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Linda just got her phone after refreshing up herself for the meal with the family but she was shocked abd surprised with what she saw as she got out of the rest room. There was a heart shaped chocolate on the bed flowers spread all over the room, some lovely candle lit up, and her favorite the very familiar wine she used to share with her husband. In the corner table near that door was a blue satin dress with a small box of jewelry. And an open letter. And a song was being played from the balcony. She took the letter and read it.

My dearest wife, My Linda,

It's been a long time since the last time I gave you this kind of sneaking inside kind of date we used to have. I don't have all the time in the world. I know I made a lot of mistakes. I know that I failed you for not being understanding enough and supportive husband you needed years ago. I know that I have break your heart for quite a few times over the years. I know I can't erase it all just because you have loved me over the years. I'm sorry for giving up on me and you. For the life we should have deserved. I cause pain to you and oir children I'm really sorry for all of this. But I can't let you leave again without telling you that I apologize for everything. Absolutely everything my Linda. Please wear that dress on the table and there's a small box. If you do so I would take it as a Yes. And I hope we can spend some time in this little room of yours. Don't worry about that cake and wine. No one is allowed to come in this side of the house. And theres one layer at the buffet and 1 for your flight.



Everyone has started to eat as told while Pete just got back to the room and made some orders to the kids after the meal so he and Linda could have time alone later. They were all in the middle of the meals already when they all got caught off guard of Linda. She wore that halter satin dress with the necklace of their initials PLJAJ that was sculpted altogether in a big letter B pendants. With her robe open she was blooming and cozy at the same time.
Linda: Hi babies! Sorry a bit of a late just had some calls.
Julie: you look just like years ago mom. Like you didn't age a single bit.
Linda: oh come on enough of this convo. Let's enjoy this meal.

After the meals and small chit-chat slowly the kids went to what their father ask them to do. Linda and Pete finally found their own time and have lay down all the issues and insecurities they had. It didn't get smooth at first but it turned out to be great as they figured out things and have enjoyed the wines and cakes. They made love for a small time and then they cleaned and prepared for dinner and spend the time waiting for the kids at the movie room.

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