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2 guards one day entered this prison, this hell that I'm stuck in. They dragged me to the kings throne room. "YN, the... scythe? Hero?"
"The hell do you want?!" I say with wide eyes of pure hatred as the guards put a spear to my neck.
"Calm down young child. I shall set you free now."
"So I can kill you later?" I ask realizing that I turned into a blood thirsty killing machine. The king then went on to explain the crisis of this world and how 3 waves have already passed, and also how I should kill the shield hero if given the chance. He sets me off with a rough 150 silver coins. After walking around town I see a familiar face, its Naufumi! I ran over to him, and he seemed to have a big bird, and a roughly 16 year old demi-human with him. When I arrived I didnt even bother to say hi, I went and just hugged him as tight as possible. He almost lost balance and said "Whoa there, who are you? And get off me w--- YN?"
"Naufumi... the king h-he.."
"What did that bastard do this time?!"
"Huh?" I looked at him confused as he explained his issues with the king to me. After he finished I vented all about the guards the horrid monsters how weak I was and so on. After a while a blue haired girl came out of the carriage he had. She looked, beautiful with glistening blue hair and reddish cheeks followed by her bright eyes. She was, equivalent of an angel. "Did my father rea--"

"Your... what?!" I yell walking up to her menacingly ready to kill her and her family, "You mind saying that one more time?" Naufumi then pulled me back and roped me up to his carriage. The girl was at the verge of tears. I calm down a bit and introduce myself to everyone, except for the blue haired one. "H-hi I'm Melty Melromarc, the 2nd princess" she muttered, even though shes royal her voice was like an entire crowd of Angels singing. I properly introduce myself and apologize after Naufumi untied me. "Hey YN what do you say you join our party?"
"Sure... as long as I can get away from royals" Melty pouted and looked away from me. "Got a problem?"
"No, not at all."
I pull my hood over my head and get in the back of the carriage. Filo turned back into a bird or rather, a filolial. Raphtalia sat at the front of the carriage to look at the road, Naufumi sat down a just behind Raphtalia, and Melty had the nerve to sit next to me, I chose to ignore it. We arrived at a village and stopped there I chose to explore the woods, to see what this world is like, never been anywhere in this world except that hell I was stuck in. A group of wolves decided to surround me, I grabbed my scythe with one hand and put my other hand in my pocket. "Go ahead and try it." I say. Two of the wolves try to pound on me so I ducked as they collided above me. I pound the handle of the scythe into the floor and stand on top of it another one tried to jump at me so I uppercut the wolf and as it spun from the hit and grabbed its tail then jumped off the scythe and smashed the wolf on another one. I then picked up my scythe did a flashy front flip and impaled the wolf from the top. I wipe a sweat drop off my forehead. "W-Wow, AMAZING!" I hear a young girly voice yell. I turn around and see Melty. "The hell do you want?"
"Rude! Right after I complimented you?"
"I never wanted a compliment. You coulda died if those wolves found you!"
"Well I didnt! Plus I have magic to protect myself"
"You're too childish! I'm only 2 years older than you and I act way more mature!" I grab her arm and bring her back to Naufumi. I push her towards Filo and walk off again while Melty pouts like she always does. "She's not bad for a royal..." I whisper while going to kill more monsters.

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