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Stepping on my used cigarette, I reached for the pack on my jean pocket.

I craved more.

To my disappointment, it's already empty. Lady luck isn't on my side today.

Making my way to the nearest store, I heard the annoying laughter of a group of teenage girls walking on their way home.
I overheard their conversation, and of course it was about boys.

Pathetic oinking pigs.

Thoughts intrude my mind as I drag my worn out feet to my destination.

Love is a waste of time.

How could you say that love would solve the world's conflicts?

Enough with that bullcrap.

Marriage was supposed to be a symbol of eternal and unconditional love between two people.

Was it really love that gave my father the courage to kill his own family?

Love drives people to their limit, where all logic is disregarded just for measly romance, lust, and desires.

Love causes disruption, there's no point in pursuing your feelings for someone for in the end, happiness will never prevail no matter what the circumstances.

For an eighteen year old, I'm awfully aware that I speak all high and mighty, but this is just how I see the world from everything that I've experienced in this short life of mine.

If you disagree with my beliefs,
I couldn't care less.
We all think differently.
Life would be unbelievably boring without disagreements and conflicts.

The streetlight above my head buzzed softly.
With a large sigh, I stopped in my tracks, and turned on my heel, returning to my cramped apartment abandoning my now lost desire for a cig.

I felt sick because of my whirlwind of thoughts.

The sky is clear tonight, I wouldn't mind gazing at it for hours.

Walking aimlessly, my childhood memories entrailed me like a shadow, an irrevocable part of a person.
It slowly crept up to me.

"I will be the first man on Mars!"

I exclaimed proudly whilst showing my drawing.
It was my father, mother, sister, and I standing on a big red planet beside our quaint little house.

"We'll live on Mars! I can't wait!"

I giggled excitedly, as my family looked at me with big smiles on their faces.

"I promise i'll make it happen!"

Oh to be a kid again, dreaming of the most absurd things, and not caring about what the rest of the world would say.
Dreaming to reach the summit, and even the skies, kids could only have that privilege.

Living in a planet, isolated from the rest of humanity.
If only that wish of mine was granted, i would be the happiest boy in all of Mars.

Before I knew it, I already passed the apartment complex.

As my night just kept dragging on, the new moon never faltered to follow me.

The reflection of the twinkling stars on the tinted cars caught my attention.

How could something so mysterious be as equally breathtaking?

He felt like the stars were staring right back at him.
Both lonely matters in space, insignificant glimmers in the vast sea of darkness, waiting until its beauty fades into nothing.

Today was another ordinary day,

It's a pleasant day.

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