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"Let me go!' Gwen shouted to me as she dangled helplessly over the edge of the aqueduct.

I held on as Gwen opened her hand in a desperate attempt to force me to let go.

"Please Gwen..." I begged.

To my left, Max calmly walked to our flag, incapacitating any legionnaire that dared get in his way. Flanking either side of him were two others legionnaires. Bronk, who snickered and stuck his tongue out at me, walking confidently to his right while throwing various gadgets at legionnaires that tried to stop them. To his left, Rebecca, a legionnaire of the third cohort, defended Max's rear from our forces and slapped Bronk across the helmet to focus.

The sight would have been comical under different circumstances, as both Bronk and Rebecca looked like kids pretending to be Max's body guards, since he was so gods dam tall.

Our flag rested at the top of a wooden platform, its purple flag flowing in the winds with the letter SPQR written in gold. Below us, the fighting between my team, the fifth and fourth cohort, and the attacking team, the first, second and third cohort raged across the many platforms created specifically for this version of the war games. If it weren't for the fighting, you would think the aqueduct would be under repairs.

I turned my attention to Gwen. "Estupida! We can stop them together!"

Gwen shook her head. " You can reach them now if you let me go. And don't call me an idiot you-" Gwen inhaled sharply, purple light outlining her iris's. "Whoa, your doing the thing."

I would have responded, if I weren't struggling to hold her while simultaneously sharing power. I could feel her resisting my attempts to make a connection with her, but I needed her to understand my plan.

Yes, if I let her go, I could catch up to them and slow them down. Key phrase being slow them down.

Alone, Max and his squad would get the better of me. Bronk and Rebecca were no problem, I could handle them easily, but its Max that concerned me. In terms of skill, Max was THE best legionnaire in the camp. Out of the many sparring matches the two of us had against each other, I have never been able to beat him. And if that doesn't sound impressive, there is no one in this camp that can touch me in one on one combat, including the two Praetors.

No doubt realizing how stubborn I was being, Gwen accepted my power and allowed me to connect with her.

I felt a rush of energy, as Gwen and I connected through my power. As a daughter of Bellona, the goddess of war, I had the power to share my strength. Usually, sharing my strength is a one way exchange. My strength slowly decreases while the other person continues to benefit from it. And by the time I stopped using my power, I would be burdened with the other persons exhaustion and pain.

But in my last adventure I learned I could "connect" with certain people I trusted and cared for. Using my power wouldn't be a one way exchange anymore, instead we would share our strength, increasing each others maximum potential. We could even share our thoughts and emotions. The only people I've managed to share this connection with are Gwen, the lovable moron dangling below me and Jason, my best......

My former best friend.

Ignoring Gwen's feelings of inferiority and doubt, I tried to inspire confidence in her and relay my plan.

Gwen gripped my hand once again. " Do you think I can-"

I smiled. "Gwen, you can do anything......... so I'm going to throw you now."

I preceded to throw her with all my strength above me.

Gwen gracefully spun in the air, flying almost 15 feet in high. Once she reached peak height, her bow was already in her hands with three arrows notched. They were summoned from the necklace she wore, a gift from her late brother, Ben.

She fired, the arrows sailing towards Max and his squad, who were at the base of the flag.

Bronk and Rebecca went down, having been shot in the helmet. Max however, instinctively spun around and slashed the arrow out of the air in the last second.

"Holy-" Max said before I slammed my sword into his, pushing him back against the wooden platform holding the flag.

Max smiled, his black eyes staring into my own. "What's up shorty?"

I shrugged. "Nada. About to beat the crap out of Mar's son to prove Bellona is the best war god."

That got him laughing. "I'm sorry, couldn't hear you down their, what was that again?"

I laughed and preceded to knee him in the gut, but he blocked me with his own knee. He gasped. "Whoa, I didn't know you could get your knee that high up."

He pushed me back and advanced. We clashed swords, our blades sparking against each other. We fought aggressively, trying to disarm the other. Behind me I could hear Gwen fighting, when I got the chance to look, I could see her fighting Rebecca. Farther back, our defenders were struggling to push back the attacking team.

Max sweeped my legs with his sword dropping me on my back hard and mounted on top of me. "Nice try shorty, but it's over."

He went for an elbow to knock me out, but I followed it's motion. The elbow left a gash on the left side of my face, but I was still fine. I grabbed his breastplate with my left arm and pulled him towards me. I hit him with my own elbow and used the motion to force him on his back.

