha was overwhelmed. This man, this, to quote Aaron, specimen, was telling her she wasn't a monster.

The rumbling in her stomach intensified. Maybe it wasn't hunger. Maybe.

Something no one even at SHIELD had ever told her, let alone the Red Room. 

She wanted tell him her heart, but her stomach got there first. 

'Where the hell is my food?' She yelled out. 'It's been 10 minutes. I'm hungry.'

Steve looked behind, seeing an intimidated Sam Wilson, running to the open door.

'Breakfast's ready.' he said, leaning on the doorframe. 'Unless you wanted to eat my head off.'

She groaned in irritation, and exited the room with Steve following behind her, smelling her hair, his eyes fluttering open and close.

Steve heard a muffled noise on his left.

'I wouldn't do that, man,' Sam said, shaking his head, unable to keep a straight face. 'She will finish you Mortal Kombat style.'

Steve gave him a dirty look and walked past him.

》》 At the Cemetery 》》

'You should be honoured,' Natasha joked, approaching Steve. 'That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you.'

Steve smiled but was unfortunately caught by Sam, shooting him a smug smile. Steve gave him a disapproving look and walked towards Natasha.

'Not staying here?'
'Not going with him?'

'I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out new one.' she said, smiling rather ruefully.

'That might take a while,' he said.
'I'm counting on it,' she said, smiling.

Natasha cleared her throat, and showed him the file in her hand.

'That thing you asked for,' she handed him the file. 'I called in a couple favours from Kiev.'

He nodded in understanding, studying the file from the outside.

'Hey will you do me a favour? Call that nurse,'
'She's not a nurse,'
'And you're not a SHEILD agent.'
'What's her name again?'
'Sharon,' with a hint of distaste. 'She's nice.'

Everything around them stopped. All that mattered was that the person who was standing in front of them.

Natasha broke away first, leaning towards Steve. He bent forward, anticipating a kiss, but instead got one on the cheek.

Natasha broke away, turning her head back and walking away. Steve felt a part of himself go with her.

'Be careful Steve,' she called out, turning back. 'You might not want to pull on that thread.'

He looked impassive. She understood by his features that he wouldn't stop.

She walked away, taking a bigger part of Steve with her.

'Why didn't say something man? She would have stopped.' Sam said.
'I trust her with my life. She will come back,' he said, staring at her retreating figure.

'Please tell me you won't call that nurse, or whatever the hell she is,' Sam whined. 'Because I will murder your ass if you do.'
'No,' Steve said, shaking his head in amusement. 'No I won't. But I will need your help with two things.'

'I know about your pal, but what is the other one? Is it your taste in clothes?'
'It does involve clothes, yes, and help me with Natasha.'

'Yes! I'm forever at your service,' he said mockingly bowing at Steve.

Steve just snickered, shook his head, looking down at the file, thinking one thing.

'You'll like her, Buck. She's strong, beautiful, kind, smart. Peggy would love her. If only I had you, Buck. And Natasha.' 

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