Chapter Five

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Chapter five

After dinner yesterday, Rob and Kendal followed us home on their own car, they spend a few more hours in the house, Rob with my mom, as I told Kendal about the swimming pool and that I wanted to go for a swim, she didn’t bring any suit and so I borrowed her mine.


“so, what do you think about my brother?” she said once we got into the water, it was cold, I was scared to go in a first, so we just dipped out feet in first, when we got used to it, we went full on in, my body soon adjusted to the cold.

“I think he is sweet and th-“

“you like him don’t you?” she cut me with a question and I don’t know if I should lie or not.

“I, Kendal I don’t-“

“yes you do, I saw you two, once I notice him staring at you, I look at you, you looked at him in the same way, it was romantic, you know the kind of things you only see in movies? I’ve heard of love at first sight, never seen it before until now, never thought it was real”

“Kendal, he is sweet but I am not the right now of him, yes I maybe lady like but not always, I like to burp loud and you know I just don’t want to have to control, I’ve watch your movies, Kendal, I think I know what kind of guy your brother is and no thank you”

“he likes you, he really does, his ex hurt him, you know what right?” I nodded “yes that was years ago and he is over it I guess, but when he looks at you, it was something he never look at her before”

“Kendal, you don’t get it, you’re a teenager yes, I am not sure if you’ve fallen in love before but once you taste what real hurt is, you heart closes”

“when you left earlier, I think, ergh my brother slacking off again with girls, but when he woke up and notices you were gone, he freaked and went crazy, I was confuse at first but he told me, he told me he was in love and he doesn’t even know your name”

“Kendal, I-“

“he was thinking of ways to find you, he didn’t have your number, know your name, was didn’t understand why you left, he said that he told you he’d take care of you, he was even crying so, if that isn’t love than, I think you’re just cruel”

“my name is Theodora, and I was a virgin a few hours ago, I felt because” I sighed “because I was falling for him, I woke up in a room, and pictures of what happen came back, he was a guy I just meet and suddenly we were having sex, I thought he would be gone I didn’t check the bed I just knew he would be gone, but when saw how late it was, it was suppose to meet my mom, actually so when I know how late it was, I tried to get up to get dress and get the day over with but somehow it ended up different, I tried to get up to get ready but a hand over my waist held me in place, I turned to see your brother, I was shock to see him, Kendal, I thought he would be long gone by now”

“but he wasn’t”

“yes, he wasn’t, I wanted to wake him, to let him I was leaving but he was sleeping soundly, I was going to leave my number and name but realize, how stupid would I be, I was virgin, he would think I was clingy but I’m not so I, I left”

“so you do have feelings for him?” I nodded a little embarrassed

“then go out on a date with me, Theodora” I heard his voice, I turned he was there squatting on the end, I swam over to him, and so did Kendal with a smirk on her face, she knew he was there, the little devil.

He helped me out and once I was out I almost fall back in if he didn’t catch me, our body was so close, his clothes where getting wet. “will you go out with me tomorrow?” he said staring at my eyes and I was going the same.

He nodded his own head and I did the same, it was like he was controlling me, he lean so he could whisper “say yes, Theodora”

I smirked “yes, Rob, I’ll go out with you tomorrow”


The ray of light from the window still hit my face, making it hard to open my eyes, especially, when you newly awoken, I laid in bed, still too lazy to get ready, he would be here at one, not sure where we were going but I hope Kendal would be there to save me when I need saving.

I heard a knock on the door and my mom’s head popped in “honey, it’s already twelve and I have to run now, Rob as permission if he could take you out later at one, I have a feeling you said yes so yeah it’s twelve, you have an hour, remember to lock everything, love you”

“love you too, thanks” I waited for my mom to leave before I got up from the bed to get a shower.


I got out of the bathroom, thirty minutes later, my hair blower, got my eyeliners on, mascara, not that much, I only use mascara and eye liner, no powder or what so ever. Got dress in fifteen minutes, I didn’t feel like dressing up so I just got a black leggings and a cute singlet, my instinct telling me it’s going to be hot day, so I grab my bag, locked up and went down to the pool without a jacket.

I watch as people walked their dogs, some children swimming while others were going to school, I wanted to bring one of my books with me but my bag was small, I would just be complaining to myself later on about how I shouldn’t have bring it.

So I took out my phone, which was fully charged and I went on wattpad. I was excited for the date but I didn’t want to show it but it was hard, I kept looking at my phone for the time, it was 12.59 “ergh one more minute, damn it, one minute is long” I said to myself.

And then the realization hit me, yeah it’s one more minute, doesn’t been we would be here  spark, or maybe is already here and he is up, knocking, stupid, I didn’t tell him I would be waiting at the pool.

“hye” I heard a whisper behind me, turned to see him, there smiling at me “hye” I said back smirking, he let out his hand for me to take and I did and we walked to getting, him leading me back to his car. “I hope you don’t mind, Kendal is with us, can’t leave her alone”

“yeah, it’s alright, I might need saving from her, from time to time”

He stop walking and I did the same too but I didn’t see his car anywhere, he turned me to face him, he stare at me and I did the same, “tempting not to kiss you” I said in my head but he smirk, wait, did I said it in my head?

He close the gap between us when he lips were on mine, I refused to react but ended up giving in, I even moaned, and felt him having a boner, making me push him away, blushing. “you’re so beautiful, it’s hard to keep my hands of you”

“come on, Rob, let’s go, Kendal is waiting” he nodded and wrap his arm over my waist, I didn’t stop him either. I like it, being close to him, I wanted to pull away, I don’t want him to think that I am head over heels, not yet.

Kendal sat at the front with the driver, me and Rob at the back seat, I wanted to lean my head on his should and let him hold me but instead I move to the edge and look out the window “Where are we going?”

“enchanted kingdom” Kendal answer.

“I’ve always wanted to go there, but my mom is always busy and she doesn’t like me going alone” I said, Rob grab my hands with his.


“oh my god, it’s beautiful here, I can’t believe it I am finally here, can we ride on everything?” I said so hyper once we got out of the car, Rob grad my hand but I let it go, and took it back soon later when he frowned, I look it and put it over my should. “I’m should” I told him moving my body close to him. I could hear him smirking.

He rub his hand over my arm to kept me warm as we walked to the entrance. i turned to face him, and he did the same out lips almost touching and I wanted it to, I lend closer crushing my lips on his then pulled back to whisper in his ears “thanks for bring me here”

“you’re welcome” he whispered back making me shiver at his voice.

I pulled on the ferries wheel first, Kendal partner up with a little kid, whose parents where both scared of heights, it moved slowly, which was romantic giving us time “when are you leave?” he asked.

I counted up the days, we were only staying for a week, it’s been four days meaning I’ll be leaving in three “three days, you?”

“same, we’re leaving for Borneo Island, to Brunei, my sister wanted to explore the whole of Asia”

“well, I’m guessing that we will be on the same flight, I’m leaving for Brunei too, I’m a Bruneian, Rob”

“oh, I see, business class or coach?”

“obviously not business, my mom and I, my family, yes we got the money, but we don’t show it off, why take business when it’s just an hour and a half ride back home”

“well, I’m moving you to business class, give me your ticket number and I’ll call up”

“Rob, no, it’s not going to be like that, yes I am here with you on a date, what makes you think it’s going to work? We both live in different times, Rob, if you’re in the business class than be there, because nowhere in hell am I moving” he nodded and gave me a peck on my cheeks, but I just pushed him away and took the other side.

Thanks rob, thanks you very much for ruining this damn date that was going perfectly, with your money and gold and dime, stupid stupid!.

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