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"OKAY! Wait no, I don't get this at all."

You and Naruto looked at Shikamaru confused, who sighed in exhaustion. "It's simple. Tsunade told us to go on a mission to give this sacred and top secret scrolls to the Kazekage."

"But why us?" Naruto asked, pouting. "Don't they have birds or something?"

You looked aside and rolled your eyes, "Ya know, I actually want to see Gaara. I haven't seen him in a while, and last time I did he was dead!" You screeched.

Shikamaru's eyes widened, "oh right! He was dead dead!" Naruto said, emphasizing the last part.

Shikamaru sighed deeply, "I don't think I'll be able to handle both of you guys for two days straight." He claimed, handing you the scrolls, "This is going to be such a drag."


"Oh and she told me that he didn't like me at all." You said, yanking your hair. "Like what did I even do to him?!"

Naruto and Shikamaru listened as you ranted about the fact that Temari told you that Gaara hated you at first. The two of you waited for another Shinobi to arrive. Naruto shrugged before saying,

"Well I don't know and I don't care, dattebayo! I told you no boyfriends until you're 25."

Shikamaru shot Naruto a glare, "She doesn't have to follow what you say, Naruto." He stated, turning around to look at you. "What if [Name] wants a boyfriend before that?"

Naruto almost fainted.


Before Naruto could even faint, suddenly a boy entered the room, instantly causing a commotion.

"Did I hear boyfriend?! Is my red headed beauty finally ready to accept me with open arms?!"

Lee stormed in, almost breaking the door and running towards you.

You were about to hit him with your pan before Shikamaru and Naruto basically formed a human shield around you, making Lee plop to the ground.

"It's not the time to play silly games." Shino said as he followed behind Lee.

"My love for [Name] is not a game!"


Alas, the group of five were ordered by Lady Tsunade to proceed with the A-rank mission to travel another village to hand out special and sacred scrolls.

"[Name]! My lovely strawberry!" Lee whined, "let me carry your bag for you! It must be heavy!"

Your eye twitched at his weird nickname for you, which made Naruto burst out laughing. "Strawberry? That's better than To-ma-to, believe it!" He said, dragging your most hated nickname.

Shino looked at you as your hair started to form little tails. "Are you mad, [Name]-Chan?" He asked, noticing your hair.

You turned around and smiled, "Nope! Not mad at all." You said, giving him a thumbs up. "Wait that reminds me, Shino. This is my first time hearing you speak a full sentence to me!"

Shino gave you a deadpan look, "seriously?" He said.

Nodding, "Yup! You never talked to me more than 5 seconds!"


The journey to the Hidden Sand was quite the long one, mostly because you feel like you're about to be fried alive.

"I feel like I'm a sponge." You whined, panting as your backpack began to feel heavy. Naruto chugged on his water bottle, "I hate this. Shikamaru can we just go to a nearby hotel?!"

Shino and Lee were fanning you with the scrolls, "Are you okay [Name]-Chan?! Hold up I'll fan you faster!" Lee said, instantly speeding up and fanning you.

"Lee! Those are sacred scrolls! Give me them back!" Shikamaru ordered, yanking the scrolls from both Shino and Lee.

"Shikamaru please! Don't do this me! I'm your only friend!" You bribed him on, wailing your arms.

Shikamaru blushed, "W-what?! I have other friends too!" He said, but was mostly turning red about the fact that he's never heard you whine before.

"This is going to a long three days." Shikamaru thought to himself, observing all his comrades seeing how deprived they were. "Okay fine! We will find the nearest hideout. But we aren't far from entering the Hidden Sand, okay?"

"Yes sir!" Lee and Naruto yelled.

You quickly went up to Shikamaru and hugged him, "Thank you! I knew my charms would work on you, ya know?!" You said, hugging him tighter.

Naruto jaw dropped, "[NAME]! Get off him now BELIEVE IT!"

Lee and Shino got on top of Naruto to stop him from starting a fight with poor Shikamaru,  "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!"



I'll have the next chapter up by morning 😭🕺🏻 I DIDNT WANNA KEEP YALL WAITING I FEEL SO BAD FOR NOT UPDATING



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