Chapter 25: Haruno

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"Almighty push"

"Dear God..."

"What the hell?!"

"Oh fu-"

The Village lay besides its own wall. Carried like a bag in the wind from Pain's jutsu. Pain left in this wind, leaving a pain behind him. A scar wasn't left just left in the ground, but in the hearts of the villagers.

Sakura lifted herself out of Katsuyu and looked around where her village once stood. The almighty push forced most of the villagers to the edge of the village, except for the few that Katsuyu was able to reach, leaving most of the villagers incapacitated. Sakura rushed around the crater looking for survivors. The ones she found, were two faces she hoped she would never see again. Their bodies were battered with bruises, hardly intact bone between them. The breathing bags of bones she found were on death's door.

The last time she saw those two was six years ago, on that night. "Sakura, get your daddy a beer! I'm thirsty," yelled the awful drunk. "Yes daddy," said a ten year old Sakura. She hurried to the fridge which was one of two working electronics in the entire home. The other was the box that her "daddy" sat in front of when he returned to his "home". "Here you are daddy," said Sakura, "can I please study now? I have a test coming up." "You, study? Meaningless, just like you. You won't amount to ANYTHING!". Sakura pushed these comments to the back of her mind. Her father had been like this ever since he'd been demoted back to gennin. He was previously a chunnin for a whole year, his life's dream, until he drank too much and punched his client. That one small slip up cost the family far too much. Her mother had to pick up clients of her own just to keep food on the table. The light bill was always late, but lately the bills just seemed to arrive faster.

When the television flickered off, Sakura knew what to expect. Daddy would get up and get himself another beer normally, but he was running low. Thankfully, his current beer had enough to last until her mother got home. Momma came through the door with an unfamiliar cologne in her hair. Stained shirts and missing shoes were common with the working woman. "Twenty bucks, what a cheap bastard," muttered Momma Haruno as she went for the fridge. "Damn beers gone warm," she said as she drained the bottle. "Get me one woman!" is shouted through the thin walls. "There ain't no more! This is the last one!" shouted the scarlet woman. "You give me that beer right now!" yelled the angry genin. "Get one your damn self!" was the last thing said before the bottle was thrown at the wall. Sakura couldn't remember who threw the bottle, but she remembered what happened next. Her mother lunged at her father, holding a rusted fork and stabbed him in the leg. "Damn it bitch!" yelled her father, throwing his wife off of himself. He swung at her, connecting with her stomach.

Sakura left during that fight. She shook with fear as she walked out the door. Nothing was brought with her, there wasn't time;only memories and resolve. "I will never live like those two!" she swore, "I will be better than they could ever hope to be." That was the night she would begin to change her life. Slowly, she became a good student. Slowly she began to make friends. Slowly, the memories faded to the back of her mind.

Sakura knelt down and enveloped her hands in green as she attempted to heal her former tormentors. "I'm sorry" she heard one of the masses say. "Shush it," she firmly said, "You're too weak to talk." "Heh, never were good at this, were you?" said the bones as its life slipped away, "You will never be a good shinobi...". Both parents left this life at the same time, neither ever apologized, never reconciled. Sakura got up and searched for more survivors.

A thousand miles away, the toads just received the message. "Kosuke's name is off the register," said Gamatama, "That isn't good." He hurried to Fukasaku to inform him. When he found him, rather than properly bow he shouted, "Kosuke's name is off the register. The village is in danger!". "The village in danger?" asked a worried Naruto, "Send me back, please." "Right," said Fukataku. "Please send me too, my mind switch jutsu." Of course. Lady Shima is shopping near by, and can summon us," said Fukasaku, "We'll send a messenger to tell her."

By the time Lady Shima summoned them, it was too late. A crater lies where the village once stood. "What the hell?" stuttered Naruto as he stared at his home. He rushed down into the crater, looking for signs of life. Under a fallen roof, he found Lady Tsunade. She forwent Katsuyu's protection, deciding to leave protection for the villagers. "Granny!" Naruto yelled as he rushed up to her, "Are you OK?" "..." "I hear a heartbeat!" he said, "Where is Sakura, she'll know what to do?" he began to sprint around the crater looking for Sakura.

"Sakura," he called out "Sakura!" "Naruto!" called out a voice. Naruto approached the voice to find Sakura. "Can you help Granny?" he asked hastily. Sakura didn't say a word and began to try. A green aura enveloped her hands as the abrasions on Tsunade began to subside. "I can't wake her up," Sakura said, "but I can stabilize her." Ino reached them, speaking inaudibly, "whrsmprtnts!". "Huh?" asked Sakura. "Where's my Parents!" "Your mom left the village to search for you a week ago, so she's safe and your dad went with her." "Phew. How can I help?" "Any medical ninjutsu can help, just find someone." "right." "What about me?" asked Naruto, "Is there anything I can do?" "Find people for me and bring them here." "Roger." After hours of this, roughly twenty percent of the villagers were saved. Once everyone was stabilized Sakura left for the day. "I'm sorry Tsunade," she cried, "I couldn't save everyone!"

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