Treaty Of Deliverance

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Hi hi! Soo this chapter was meant to be a gift for the holidays, but I couldn't finish it in time, sorry about that- Anyway, hope you enjoy it!<3

[Nobody's POV]

The kingdom streets emanated a repelling scent of crimson-stained cobblestone. Burgundy red liquid etched on the walls of the scarcely discernible buildings, along with the essence of battle that seeped into the rugged pathways. With every second that flew by, one could have passed out from the rancid and metallic smell of freshly shed blood, dominating in the atmosphere.

Rapid and alert footsteps echoed through the street as a young gentleman was looking for immediate medical assistance. His face wrenched in sorrow, a feeling of grief shattering his heart like a thundering bullet of a rifle piercing through the window of his soul made of fragile glass. After what felt like an endless path of despair, he managed to finally arrive at the medical facility. A small sigh of relief was heard from him. But he couldn't give up yet. He still had to save them from vanishing for all of eternity and beyond.

He opened the door leading to the building and after not even what felt like a second, he was greeted by an unsettling sound. It was the loud noise of a creak coming from the door. After that, the entire establishment went silent, as if he stepped into a haunted graveyard amidst the rapid descent of dusk. The facility was consumed by nothing but sinister darkness. The ambient luminescence from the outside world was his only source of light. If he would have advanced further inside the building, the macabre blackness would have devoured both him and the injured nation that he held in his arms. The darkness that filled the air was eerie, yet oddly enticing. The young prince inhaled and exhaled deeply while slowly stepping inside, letting his feet release pressure on the porcelain floor. His courageous self made its loud appearance in the atmosphere.

As he kept stepping forward, his footsteps loudly echoed, making his clear presence inside the building. It was strange how such an establishment was that dark and silent in the middle of the day. One could even consider it a mystery that was yet to be uncovered.

The young boy advanced further inside the establishment. His only source of light was getting farther and farther away from him, as if it was running away, trying to look for a gateway from reality. The brilliant luminescence shone brightly like a lamp under the darkened sky. There weren't any sounds that could have been heard, except for his own footsteps. As he kept moving forward, a sinister feeling enveloped his body as his heart pounded vigorously. His crystal eyes were undoubtedly searching the area numerous times, but he couldn't find anything due to the sheer darkness that enwrapped the atmosphere.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" the young boy shouted in a clear and loud tone of voice.

The only response he got was the echo of his voice cluelessly ricocheting amidst the walls before entering his ears, signaling for him to pause before raising his voice in a second desperate attempt.


Not a single response was given to his attempts at breaking the silence, leaving him standing in the unsettling stillness of the ghosted establishment. He desperately looked around while keeping a tight grip on his injured teammate. As minutes flew by and the chances of a response drastically dwindled, he started to slowly transcend from his tranquil self to a state of internal consternation. He knew that he did not have much time left before the nation would have tragically perished right in his arms, a tidal wave of overwhelming thoughts crashing upon the shores of his consciousness. He tried to remain as positive as he could, but the tide waves contradicted each other.

But before Russia's beliefs could affect him even more, a pair of luminous beams cast their presence. Two glowing eyes gracefully fluttered open, piercing through the cloak of the endless void of darkness. The pair's gaze was fixated onto Russia who, without a doubt, was startled to see such an abrupt presence, an odd feeling of something amiss settling within him. He slowly backed away, not being able to recognize the singular entity that kept relentlessly staring into his soul.

A reverbed voice resonated from the direction of the pair of eyes.

"What are you doing here?" asked the unknown creature hiding in the shadows.

Russia flinched powerfully. His instinct was settling in, telling him to flee from the facility, but he couldn't move at all. Something was stopping him. If he fled, that would have meant that he came there all the way for nothing. He arrived for a purpose and one only: to save a life.

His face got tense as he observed the white eyes glowing from less than three meters away from him. He then held the injured nation closer to his chest in a protective manner. He thought that the one hiding in the blackness was a threat, but it wasn't suspiciously moving closer to him. He proceeded to try and communicate with it.

"I... need help..." the young prince replied in a sorrowful voice. "But it's not about me..."

The pair of eyes seemingly moved a few inches closer to Russia as the prince looked down at the wounded country, their skin covered in horrendous wounds that, as far as one could tell, were expanding at an unsteady rate. The creature then laid its glistening eyes upon them, carefully examining their body. The entity's eyes widened, seeing in what dreadful of a state they were in.

"Can anything be done?..." the boy asked in a gloomy tone of voice.

After a few more seconds of attentive examining, the entity came to a dreadful conclusion.

"I cannot assist you at the moment..." it replied. "I'm afraid all medical aid has been temporarily prohibited."

Russia's eyes widened in utter shock. How could medical assistance be forbidden? He glared into the creature's eyes, not being able to process what it said.

"You.. have to be kidding.." the prince shakily muttered under his own breath.

"I'm afraid I'm not. The two principalities from The North and The South are at war and medical assistance is now inactive."

