Whole and Home

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"What was that?"

Dolores understands the surprise in Camilo's voice. One moment they're all gathered, worried that Gitana is about to die from a strange and sudden fever and then they're watching the past. On instinct she turns to Abuela but Abuela doesn't have all the answers to the magic and she doesn't pretend to anymore.

"The magic brought her here." Papa spoke up, and Abuela seems like she wants to refute that. Before she can, Mariano notices something's missing. Or rather someone.

"Gitana? Gitana?" He called. Dolores notices he makes sure to pull away a little bit before he calls for her and she's thankful.

"I'll find her." She promises her novio, when Mirabel went missing she couldn't use her superhearing to find her. Now she can and she will to find Mariano's little sister and Mirabel's friend.

"I'll help to." Bruno said a little too quickly.

Dolores can tell her abuela wants to insist that not everyone needs to look now that Dolores had her gift back, as she could hear where she was, but she keeps her mouth shut.

"Come here, we'll wait for her to return..." She said instead as she motioned for Senora Guzman to follow her.

"Do you think she actually will?" The fear in Senora Guzman's voice is barely noticeable for someone that wasn't Dolores, but she knows that the woman is afraid that Gitana would run. She gets it because their family is still so afraid Mirabel or Bruno would run again and this time not come back.

She knows Tia Julieta thinks so too as she speaks only to reassure her.

Dolores turns to Mariano. "I'll come with you..."

"Comfort your mother, I'll be back with Gitana in no time at all." Dolores reassures him, because she could see he was torn. between his duty and love for his mother as her son and for Gitana as her hermano.

Finally he nods. "Not that you need a hint but um...she's usually at the river."

Dolores nods, but neither she nor her tio head towards the river.


Gitana hadn't gone to the river.

Or she had but the moment she put one foot in the mud, she drew back. The river had always been a source of comfort for her, a place where she felt closest to being whole. Now...

Gitana also knows that if she is at the river it won't take anyone any time to find her, she's always gone there. But she doesn't want to be found by anyone, and she doesn't want to run away. She just wants to be alone for a little bit.

Just for a tiny bit.

Which is how she finds herself in the temporary housing that the Madrigals used to use. Now no one is in here and doesn't have any reason to be here.

Gitana can't decide if she would have preferred to not know about all that. If she would have rather gone through her life not knowing why she was put in a basket and sent down the river. If it was left open for interpretation on whether or not her parents put her in the basket because they didn't want her, or they couldn't keep her. Now she knows that she was put in the basket to save her life, and she was sent away with just enough time so ensure that, as her madre died in anguish, her blood probably staining the riverside.

Tears fill her eyes and she hiccups, sinking to the ground and pulling her legs to her chest.

"I don't want to talk to you right now Mariano..." She said without looking up at the sound of footsteps.

"It's ah, it's actually me, not Mariano."

Senor Madrigal?!

She jerks her head up in surprise and yes, it's Bruno...and Dolores. Normally she wouldn't have cared but now, with knowledge that she was found by the both of them and both of them wanted her...well she doesn't feel like she can be rude to them, so she scoots a little bit closer to the wall to make room for them to join her.

"Is it comforting here?" Dolores asked.

Gitana shook her head. "Just couldn't go to the river...why am I crying for someone I never even knew?" She choked out as she sobbed.

A hand strokes her hair, Dolores, but Bruno speaks first. "I cry for my father and I never even knew him except for one day." He admitted.

Gitana knows the story of how the miracle originally came, everyone in town does, but for some reason she never thought about it. "I..."

"It's normal..."

"It doesn't mean you don't love your family you have now." Dolores spoke up, hand still in her hair.

"It's...It's not fair! She prayed that we'd meet again! She prayed!!!!" Gitana wants to scream but Dolores is too close for her to feel okay doing it. She even feels bad when she's loud at her own house.

Neither of the Madrigals say anything outside of comforting words. Then... "You wanted me?" They aren't sure which one she asked.

Bruno reacts first in his typical awkward way. "Well, yeah, I saw you in the vision, I felt responsible and yeah...it doesn't matter, no one would have let me anyway, bad luck Bruno and all that."

"I guess that explains why Pepa called me Sobrina." Dolores hadn't known that. "Senora Madrigal wouldn't have let me in because she was afraid. You all saw that." Gitana speaks to reassure Bruno, which is ironic considering that they came her to reassure her.

"I think it was both." Dolores spoke up quietly. "We know that most people were afraid of your visions..." She tried to soothe him but her words were true and just like the future sometimes the truth hurt no matter how you said it. "And given the fact that Abuela wouldn't let them name you anything other than a stark reminder of where you came from, I don't think she would have liked it..."

"I'm glad Mama raised me." Gitana said. "I just kind of wish I had known you two were the ones to find me."

"We would have told you if you had bothered to talk to us." Dolores said.'

"I didn't want to hurt the mirac..."

"How could you have hurt the miracle when it's the one who brought you here?"

Gitana smiled a tiny bit at the pair as Dolores helped her up. "What I don't get, is why now? Fifteen years I've wondered, and now..."

"It's a miracle, it doesn't come with an explanation..." Bruno tried to joke, but Dolores' eyes widened.

"I know. Come on, lets get you back to your familia. Hm!"


"Gitana! Your...surprisingly clean for going to the river." Mama said, taken aback briefly before hugging her. "You give me more grey hairs than your hermano."

Dolores opened her mouth but Gitana slightly shook her head.

"I just needed to clear my head..."

"So was anyone gonna tell me that she came here through the magical mountains on the river or was I just supposed to learn that on my own?" Camilo spoke up, smiling when he made Gitana laugh. He liked to make people laugh when they were upset.

"We didn't know how she got here..." Julietta spoke.

"She came here because of the miracle and I guess the miracle needed both of it's keepers to show that." Dolores said slowly.

Mirabel and Abuela looked at each other and chuckled somewhat sheepishly.

"The miracle was in existence to protect us from outside dangers. Your mother wanted to protect you from the outside dangers, not even herself, her prayer was for you. And the miracle listened." Abuela said firmly.

Gitana still felt awful that her birth mother had to die for her to come here, and there was no chance of her meeting her mother, but standing sandwiched in between her Mama and her hermano, with her future cunada and her best friend looking at her with bright and eager expressions, she mostly felt loved.

She was home

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