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You sat in the hospital next to Gai Sensei, every part of you tense. Reaching up to your face, you brushed your fingertips against the bandage that wrapped around your eyes. Your surgery had gone perfectly. All you needed to do now was wait.

Lady Tsunade had taken Lee in for the surgery to his spine. She'd said that his chances to survive it were more than fifty percent. But...

Fear still moved through your veins, had frozen your bones, and curled up to sleep in your stomach. You jumped when Gai put a hand on your shoulder.

He gently picked you up and put you in his lap, holding you close. You buried your face in his chest. "Don't worry, (Y/N). Lee's a strong boy, he'll be alright. He has to..."

You both broke down, crying against each other, unable to do anything else to give substance to the fear you both felt for the boy that meant everything.


You woke up slowly, lifting your head from Gai's shoulder. He was carrying you like a father carried his tired toddler, one arm under your butt, one around your torso, holding you up so your head could rest on his shoulder.

He shifted his grip with you as you sat up as best you could. "Gai Sensei? Aren't I a little too *yawn* old to be carried like this?"

"Of course not." He rubbed the top of your head. "You're my little girl after all."

"Sensei..." You started to cry again, which made Gai cry, which made Tsunade feel awkward.

"Yes, well..." Tsunade tried to get the attention of the two of you. You two just kept crying, foreheads touching. "Excuse me." Gai kissed your forehead and hugged you. "Gai. (Y/N)." You hugged him back.


You both looked toward Tsunade, although it didn't really help in your case, because, you know... You can't see.

Tsunade sighed. "I swear Gai, if you keep acting like you do, people are going to start talking."

"They already talk, though." You tipped your head. "As a matter of fact, you just talked right then."

"That's not what I... Just don't do it in public, alright Gai? They'll think you're a pedophile."

"What's a pedophile?"

Gai rubbed your back. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. So, Tsunade? How is he?"

Tsunade sighed again. "That's what I've been trying to tell you. The surgery went well. He'll make a full recovery, he just needs rest."

You cried again, your already wet bandage getting wetter. "I think this needs to be changed..." You touched the bandage, still crying. He was okay. You were going to see him.

His face was the first thing you'd ever have a memory of seeing. You smiled, finally letting yourself relax. It was all going to be okay after all.

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