The War: Wisdom

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Thank gods Rachel saw an opportunity amidst the chaos.

When the glass windows exploded and powerful gust of winds knocked us all off our feet, we were practically pinned down at first. But once the winds subsided, Rachel rolled away from Ethan. Ethan attempted to grab her, but with her blue hairbrush, she slammed it into his one good eye. He roared and backed away. She rushed over to our side, where Percy, Gwen and I were standing, weapons ready. I whistled sharply and my dogs answered the call. They were now right besides me, fangs bared.

Ethan growled, gripping the shoulder straps of one of his fellow demigods, not before slapping them a few times. "No! Retreat! There not worth it! We need to regroup with Epimetheus. Daedalus! Be prepared for the consequences if you help them."

The demigods backed away inside the Labyrinth, running once they felt they were at a safe dis-

Gwen let loose an arrow, a sharp yelp echoing from the labyrinth's tunnels. Daedalus clapped his hands once and the door sealed shut. Gwen glanced at me, shrugging. "Don't worry, shot one of them in the butt."

We all turned our attention outside and collectively gasped. A large black tornado have formed around the cross roads. The black smoke to my left being dragged inside of it, darkening it. The two armies had been separated by the sudden tornado and retreated towards their respective bases.

Gwen leaned forward. "The red light, you see it? That has to be Max."

We all pointed our attention to the glowing red aura that burned bright at the base of the tornado, like a stubborn campfire.

"This storm." Percy continued. "This has to be-"

"Jason." I said aloud. "Something happened. Something bad. Jason wouldn't take it to this level for no reason. We HAVE to get down there."

Gwen suddenly whistled a specific tune that I recognized, my head immediately snapping towards the sky. Rachel turned to Gwen. "Why are you whistling?"

Gwen and I waved our hands. "SAM! Down here!" She shouted.

Scipio descended, flapping her wings to stay a float in front of us. On her mount, Sam had Grover leaning on him for support. Grover had a nasty head wound on the top right of his head. "Thank gods." Sam exclaimed. "Gwen! Get on. He needs help."

Percy surged forward at the sight of Grover. " Let me come too! Grover! Are you okay?"

Gwen had to push Percy back. Rachel grabbing his arm to stop him from moving forward. "I'll take care of him. You have my word!"

Gwen accepted Sam's hand and mounted Scipio, who snorted loudly. "She's not going to be able to take us all down." Sam pointed out. "I'll comeback for you."

Daedalus shouted from behind us. "No need!" We turned around, watching as he pulled down the wings from his wall. "They will meet you down there!"

Sam nodded and urged Scipio to take off somewhere to the right. The rest of us running to join Daedalus and help him take down the remaining wings. Daedalus started with me. "Percy, watch how I assist Reyna. Make sure to do EXACTLY as I do when helping fit your friend, understand?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah, yeah. C'mon, we have to hurry."

"Extend your arms out my dear." Daedalus ordered while holding up the imperial gold wings. I did so accordingly. While Daedalus strapped me in, he provided instructions.

"These wings are far more advanced then the ones I built millennia ago. They are retractable and enchanted allowing you to summon them at will. On take off, extend your arms out and allow the winds to take you. If you wish to adjust you direction, simply think it and it will come to pass. But be careful, these wings are incredibly delicate. So much as hit them and they will break, understand?"

I nodded, stepping forward once he had finished. I flicked my arms down and the wings retracted behind me. Rachel did the same, her emerald colored wings folding behind her like a backpack. She spun around. "This is insane. Its so light."

Daedalus helped Percy fit into his celestial bronze wings. I stepped forward. "Let Rachel do that. Let me help you get into that one." I pointed at the sliver wings hanging above.

Daedalus shook his head. "I will be of no help down there. My value is in the labyrinth. I can provide greater assistance from here."

"And how do we know we can trust you?" Percy asked, while Daedalus finished strapping him in.

Daedalus gently patted Percy's shoulder, indicating he was done. Percy flicked his arms and the wings closed and stood beside me. Daedalus turned his gaze to me. "Logically," He finally said. "I should not be helping you. There is nothing you can promise me that would give me what I want."

"Then why help us?" I asked him, my dogs stepping forward, ears raised.

Daedalus covered his tattoo and closed his eyes, as if remembering the day he first got it. He opened his eyes. "The world is changing. Fate is no longer in the hands of the sisters. The question now becomes, who determines our future? The gods can't be trusted. The titans will revert thousands of years of progress. That leaves you, the children."

He straighten up. "I've snipped the wings of the next generation before out of my own selfishness. And fear of your incompetence." Daedalus approached me, looking into my eyes. " Maybe its time...... Maybe its time to let you all fly."

