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ok this ones another request that i liked so lmk if u have any other ideas (i kinda flipped this one a bit so hope u enjoy darkness666 lmfao) also lowkey tw if u don't like grabbing but it's not that bad

You had been going to school all your life in the small town you lived in. Everyone knew you, you played bass in a band with your friends so it was normal for people to judge you. You had never really been bullied though, not until high school at least. Junior year rolled around when a kid you had never even knew about began to really pick on you.

First he would show up to shows and simply mock and make fun of you, not your band just you, yet he would buy your merch. Then he began to make fun of you at parties saying your drink was gross or lame or saying you're never going to succeed in the music world like him.

This boy caused you stress you hated seeing him in the hallways since he would shout your name and laugh and you always felt like you were being judged by him. His name was Rodrick. The worlds biggest asshole and he just so happens to play in a band too.

You were beginning to walk to class when you all of a sudden heard your name being shouted. You sighed and ignored it but it became louder and louder
"y/n ,Y/N y/N" rodrick said tauntingly

"what do you want now bitch" you said annoyed

"i just wanted to tell you , you look like shit" he said as he walked away laughing

You stood there pissed off and annoyed but you were so used to it now. You finished walking to class and decided to post a video of you and the band on your instagram story. And to your dismay the first person to swipe up was rodrick.

"what a lovely soundtrack it almost sounds like my toilet flushing although that's a bit better" he said

you typed back "oh look my number one fan, thank you hope your enjoying your merch"
You were honestly surprised he even followed you on instagram but whatever.

Your friend came up to you at lunch and said "hey there's a party tonight u better pull up"
"i will i will" you said

at the party :

You walk into the party with your friend and begin to look around , you see skaters, burnouts and a ton of stoners and to your luck, rodrick.

"shit y/fn, it's rodrick dude i literally can't stand him"
"y/n it's fineeee he literally is a dick to everyone but he's a nice one like he doesn't actually mean it i mean why do u think he buys all your cds and merch huh?" she said back
You began to wonder but your thoughts were interrupted by him
"supp cocksuckers!" rodrick said
"what's up dickhead" you said back in the most monotone voice ever
"so you came here to party or you jus gonna continue to drink that come on let's get something to drink" he said grabbing you
"don't fucking touch me" you said in a stern voice

"damn chill but i'm sorry" he said letting go and walking away

You looked at your friend with a disgusted face and began to walk towards the drink table.
Some guy approached you and began making conversation. You could tell he was drunk and and was complementing you so you just kept saying thank you and being polite.
"hey baby wanna come up stairs with me" he said
"no i'm ok i'm just gonna stay here with my friend" you said back
You saw rodrick coming and began to walk away but this boy thought u were leaving him so he grabbed you sternly
"what the fuck ouch you're hurting me!" you said trying to get out

Rodrick began running toward you and said to the guy "let her go dont fucking touch her"

"or what eyeliner" he said still holding you

Rodrick punched him in the face several times and took you away from him.

"Rodrick why did you do that" you said confused

"Because you were going to get hurt by him" he said rubbing his hand.
"why for ME though, you hate me" you said looking down
"y/n i don't hate you , it's quite the opposite, why do you think i come to all your shows , pay extra at the door, buy all your band related things huh?" he said making you look up
"i don't know i just figured you liked someone in the band"
"of course i like someone in the band... YOU!" he said
"listen i'm sorry i was such a dick i guess i just didn't know how to talk to you without acting like a fifth grader and i couldn't stand to see that guy treat you like that even though i treat you that way. and i'm so sorry y/n for making your life miserable i didn't mean to and i know you hate me" he said sadly

"Rodrick i don't hate you, and i forgive you i never really took it to heart anyways it just made me self conscious haha"
"i'm so sorry and i should've never said those things because you're the most beautiful girl in the world and i should've told you otherwise" he said still rubbing his hand.
You took his hand and gently rubbed it giving him a slight smile and him giving u a slight smile.

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