The Most Beautiful Girl In The World

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Pete woke up in bed and it was quarter to 6pm. It's dark already and Linda was no longer in bed. He felt better after resting and grab his phone to check messages and emails. Maureen did made a que about the conversation she had with Linda and Pete already had a feeling that Linda must be feeling worried about this step his ex-wife did. He washed his face and brush his teeth straighten his shirt and walked to the balcony to call his long time best friend Miguel who was also his lawyer and the only one who knows the real deal situation between him and Maureen. He went outside his suite and started searching for HER. He was brought back to past in their old house where he would just sit there in the side table of the pool and watch his wife taking lapses after lapses. It was hard for her to be vocal with her side specially when they talk about her career or going back to take small gigs. It's hard because Pete always win the conversation and she just had no option at that time but to stay. That's the best for her kids and family. Despite the fact that they are slowly drifting away from each other. They might try but there's always new issue to rise between the children making the situation worse and worse. He walks toward the bar. Grab some whiskey and went to the edge overlooking the view. And started drinking patiently waiting for Linda.

After 5 minutes Linda finally walks off the pool and went to her ex-husband. She was wearing her pair of bikini and didn't mind be seen by her husband or if their children will come. She was relax and don't wanna shake off the comfort she got from the lapse.
L:Hi Pete. This is good to see you I have something to tell you. He was just silent in awe and amazement of the view in his very eyes. All his heart and mind says is a bad idea but he can't. He can't refuse the idea he was so captivated off guard with her ex wife. She waslk passed him and grab her dress after drying herself a bit with a towel. She grab the drink on Pete's hand and drink it straight. Everything went slow motion to Pete out of her knowledge.
L:Pete, Maureen called me and invites me for some mothers day out just us. A spa and salon and she says she has important matters to discuss. And I told her we are in one room and I was surprised with what she said.. She said I don't mind AT ALL. Can you believe it? Pete?! Hey? Are you listening?
Pete :She.. Texted me.. And.. Told me about it.. He was walking slowly closer and closer to her and she did not expect what happened next. Pete was now so close to her.
L:are you alright? He put his right hand on her cheeks slowly and wiping away the water. He stroke her golden hair which was once his favorite and could smell she's using the same shampoo. Nothings change with these beautiful woman in front of him. They were facing each other eye to eye and she could feel his breath drawn on her cheeks. She's looking up to him eyes full of questions looking for answers.
Pete:Linda he said it in tone he would always call him full of adoration to her wife. Which makes Linda very surprised.
L:Pete what.. She was stopped what she was about to say as his hand started tracing her nose, her eye brows, those soft cheek bones and then it stopped on her lips. He leaned and put his hand on lower back and kissed her short but full of intentions and meaning. She didn't replied the kiss and that's when the kids came out and all surprised to the scene and Julie was about to call them when it happened.
Linda in shocked push him away and slapped him straight. Waking Pete's sense and Linda let go a small tear and unreadable facial expression. She put the glass on the table and left him standing there. He did not say a word or moved. He just stayed that way for sometime. Luckily the kids were unnoticed by their parents and quick to hide away all surprised and shocked. They were all happy and worried for their parents. And their families future.

Linda locked the bathroom door in their room and cried. She was surprised and shocked at Pete's action. She never expected it to happen. She cried under the shower she was in vague. Full of questions and worry. She get things we're quiet complicated with her ex-husband.

-Hi there. It's been a while. I'm sorry for this short and late update. I hope you are all doing well, healthy and safe. Enjoy reading! 😘😘

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