Argentum and Aurum both remained neutral. He was telling the truth.

He extended his hand and I grasped it firmly. "Thank you." I told him "And I give you my word, I'll do everything I can to help free your boys."

Daedalus smiled, a twinkle of hope in his eyes. "Thank you, child. Now go. I will send help as soon as I can."

Rachel stood over the broken windows. "Uh, do any of you know how to fly?"

Percy joined her. "On a Pegasi, yeah. Never on my own. Maybe we should... Um, I don't know. Rey, do you have any ideas?"

I pushed between them. "Extend your wings out, let the wind carry you. Follow my lead."

I whistled sharply, Argentum and Aurum stood at attention behind me. Without looking back I gave them order. "Find Annabeth. Wave me down once you found her."

The dogs barked and disappeared under one of Daedalus's work benches.

Percy snorted. "You say it like you've done it bef-ORE! OH MY GODS, REY!"

I let myself fall out the window, head first towards the ground. The winds ripped past me and my ears tearing up from the pressure. I extended my wings out just in time for the winds to lift me up into the air and above the canyon. I took in a deep breath and laughed from the pure adrenaline flowing through me. I shifted my body left and right, the wings gliding effortlessly in the chaotic winds. The wings flapped on their own, heeding my desires without me saying anything at all. I flew towards the Black Tornado, my brief moment of excitement replaced with despair.

"Hold on, Jason. I'm coming."


I wanted to kill him.

Charging at him with my javelin at hand, I aimed for his chest. Max easily redirected my blow, side stepping to my right while I slammed into the ground behind him.


My attacked was so powerful, it blew a hole into the ground. Dirt and debris flew into the air and was immediately sucked into the tornado still raging behind me. Max charged through the chaos, his blade aimed towards my back. I roared and a bolt of lightning slammed in between us just in the nick of time.

I pulled my javelin out of the ground and spun around. Max had been blown back towards the edge of the hole I created above me. I tossed the javelin in the air and caught it in a throwing position. A bolt of lightning struck its tip and I threw it at him with all my might. The javelin struck his chest and sent him flying in the air.

"RAAAAAUGH" I roared and used the winds to propel me after him.

He flew into my tornado, being sucked into it and rose into the sky. I penetrated the tornado and followed him. Somehow my javelin hadn't pierced his armor. His red aura glowing bright as he pushed it aside. I slammed into him midair, the two of us punching and kicking each other as we spun around in the air.

"Is that all you got!?" He roared. He grabbed my armor straps with his free hand and slammed his head into my own.

I was momentarily stunned. Max's chaotic laugh reigniting my rage. I grabbed his armor straps with both hands and slammed my forehead into his. We separated, both of us stunned. The winds of the tornado sending Max back down to earth.

I shook my head, slapping myself a few times, trying to recompose myself. Once I had done so, I used the winds to charge towards him again. He spun around on the outskirts of the tornado, just before I slammed into him, something or someone tackled me midflight. Someone held onto my hips.

For a moment, my view was blocked by golden wings. Immediately, I associated the wings with my father's chest armor. I grabbed the neck of whoever held me, my eyes still trained on Max as he crash landed onto the ground.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED. RIGHT DAD!?" I roared and sent out an electrical burst throughout my body, blasting back whoever grabbed me. The golden winged warrior lost control and was sucked into the tornado.

I summoned the winds and shot off after Max. Max was back on his feet, blood smeared all over his face. He threw his sword to the side and slammed his chest. "COME ONE!"

I roared and we clashed once again.


"Reyna! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes, the entire world upside down. My arms dangled below towards the ground while I regained consciousness. I lifted my head to see Percy holding my right leg with both hands. His celestial bronze wings flapped powerfully against the winds pulling us back. From below, I could see Rachel flying. Her emerald green wings fighting against the raging winds.

"Rey!" Percy called from above. "I see you stirring. Wake up! We need you!"

I shook my head and tried to swallow, my mouth drier then the Arizona desert. "What happened?"

Percy shook his head. "Jason. The guys on a rampage. You tried stopping him and he blew you away. Him and Max are still fighting. Never seen anything like it."

Rachel flew next to us. "Percy! I see Campers by the base of the hill. Their wearing orange shirts. Is that them?"

"Yes!" Percy responded. "Hold on Rey!"

The two veered off towards the right while I tried to recover. Fortunately, the wings on my back were still intact. Down below, I could see a makeshift barricade using cars being held down by a number of Camp Half-Blood demigods. Behind them, wounded campers were being treated. At the center of the crowd, a large crowd had formed. Clarisse pushed back campers that got too close. I could make out Michael and Will working hard to patch someone up.

