We Crash A Revival

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"And that's the story BEFORE Justice got involved."

After a lot. And I mean A-LOT of convincing, Annabeth finally believed me when I said I was Thalia's brother. And not just in the godly side, but on the...... humanly side?

Annabeth, Nico and I walked through the many corridors of the labyrinth sharing stories of our respective camps.

More like Annabeth and I shared stories, Nico followed behind us quietly. Only pitching in when Annabeth mentioned a specific summer when my sister Thalia went on a quest to save her from the titan Atlas.

"He promised me!" Nico added when Annabeth recounted that story.

"You know Percy had the best intentions Nico. He did everything he could, but it was her choice."

"Choice!?" Nico exclaimed, his voice quivering. "Before he went on that stupid quest to save you and that stupid hunter goddess, he swore up and down he would find you. Well guess what, here you are! Where's my sister?"

We walked for miles in silence after that outburst.

"So how has Justice been harassing your camp?" I asked.

Annabeth wiped her brow, I couldn't help by stare at the grey strands of hair on one side of her hair, curious as to how she got it. "It started with her targeting recruitment. Usually, our Satyr's, who you would call fauns, would lead groups of demigods back to Camp Half-Blood. But we've had a number of Satyr's return with horror stories of Justice's squads harassing them and kidnapping young demigods. We had to send demigod escorts with them. Which is usually not practical, since demigods are walking beacons for monsters."

We ducked our heads, as the path we took suddenly had a lower ceiling.

"Whoa, your fauns..... I mean Satyrs actually help your camp out?" I asked.

Annabeth glanced  at me, confused. "Yeah, your uh, fauns don't help out in your camp?"

I scoffed. "Yeah, help themselves to our left overs and whatever is in our pockets. I've tried getting them to be more proactive, but they've resisted."

"By resisted, you mean did nothing?" She guessed.

I sighed. "Yup."

Annabeth chuckled and straighten back up as the corridor's ceiling rose back up. "I could imagine Grover chewing those Satyrs out for being so lazy."

I smiled. "Who's Grover?"

Annabeth sighed, the humor in her grey eyes replaced with worry. "The best Satyr guardian I know. But we're being side tracked. Anyways, I led a escort team alongside, uh, Percy." She glanced back at Nico, who did his best to stare daggers into her. "And that's when we had the mis fortune of meeting Justice."

Annabeth shook her head. "That was one of the hardest missions I was a part of. Her squad was a true unit. Well coordinated and disciplined. Luckily I was able to use that to our advantage. Still, if our camp ever got into conflict with her army, I don't like our odds."

"Luke..... he was difficult to deal with before she came along. Now with her in the picture, his army has become far more difficult to handle. If they succeed in using the labyrinth to get into the heart of camp half blood......."

She didn't elaborate. I readjusted my praetor cloak. "I'm sorry about that. I could have........ I could have done more to stop her."

My eyes were trained to the tiled floor below me. Annabeth smiled dryly. "It's alright, it's good to know that not all Romans are on Justice's sides. If only I could relay that to everyone in camp half-blood......"

I remained silent, still lost in the many "what if I did this" questions assaulting my mind.

Annabeth glanced at me again and cleared her throat. "Judging by what you've told me, you've been through more stuff in your first year of camp then anyone I know. That's including Percy. You shouldn't be too hard on yourself.

I smirked dryly. "Yeah, not the first time someone has told me that."

Annabeth laughed without humor. "Same."

We walked in silence for a few minutes after that.

"So," I said. "What are you doing down here alone? Other then trying to stop Justice and Luke. Doesn't seem wise to send out a lone scout in the labyrinth."

She rolled her eyes. "Ugh, please don't use the word 'wise', I would rather not be reminded of my parentage right now. I was with a group, but this stupid place separated us."

"Besides, your the last person that should be telling me this." Annabeth smiled. "Based on how you got lost in here, I would think you were a dumb character in a horror movie."

I laughed. "Okay you got me there..... but why don't you want to talk about your 'parentage'."

Annabeth took a deep breath. "I'm a daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom. Her Roman name is Minerva."

"...... HEY! Jason what the heck!?" Nico exclaimed.

Hair sparked out of my hair and nearly zapped Nico.

I turned to Nico. "First, sorry about that. Second-"


Annabeth looked uncomfortable. "Is that a problem?"

I shook my head. "No no no no, sorry didn't mean to offend you. Its just........weird."

"Weird?" She said, walking faster then normal.

"No not like your weird I meant, um, it's like if Diana had children. You know what I mean? The hunter goddess. Or does her Greek version have kids too?" I asked while I sped up my pace to keep up with her.

Nico blinked. " I don't understand."

