Leo's Useless Dating Advice

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Nico once again found himself staring at a certain son of Apollo as he practiced his archery. He'd had a crush on Will for the longest time now, yet he still hadn't done anything about it. 

Nico groaned. Why did every boy he liked have to be so out of his league? Plus, Will was probably straight anyway. 

"Swooning over Will again?" asked Piper as she came to stand beside the son of Hades. 

"No!" he protested, but at Piper's raised eyebrow he sighed. "Why does he have to be so perfect? I swear, it's like he's torturing me on purpose." 

"You realize he doesn't even know you like him, right?" said Piper. 

"Really?" said Jason. The son of Jupiter hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but he'd ended up hearing the conversation anyway and he wanted to get this comment out because it was probably the snarkiest thing he'll ever say in his life. "I'm surprised the whole camp doesn't know." 

Jason's pride at his comment quickly withered away under the weight of the Ghost King's death glare. 

"Why not just kidnap him?" asked Leo. How no one noticed he was there was a complete mystery to all of them. 

"Oh, and I'm just going to leave the rest to Stockholm Syndrome?" Nico said flatly. 

Leo shrugged. "It worked for your dad." 

The son of Hephaestus spent the next hour running away from and trying not to get stabbed by the son of Hades with Jason and Piper trying not to suffocate from laughing too hard. 

And Will? Well, Will just looked on confused and entirely unaware of what was happening. 

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