Chapter 12: Forbidden Tomb

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(Nathan and Lara made it to the Jeep.)

Lara: "Here we go. Open the trunk." (Nathan opens the trunk and he was surprised at the fact that there were tons of guns in her trunk.)

Nathan: "Damn, Lara. You did all this while I was away?"

Lara: "Pretty much. I want to make sure that I am prepared."

Nathan: "Nice." (He picks up a pistol and an assault rifle. Lara picks up a shotgun, an AK and her bow and arrows.)

Lara: "We're set."

Nathan: "Now, we just have to wait on Sully."

Sully: "Already here, kids. So, what's going on?"

Nathan: "Lock and load, old man." (He points to the back of the Jeep and Sully went back there.)

Sully: "God damn, kid! You're packed!"

Lara: "I know." (He picks up a pistol and also a shotgun. Elena just stands there.)

Nathan: "Aren't you going to get a weapon?"

Elena: "Don't talk to me." (She grabs a pistol and that was it.)

Nathan: "Stay with me, Lara. I don't want her to think about shooting you in the back." (He held Lara's soft hand and they walked to the entrance to the forbidden tomb.)

Sully: "It looks like it's locked."

Lara: "It is. They chained it shut and there is a lock on it."

Elena: "Maybe they closed it for a reason."

Lara: "What's wrong? Scared?"

Elena: "I'm not scared."

Lara: "Uh huh. I can pick lock it. (She takes out one of her piercings and started picking the lock for about 2 seconds.)

Lara: "And voila. We can go in, but first everybody get a glow stick." (Lara digs in her pouch and takes out 4 glow sticks. She handed to them.)

Nathan: "Just like old times, Lara. Remember?" (Lara remembered the memory of when they were in a cave of the rock dragon.)

**Nathan: "Can't see a thing."

**Lara: "Glow sticks." (In the dark, there was a crackling sound and they shook it to make it glow. The memory ended.)

Lara: "Yeah, I remember it well. Thanks for reminding me."

Nathan: "You're welcome."

Sully: "All right, guys. Let's go in and find this shield." (They started walking on the inside and got cold.)

Sully: "The hell? It got cold all of a sudden." (Lara felt the walls)

Lara: "Guys, it's even colder on the walls, too. Nathan, come feel this wall." (He went over where Lara was and touched the wall.)

Nathan: "She's right. It is cold."

Sully: "I think it means that Ares was much colder than Hades."

Elena: "Because he's killed a lot of Greek soldiers. That means he's close by." (She kept moving while feeling the wall until deeper into the tomb. It became darker and darker everytime they move and stopped in their tracks.)

Elena: "Are you serious? I can't see a thing. Stupid tomb."

Lara: "Elena, calm the hell down."

Elena: "I am calm."

Lara: "Whatever. Glow sticks." (They crackled them and shook the glow sticks. Suddenly, they glowed different colors. Lara has blue, Nathan has red, Sully has green and Elena has yellow.)

Elena: "Much better. Now, let's keep moving." (They kept going until they saw a massive room with gold and different coffins.)

Nathan: "Okay, this is freaking awesome."

Sully: "Tell me about it, kid. I'm about to cry."

Elena: "Um, wow."

Lara: (Gasps) "Incredible. There's a lot of coffins here." (She suddenly saw writings of Greek on the ground and pictures. Lara walks along the rim of the pictures and reads the Greek language.)

Lara: "Welcome to the forbidden tomb of the Greek Gods and Demi gods of Olympus and see their massive coffins of riches and dreams as you enter their lives. Being a living God has its consequences and its opportunities. The book of Greek language is beyond our culture and background and inside lies a secret that no God or demi god can understand. They believe it is a curse above the undead. It has been released a century ago from Hades, the king of the underworld and he has extreme power that the undead is really a common strategy. Hades wanted more power so he went to Ares the god of war and persuaded him to use the undead into something they're not capable of. Immortality." (She turns around and looks at Nathan, Sully and Elena.)

Lara: "Guys, this is the forbidden tomb of Immortality. This is it."

Nathan: "Whoa."

Sully: "That's really bizarre." (He looks at the coffin names.)

Sully: "Zeus, Hermes, Athena, Aphrodite. They're all here. Aren't they supposed to be in Greece?"

Nathan: "They couldn't. Greece was falling apart and plus the ruins weren't stable for the coffins. So the explorers or whoever came to Greece took their coffins and bring them here in Italy and they've been locked away for centuries."

Sully: "Oh. Okay, I get it now." (Lara looks around for the coffin Ares.)

Lara: "Damn it, Ares. Where the hell are you?" (She kept looking until she found it.)

Lara: (Gasps and smiles) "Found you." (She whistles at the crew and they walked over here.)

Lara: "There it is. I found it clear as crystal."

Nathan: "Good job, Lara." (He hugs her.)

Lara: "Thanks." (She looks at the writing on Ares coffin.)

Lara: "Here lies Ares, God of war. Inside, is his shield. Beware of its great power." (She sees a statue of him.)

Lara: "Amazing. Nathan, will you help me open this?"

Nathan: "Of course." (He helped Lara push open the coffin and the body wasn't there at all. Just the shield.)

Lara: "No body, but at least there's the shield."

Nathan: "At least that's good, right?" (Lara showed the shield to Sully and Elena.)

Elena: "Great. Now, can we please get out of here?" (Suddenly, a rumble shook the whole tomb.)

Sully: "Whoa, what the hell?" (Lara puts the shield in her backpack.)

Lara: "That doesn't sound good does it?" (The tomb rumbled some more. Elena heard dripping sounds.)

Elena: "I hear dripping." (Nathan went to go investigate the noise.)

Lara: "Nathan, be careful." (Nathan hears splashing sounds from a room and he looks a whole flood of water is coming towards their direction! Nathan was shocked.)

Elena: "Nathan?"

Nathan: "RUUUUN! GOOO!" (They ran really fast.)

Lara: "Oh crap!" (They went back to the tomb entrance, but it shut by itself.)

Sully: "No!"

Elena: "We're trapped!"

Nathan: "Damn it! Everybody, hold your breath!" (Everyone did and another door way opened from the other side, but it goes down. Nathan's eyes were wide and they tried to swim back but it was too late they sucked in. Are they doomed for life? Will they ever get out?)

(End of Chapter 12: Forbidden Tomb)

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