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"Get down, Rhiannon!" Hermione scolded her three year old daughter who was dancing on top of the coffee table. "You could fall and get hurt!"

"But mummy, I'm pretending." She said "This is my stage." She gestured to the coffee table and then to her teddy bear which was propped between two cushions of the sofa. "And Seeker is my audience."

Hermione smiled. "Well in that case...you may continue, but only if you're careful! I really don't want you getting hurt."

"Yup." She said twirling around in circles "Don't I look like a princess?"

"Of course, sweetheart." She said holding out her arms which Rhiannon jumped into.

"So then this house is a castle, right? And your the queen?" The little girl asked. She had dark curly hair and green eyes like her father, and freckles on her nose and cheeks that she got from her mother.

"I suppose so." Said Hermione smiling. She knew that sitting here with her daughter is what made her happiest in the world.

"Dads the king." Rhiannon said bluntly, taking Hermione aback. Rhiannon never talked about Harry...she didn't know much about him since he vanished from the wizarding world just a few weeks before Hermione found out she was having their baby.

"Rhi..." Hermione said trying to comfort her.

"It's okay, mummy." Rhiannon assured her. "I think daddy's coming back soon."

Hermione smiled. Her daughter was so optimistic, no matter what happened that might discourage her.

"Maybe you're right." Hermione said, not completely believing herself. Harry had disappeared nearly four years ago with out a trace, it was unlikely that he'd suddenly come back. "But if he doesn't—"

"Hermione!" She was suddenly cut off by Ron who had randomly aparated into the room. "Can we talk?"

Hermione looked worriedly at Rhiannon before focusing her attention back to Ron. "What's wrong?" She asked

"Listen, don't freak out, but—"


"Okay, Okay..." he hesitated "Harry's come back."

"What?!" Hermione's heart nearly stopped "But why? How? Where has he been all these years."

Ron shrugged. "I don't know...he came back to the flat just today and was confused when you weren't there, and I explained you moved out." He said

"He doesn't know why, right?" Hermione was nearly dying of shock on stress. "He doesn't know about Rhiannon?"

"No...it's not my place to tell him." Said Ron "And I know you don't want to hear this right now—"

"So then don't say it."

"Hermione, he's her dad. He deserves to know." Ron said.

Hermione scoffed. "And some father he's been! Where has he been for the last three years-" she gestured to Rhiannon, abruptly stopping as she realized her daughter had been here for the entire conversation.

"So daddy's really home know?" She asked

Hermione sighed. "Go to your room please, Rhiannon."

"But I don't want to!"

"I wasn't asking you. Now go!" Hermione raised her voice slightly, something she rarely did.

Rhiannon's bottom lip quivered, and she ran to the couch and grabbed Seeker, and then fled up the stairs to her room. 

Hermione sighed. "So what are we going to do?"

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