I sighed. "Minerva is a virgin goddess. As in she doesn't have romantic relationships with- well- anyone. Including gay people!"

Annabeth squinted and Nico blushed. "Why did you say it like that?" They asked at the same time.

I smiled awkwardly. "Sorry, I just learned that whole concept. That's not the point. The point is Minerva is not supposed to be able to.... Have kids. At all. It's highly frowned upon in Rome. We have a group of followers in Rome who follow the goddesses teachings, but none of them are her actual children."

Annabeth had started speed walking , which made that whole explanation difficult. "Athena is a virgin goddess still."

"But then how are you here?" Nico asked innocently.

Annabeth abruptly stopped and faced me. "Did I not say, I would rather not talk about my parentage?"

I swallowed. "Uh.... You said you didn't want to be reminded."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "How about we just all walk in silence until we get to where the labyrinth wants us to go, okay?"

"Finally. We can agree on something." Nico added.

Annabeth avoiding the subject reminded me of Reyna and not in the good way. I felt like she was hiding something and more importantly, she needed help with that something.

"Why don't you want to talk about it?" I asked. "Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong." She repeated, speed walking forward.

"But maybe I can help." I told her.

Annabeth stopped turned on her heels and got in my face. "Thank you. But what I'm dealing with is none of your business. You may be Thalia'a brother, but that doesn't mean we are close. So back off or I will hurt you."

I blinked, grateful she at least gave me a warning, since Reyna would have just hurt me. "Okay. It's just-"

"Uh guys," Nico interrupted, standing in between us. "Look."

He pointed to my left and my heart sank.

A large door stood before us. Inside, revealed a massive chamber that look decades old. On an alter, Justice and Luke stood before their many followers, every one of them stared at the three of us.

Behind Luke and Justice, the lid of a massive coffin popped open and shattered in a million pieces when it crashed into rock roof above. A being, almost fifteen feet tall, pulled itself out of its grave. He had grey skin and wore a dirty Greek chiton.

The being roared, shaking the cavern. "FINALLY!" It said. "Thank you lowly demigods. EPIMETHEUS, titan of all living things, is forever grateful of your-"

He scanned the room, realizing no one was paying him any attention as they stared at us.

His dark black eyes locked on us. "Who dares to interrupts my resurrection?"


Well this is a awkward.

Everyone held their breath. Waiting for someone to make a move.

My eyes locked with Justice, her coffee brown eyes were wide open. My heart did multiple somersaults at the sight of her. She wore an all white tracksuit and white sneakers. Luke stood next to her, his eyes locked with Annabeth's. He wore a black shirt and black jeans.

The rest of their followers were fully armored. Some were campers I recognized before they defected with Justice, they wore golden armor with the letter SPQR spray painted on their breastplates and crossed out. Other campers who wore bronze armor, stared at Annabeth. No doubt former campers from her home.

The titan standing over all of us broke the silence. "Why are we staring at these buffoons? They interrupted my resurrection! We need to destroy them!"

Justice swallowed and addressed Epimetheus. "I apologize, titan lord of all living things-"

"That's not right." Annabeth whispered to herself.

"- we will deal with these intruders as soon as possible." Justice finished. She turned her attention to her followers.

"Legionnaires! Apprehend these intruders, NOW!" She commanded.

"Wait!" Luke interrupted, his right hand raised.

Justice gave Luke a look of confusion, but he ignored her and advanced forward. The titan stomped his foot, shaking the entire room. "What is the meaning of this, BOY."

Luke walked down from the stage and made his way to us. Annabeth stepped forward, her bronze knife in hand. From behind her, I could she was shaking ever so slightly.

Luke spread his arms. "Annabeth, this is your chance to-"

"Enough!" Annabeth interrupted. "I've already told you my answer, I will NOT repeat it."

Her eyes began glowing a soft grey light. "If you dare get close to either of us, I will..... I will."

She let that threat hang in the air. Luke stopped about five feet ahead of her. His usual smug expression non existent, instead........ he looked sacred.

He glanced at his followers. Clearly there was a history between Annabeth and Luke, far deeper then Annabeth was willing to share with me. He took a deep breath to compose himself. "We want to help all demigods, can't you see that? The gods are just using you."

Annabeth glanced at the Titans Epimetheus. "And the titans aren't using you?"

The titan was prepared to say something in response, but Luke responded first. "At least the titans are helping me with my cause. Your mother seems more concerned with getting revenge against Rome instead of assisting you in this war. How many times has she whispered in your ear to kill Jason since you met him?"

Annabeth flinched and backed away. "How do you know that?" She blurted out.

Luke advanced slowly, but I stepped forward and got in his way. He regarded me, his look of concern replaced with anger. "Jason. I still owe you for that concussion you gave me."