"Who's that." Percy said aloud.

The three of us landed near the crowd. Percy hovered over the ground. I thought my senses had recovered, as I managed to flip and land on my feet, but I stumbled and fell on my butt. When I looked up, I could see the black tornado ahead of us. Dominating the landscape. A reddish glow burned bright at its base.

I could hear them. Jason and Max. Their roars echoing across the valley. As if Jupiter and Mars themselves were at war. 

Various campers noticed me,  pointing. They approached us, lead by a large boy covered in celestial bronze armor. "Hand over the Roman."

Percy blocked their path. "Back off, Sherman. She's a friend."

Sherman gaze tracked the three of us, but Percy's words seemed to carry a lot of weight. Sherman snorted. "I'll let Clarisse decide what to do with her."

A scream coming from the crowd grabbed our attention. Percy pushed past Sherman. "Is that..." He said aloud and then rushed forward.

Rachel helped me up while Percy rushed over to the group. Rachel tried to follow close behind while Percy pushed past the campers. Sherman followed close behind us.

"What's going on!" Percy shouted. Clarisse zoned in on Percy and pushed him back before he could see what was happening.

"Percy," Clarisse said in a tone that surprised me. Gentle, but firm. "Percy, we've got this under control. We don't need another raging big three running around."

"Who's hurt?" Percy questioned, his tone shifting from confusion to concern. "Move out of the way!"

The two pushed against each other. A couple of the campers blocking our view shuffled aside, revealing the wounded person.

My heart sank. Annabeth laid on the grass, her skin deathly pale. Will and Michael worked overtime, trying to get her bleeding under control. Will whispered a rapid prayer while Michael dripped fed nectar into her mouth. She was conscious, but I could see her fighting the urge to pass out. Percy cried out at the sight of her.

"MOVE!" Percy roared. His eyes flashed sea green and he pushed Clarisse too the side. He rushed over to Annabeth's side. "Oh my gods. No, no, no."

I joined him. The shock from seeing her giving me the energy to approach. I stood behind Percy while he knelt down next to her.

"Hey seaweed brain." Annabeth croaked, after receiving another dose of nectar.

"What happened?" Percy asked, holding her hand and scooting closer. "Who did this to you?"

Michael pushed Percy back with his elbow. "Percy, I understand how your feeling, but we need more space to work. You can hold her hand, but please stay back. Will, I'm removing some of the towels. Pour nectar right here."

Annabeth squeezed Percy's hand, stifling a scream. Everyone jumped, Thunder booming overhead. Percy trembled, ignoring it. "Was it Max?" He asked, his eyes glowing with deep hatred. "I swear to the gods, I'll........ I'LL-"

Annabeth slapped him, hard. Will and Michael tried to lay her back down, but she refused. "NO!" She told him, her voice hoarse. "Look around you Percy! Do you understand what's going on? We're doing EXACTLY what Kronos's wants. Fighting each other. Killing each other!"

She pointed her gaze at Clarisse, who avoid her accusatory gaze. Annabeth turned her attention back to Percy. "If I'm going to the underworld -"

"Stop talking like that." Percy said, tearing up.

"If I'm going to die!" Annabeth yelled at him, grabbed his face, forcing him to look at her. "It ends with me! Do you understand?"

Annabeth looked around at everyone, until her gaze met my own. "The gods..... My own mother believed that peace was impossible. They crippled US. Not just Camp Half-Blood, but Camp Jupiter too. Because they believed we couldn't do it. We couldn't find peace. That we couldn't build a better world."

She wiped her tears. "I say, BULLSHIT. We can AND WE WILL, make things right. All of this started because a lone demigod believed we could be more. And right now, he's out there, giving in to the gods expectations. Are we going to prove them right?"

Annabeth took a few deep breaths while Michael squeezed her wound to stop some of the bleeding. She took a few deep breaths but refocused on the crowd. "Kronos has an army on standby southwest from here. Sam and Grover went to buy us sometime. We can .... We can...... Oh..."

Annabeth fell back, her eyes glazing over. Michael pressed down on her wound. "Shit. She re-opened the wound a bit. Will! Double the dose of Ambrosia! Give it to her now."

Will dug into his bag, pulling out the Ambrosia. Percy squeezed her hand. "C'mon, wise girl. C'mon. I promise. I promise. Just stay with me."

Annabeth was fading. "It ends with me." She said. " It ends with.... Promise, Percy...... It ends with.... me." She said before her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

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