"I'm sorry I could've hear you down their, what was that again?" I responded as I mounted him. His spit blood out of his mouth, the left side of his jaw beginning to bruise.


I looked up and my heart skipped a beat.

Floating a few feet away from the edge of the aqueduct was Jason, his arms crossed. He wore brilliant golden armor over his standard outfit, purple shirt with blue jeans. His purple cloak held in place my a golden medallion on his chest flowed behind him, so he looked like a blonde Superman. His eyes had dark circles beneath them and he didn't look to happy. His eyes looked between me and Max.

"Jason- what. What are you doing here?" I asked, feeling flustered.

Max used the opportunity to push me off. He preformed a kip up and raced towards the flag.

"A minute and a half is left, Romans! No playing around!" Shouted Jason as he floated above us, that last comment clearly directed at me.

I grunted, got on my feet and raced after Max. I tackled him from behind just as he reach the flag and slammed him against the wooden platform. He fought against me, trying to pull my hands apart from his waist. He elbowed me in the head, making my ears ring.

"Alright shorty. No more playing around." Max said.

I could feel his mass grow as I held him. His abs somehow getting even harder while I held his waist. His body began to glow a red tinge.

I desperately tried to think of a game plan. Max could fight a small army on his own in this state. Stupid gift of Mars.

I glanced at my surroundings. Many of the legionnaires that tried to stop Max were starting to stir. We had a little over one minute.......

I let go and pushed kicked Max. He rolled to his feet, having grown a few feet and surrounded by a red aura of power. His eyes glowed as red as blood.

"It's over Reyna. Out of my way." He said, his voice deeper then before.

I went to grab my sword. I extended my strength to the legionnaires still recovering. I even used the extra reserves provided to me but Gwen.

"ROMANS!" I shouted. "Surgite, Romani! Ultimum hostem habemus unum, ut vincamus."

Nothing like yelling in Latin to get Romans fired up. It must be something genetic because they raised at my command. They grabbed their weapons and surrounded Max.

Horns in the distance blared loudly, indicating we had one minute. One minute to hold Max back.

I threw down my sword to the ground. Which confused my fellow defenders and Max alike.

"Your going to stop me with just your bare hands?" Max said, smiling. To emphasize his power, he slammed his fist into his palm, causing a small shock wave.

My eyes began glowing purple. A purple aura surrounding me. "ROMANS! WE HAVE ONE MINUTE TO HOLD HIM BACK! DROP YOUR SWORDS! STEEL YOURSELVES! AND HOLD!"

What was once self doubt and fear, was replaced by determination and confidence within my legionnaires minds. They dropped their weapons and waited for my order.

"MOVE!" Max shouted.


He rushed forward. A dozen legionaries surrounded him, grabbing his arms and legs. Max strianed against their force, surprised by their force.

"HOLD!" I shouted.

Max grunted in frustration and started attacking the legionnaires. He punched, kicked, and tossed legionnaires who dared hold him back. But more took their place.

"HOLD!" I shouted.

One final horn. Thirty second left.

Max roared. He was taking down legionnaires left and right. When he dismantled the last one, he charged towards me.

"NO YOU DON'T!" Gwen shouted, jumping on his back. He charged forward regardless, straight towards me.

I could see the fallen legionnaires looking at me, crestfallen. I could feel their morale fall.

I gritted my teeth, spread my arms out and crouched. "GWEN! OFF OF HIM NOW!" I shouted.

Gwen seemed confused, but she did as I asked. She jumped off.

Max charged at me like a runaway freight train.

But there was no way he was getting past me.

He leaped forward, trying to jump over me to grab the flag behind me. I rushed forward and slammed my shoulder into his rock sold abs. His momentum should have crushed me in, but something special happened.

Time slowed.

All the fallen legionnaires that had tried their best to stop Max, as well as Gwen, stared at me. Their eyes glowing purple, still receiving my power.

I could feel all their hope and anxiety. It all rested on me. I had to succeed, or their sacrifice would be in vain.

I had to hold him back.

I had to Hold


A rush of energy forced me to gasp. Each of the legionnaires that took my power sent it back and then some.

I slid to a stop, my arms now wrapped around Max's waist.

"What the-" Max said, but he was cut short.

As the horn blared, indicating my team had won, I roared and slammed Max into the ground so hard, we crashed through the stone below and into the waters of the aqueduct.

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