I went for my coin, flipped it in the air, and caught my sword. Justice's legion responded, raising their weapons.

"We are leaving and none of you are following." I said, my body sparking with electricity.

Justice appeared from behind Luke, startling me. I took a few steps back, but kept my sword trained on the both of them.

Justice walked up to me and grabbed the tip of my sword. "You won't hurt me. You won't hurt anyone."

She drew her sword and threw it on the ground. The imperial gold metal clanging and echoing across the room. "Jason," she pushed my sword out of her way and put her hands on my shoulders. "You look so..... tired. What happened to you?"

I wish I could say she was just being sarcastic, but I had a hard time reading her expression. As far as I could tell, looking into her eyes, she seemed genuinely concerned about my well being.

She placed her right hand on my cheek. "Let me guess. Knowing Sam, he left all of the responsibilities of camp on your shoulders. And knowing you, you've done everything in your power to over achieve and be the best Praetor for everyone." Justice said.

I gritted my teeth. "Stop it."

"Stop what?" She asked, her eyes turning red. "Stop caring about you? Stop caring about my home? Because I'm not. I won't ever. I've spent to long waiting for others to make the changes I prayed for, fought for, BEGGED for."

She put her other hand on my cheek, holding me by my head. "I know you've seen it. You've tried so hard, but the change you want to enact is not happening. Jason there is another way."

"And that way includes taking the lives of those who don't agree with us?" I retorted. "Like Pam?"

Justice gritted her teeth. "Don't."

"Desmond." I continued. "Anthony."

"I had to do it." Justice said, her hands no longer holding my face.

"Linsey, Jacob, Samantha, Harry, Jim, Bethany." I continued, making sure everyone in attendance could hear their names. "And those were just the people inside of the senate hall YOU blew up. CARE!? The only thing you care about is sticking it to the gods because your father made his choices."

"Choices!?" Justice shouted back, her concern expression replaced with anger. She was prepared to let her emotions get the best of her, but she recognized her surroundings. Losing her cool in front of her soldiers would not be a good look.

She recomposed herself. "Jason, I'll make this simple. Unlike my FATHER, you have a choice in this fight. You can join us or get out of our way. I would rather not hurt you, but if you insist I on fighting for the gods then so be it."

I raised my sword. "I don't fight for the gods, I fight for my friends!"

"Yo that was mad corny." Someone shouted from the crowd. A wave of laughter echoing throughout the chamber.

"He really said that un-ironically." Luke noted.

"Yeah that was kind of cringy." Annabeth said from behind me.

I glanced back at her. "Are you serious?"

"I thought it was cute." Justice added.

"ENOUGH!" Epimetheus shouted. "I will no longer tolerate this charade!"

His voice echoed across the cavern, he spread his arms. Suddenly a wave of hopelessness and fear started ravaging my mind. I felt so alone. Abandoned. Memories began replaying in my mind of times when others I loved abandoned me.

My mother giving me away to Lupa.

Lupa declaring I was no longer hers.

My constant prayers to my father going unanswered.

Justice destroying the Senate building in her quest for revenge.

Reyna telling me I was just someone she met along the way.

"Are you going to let the gods get away with what they did to you?" The titans voice invaded my mind like a parasite, poking and prodding for weaknesses. "All of those moments in your miserable lives. All of those painful memories. The gods could have done something about them. They want you to praise them as glorious, all powerful beings. But when you need them most. They abandon you. Force you to fight their battles and dispose of you. How many demigods that have come before have perished for no reason? Too many. And you know what they are to the gods..... what YOU are to them.....

".... An afterthought." The titan said.

Everyone of us, including Luke and Justice, were in a daze. Captivated by the titan's words. I stared at my sword, unable to move. In the reflection of my golden sword, I could see Epimetheus looming large over me.

I would have died, if not for Annabeth.

She grabbed me by my cloak and pulled me back just before Epimetheus could crush me under his bare foot.

"Jason! The entrance!" Annabeth pointed at the archway where we had entered.

I understood, I pointed my sword at the entrance and a bolt of lightning struck it.


The rubble crashed, blocking Epimetheus just in time.

I rested in Annabeth's arms, dazed. She slapped me a few times. "C'mon Jason, don't pass out on me."

"Did you.... Did you feel that?" I asked her, blinking as her tears fell from her eyes onto my forehead.

She rubbed her eyes. "I did. Unfortunately I have practice with immortals trying to invade my mind. Nico are you-"

Annabeth's head whipped from side to side. "Nico?"

I sat up, rubbing my head. "Nico?" I said aloud.

Annabeth stood up. "Nico? Nico! Oh my gods."

Annabeth and I called out Nico's name, our voices echoing in this unforgiving maze.

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