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"how olds your mum now Etta?" Callie asked as the pair sat at the dinner table.

"34" The girl replied as she looked around the hall, spotting Elijah sat with his friends. She let her eyes linger before looking back to her friends.

"i think i love your Mum" Niamh smirked causing the girl to roll her eyes.

"leave her alone"

"she's young"

The girls all laughed at the conversation. The group loved being at Etta's house just so they could see her Mum, the woman being overly friendly and always providing the best drinks and snacks. Especially as Aisling's Mum was an ingredients one, meaning she were they were at the girls houses they often had to snack on chocolate chips without being caught or sneak snacks in.

"Are you technically a Nepotism child?" Callie asked sipping apple juice from her juice box. Etta stared at her in confusion, whilst Callie stared expecting.

"what's a nepotism child?"

"it's the child of a celebrity, who gets famous due to their parents fame" Callie explained, looking at the girl "although your not famous yet"

"do you know Elijah Hewson?" Niamh asked causing the girl to nod suspiciously. "his sister is a nepo child as she got famous on half of her Dad being famous, so Elijah probably will too when he starts his band"

"he's starting a band?" Rosetta asked titling her head, but at the same time Aisling asked "who's his dad"

"Bono from U2" Called told them "but Rosetta for all you know your Dad could be fucking Alex Turner! your mum dated him!"

"that would be weird, he would have been 16 and they also didn't know each other then and i don't even know if they date as i was like 4" Rosetta told them.

"shame, imagine if your Dad was THE Alex Turner! i'd be in love with both your parents" Niamh chuckled as she put her hand on her chin dazing off into nowhere.

"my mum is not on the same level as Elijah's Dad, she's just a measly Fashion designer"

Callie looked at the girl before turning away, Etta looked back to the table where the Elijah boy sat, glancing at him as he laughed with his friends, his eyes lifted from his friends connecting with the girls causing him to furrow his eyebrows. Her head snapped back towards Callie who was just peacefully drawing in her notebook, unaware of the girls stress.


Final year

Rosetta hated having feelings, mostly due to the fact she had never spoken to the boy she was head over heels.

She was reminded daily of how weird it was to like someone she had never spoken to him.

She had.

They had to work in a group science project once. It was Etta, Elijah. His friend Ryan and a girl called Lola.

He asked her to pass the pipette which she did with a slight blush on her cheeks and he then referred to her as Rosie making the girls eyes widen.

It was spoken about for weeks, mostly as the girl was shocked her referred to her as Rosie, when she goes by Etta to literally everyone.

Apart from that they had never spoken.

It wasn't fun for Rosetta. Being in her final year of school before she would finish and pursue whatever she decided.

It was most likely she would never see the boy again, for someone reason it upset her.

But life moved on, you never know the next time they might see each other they could be 21.


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