Russia cast a desolate gaze upon the nation cradled in his arms and he tried to desperately hide a stream of bitter tears, his efforts barely sufficient to mask the welling emotion that was about to take control of his body, soul and mind.

"This isn't fair..." he commented before lowering his head and fixing his gaze onto the wounded country again. Enchanting memories flashed right in front of his eyes, triggering a strong emotional response. The young nation in his arms was still in an unstable and unconscious state.

As more images flickered through his mind, mournful tears welled up in his eyes. Pleasant memories of the person who he once cherished echoed through the haunting corridors of his thoughts, serving a tribute. The joyful memories that were engraved in his mind pushed him to the brink of a lingering crisis. He struggled to maintain composure, holding back and locking up his true feelings, hiding them behind a mask of facade. The burden of sorrow made it difficult to do so, turning it into a throbbing task that was hard to successfully fulfill. One could tell by Russia's state that he wouldn't be able to recover from this tragic event, not having the emotional strength to cope with the aching feeling in his soul.

As the young boy was just about to lose the precarious battle between him and the state of insanity trying to take a hold of his feelings, a billow of rising black smoke erupted from the corner of his eye, enveloping the injured nation's body in a thin cloak of mist. Russia's eyes were fully closed. He had to deal with the bittersweet sensation the memories brought upon his state of mind. His emotions were scattered. He felt agony, anger, devastation, all of those feelings piled up into one. They were all playing with his mind, almost as if he was a puppet that his own thoughts controlled.

   When Russia was almost mentally burnt out and was ready to forcefully let go, he made the last decision to open his eyes. They slowly fluttered open, revealing streams of bitter tears flowing from the source. His eyes quickly widened in disbelief. The cloak of mist that covered the nation cradled in his arms penetrated through the cracks of their skin, making them glow in a glistening shade of azure blue. The radiating beams of light glimmered in an even brighter tint, making Russia almost blinded by the rays of luminescence. As he kept staring, the cracks from their skin started to disappear and almost evaporate in the atmosphere. Their skin looked flawless, as if nothing ever happened. As if no tragic event ever took place.

  After a minute flew by, the rays of light were slowly fading away from existence. The nation he held in his arms looked as if they were just sleeping peacefully, softly snoring behind a white scarf…

  Did this mean… they received a second chance to live on these lands?

  Russia was in an astonished state. He couldn't speak or move. He couldn't even breathe properly. His tears turned from bitter to sweet, pulling them in a long awaited embrace. The warmth he felt soothed his soul. He sniffed and tried to pull back his tears, not wanting to show them at that moment. An overwhelming amount of felicity carved a smile behind two flowing rivers.

He looked around the room as his happiness turned into a blank expression. There was nobody else with them. The entity that was temporarily present.. was gone. He was confused as to why, but what mattered more to him was that the nation was now alive and well. However, the sudden disappearance of the creature made him curious.

   He turned around to face the exit and he sped up his pace. He then ran as fast as he could, swiftly sprinting towards the door. As he was just about to exit the building, the door slammed shut in his face, making him fall down on the porcelain ground. His eyes widen, not knowing how and why this happened.

   "What the…" he commented as he shot up from the floor.

  Since there was a nation in his arms, he decided to try to open the door by using his elbows. He hit the doorknob and dragged it down, but the door wouldn't open in the slightest.

   He then backed away in a backwards motion and ran towards the door to try and break it open, but not even that seemed to help. It managed to remain intact, all while harming Russia's elbows and shoulders. They were quickly beginning to get bruised, greenish purple spots appearing on the affected areas. Russia, noticing this, tried to use his legs, somehow wanting to break the door open by putting pressure onto it. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how strong he was, the door wouldn't burst open like he initially planned.

   Seeing that all of his attempts at fleeing from the facility have failed miserably, his breathing became somewhat shallow. He tried to contain his anxiety and desperation in a sealed box (which was his inner body), but the more he stood in the darkened building, the more his thoughts aggravated, awakening the negative side of him.

All has failed. There was one last resort. It was pretty much unpleasant, but if he wouldn't have done anything, he would have been trapped there for a long while, or maybe probably for all eternity. Luck was an option, waiting was an option as well, but none were efficient. At all.

   He then tried to approach this situation in a different way by standing behind the door and screaming for his release. He banged his elbows against the door to produce noise, trying to gain attention from someone that passed by the building.

"LET ME OUT!!!!" he screamed in a voice full of devastation and desperation.

   As he kept on banging his elbows against the door, they turned into a purplish hue. He started to transcend into physical and mental exhaustion, as his banging slowed down and his voice became quieter until a faint whisper was heard from the blackness of the void. He slowly slid down to the ground. His eyes were full of grief and sorrow. His eyelids were beginning to get heavier by the second. After all of that screaming and hitting, they closed shut. His head leaned against the door, tilting to the left side of the nearest wall. The building was now a void, colder than the young boy's frozen heart. His consciousness drifted away in the far away lands, where reality was all an illusion, where deception conquered.

And now the question remains…

Will he successfully flee from the hands of the void and remain alive, or will he fail? Will he be alive, or just breathing?

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net