Chapter 3 (Troll)

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Y/N had chased after Hermione and went to the girl's bathroom when she heard a soft weeping coming from one of the bathroom stalls.

"Hermione? Are you alright?" Y/N spoke gently while slowly approaching the stall Hermione was in, she didn't reply and continued to sniffle.

Hearing her sniffle and seeing her unresponsive, Y/N knocked on the bathroom stall to somehow get to her, "Hermione?"

"Just leave me alone-"

"No," Y/N said firmly, "I am not going away. I will stay here until you open this door."

Hermione didn't open the door and continued to cry quietly while Y/N stood outside the bathroom stall, staring at the locked door and listening to her soft cries. She let out a sigh before speaking again, much gentler.

"Look, Hermione... I think you're a brilliant witch, I do. You shouldn't cry just because someone dislikes something about you, it's not your fault that you are the way you are. Plus, it's your charm so OWN IT." Y/N tried comforting Hermione. "And don't worry about not having any friends. I'll be your friend." She added.

Hermione let out a heavy sigh, "Thanks, but that's not what I'm crying about..."

"Oh, then what is?" Y/N was a bit surprised by her words to which Hermione sighed again. "Am I really unlikeable..?" She muttered sadly, her usual bossy attitude gone and was replaced with vulnerability.

"What? Of course not! I for one like you," she said truthfully, I mean who doesn't like the character Hermione Granger? "And forget about what others say, they don't know anything about you. And Ron? He's an idiot who doesn't know the ways of a girl's heart."

Y/N's words had put a small smile on Hermione's lips upon hearing the fact that Ron was, in fact, an idiot. But she remained guarded and wasn't ready to open the bathroom stall just yet. 'Oh boy' was what Y/N thought.

She needed to try a bit harder to comfort her to convince Hermione to open the door. Although Y/N did consider using the unlocking charm, Alohomora, to open the door. However, it's best if Hermione did it on her own will.

Y/N spent the whole afternoon by Hermione's side, outside the bathroom stall, making her feel better and giving her confidence back.

She showered her with compliments and spoke about things that she truly liked about her, things that even Hermione herself wasn't aware of and had taken for granted this whole time.

Though, Y/N only knew about these things from reading the books and watching the movies. From there, she saw how Hermione truly was and will be, becoming one of the most loveable characters throughout the whole series.

It had been hours since Y/N and Hermione were still in the girls' bathroom but were mostly getting to know each other behind a bathroom stall door. The weeping girl's sobs had thankfully subsided and she could talk normally again.

The two of them enjoyed each other's company so much that Y/N had forgotten something very important was about to happen to Hermione as they stayed in place.

Then she heard it, a low grunting, and the shuffling footfalls of gigantic feet. Y/N's calm expression immediately faltered upon realizing the scene was about to unfold as the troll approached the bathroom.

"Hermione, we have to leave. NOW." Y/N said with a hint of panic.

Hearing her sudden distress, Hermione can't help but finally open the bathroom stall door, and look at her with confusion.

"Why?" She asked before shrieking in fear upon seeing the twelve-foot troll entering the bathroom.

That's why.

The troll advanced towards them while waving its club at them, knocking over some sinks. Hermione instinctively backed away as far as she could from the troll and shrinks against the wall in fear.

Y/N on the other hand was ready to fight though, despite their height and size differences, the troll was fortunately stupid, and she pointed her wand at the troll.

She was about to cast a curse when Ron and Harry stepped in and fought the big oaf, as expected.

It was much scarier in real life than what Y/N anticipated. In the movie where they fought the troll humorously, they did the same thing only Y/N was there to experience the thrill of the danger in person, but she did not doubt their abilities to defeat it as she didn't fear for her life.

Eventually, the troll got knocked out cold on the ground by its club hitting its head.

"Is it– dead?" Hermione was the first to say.

"I hope so," Y/N replied.

"I don't think so," Harry said cautiously, "I think it's just been knocked out."

Y/N was already staring at the bathroom entrance, expecting the professors to enter any moment now which her thoughts were proven to be true as Professor McGonagall burst into the room, followed by Snape and then Quirrell.

McGonagall was understandably angry as she looked at the four first-years around the unconscious troll on the floor.

"What on earth were you thinking of?" McGonagall spoke with cold fury, "You're lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?"

"Please, Professor McGonagall, they were looking for Hermione." Y/N chimed in before Hermione could throw herself off the bus to cover for them.

She had always thought Hermione's small act of heroism was unnecessary when she could have come out with the truth. McGonagall would've understood, no one would blame her.

"Miss Granger?" McGonagall raised a brow.

"I was, here, with her the whole time." She spoke again, "We were most likely in here when the news broke out about the troll so we weren't aware of it," at least Hermione didn't, "let alone, have to return to our dormitories." Y/N argued calmly.

She had always known about the troll but she had simply forgotten about it while chatting with the crying girl.

"Is this true?" McGonagall looked sternly at the rest which they nodded vigorously.

"Well, consider yourself lucky, not many first years could have taken on a full-grown mountain troll. You each win 5 points. Professor Dumbledore will be informed of this. You may go."

With her permission, the four first-years hurriedly left the chamber and were too speechless to even speak. While the four of them walked together in silence and climbed up the stairs to their common rooms, Y/N was deep in thought the whole way there.

Something changed. Something had DEFINITELY changed from the original story because of Y/N.

Instead of Hermione losing Gryffindor 5 points like in the story, she gained 5 instead. All because of Y/N stepping in and explaining the situation to McGonagall.

Was it possible that Y/N's action could ultimately change the story? If so, then what would the outcome be, or better yet, the consequences? With such powers in her hands and knowledge of the story's plot, would it be wise to do anything differently?

Unfortunately, it was a bit too late for her to take anything back because after that day, with the bathroom incident, Hermione had become attached to Y/N as she no longer was interested in becoming fond of Harry and Ron.

That was a problem. That was a VERY big problem. 'what have I done?' she thought to herself, sweating seeing how Hermione would only hang out with her but roll her eyes at Ron, and treat Harry as nothing more than a classmate. This was VERY bad.

If this continues, Y/N fears that she may have unintentionally broken the Golden Trio before it even happened. Her talk with Hermione while in an attempt to comfort her had accidentally caused THEM to bond instead of with the two Gryffindors.

Now every time they sat in class, Harry sat with Ron and Hermione with Y/N, always sitting together and across from the other.

Hermione was known by her classmates as a know-it-all and Y/N was no different, the only difference is that Y/N doesn't rub her intelligence on other people's faces and make them feel dumb.

Everyone thought the two of the smartest students in the class would spar and form a rivalry against each other. After all, they were like equals when it comes to their academics.

But to everyone's surprise, it had been the complete opposite and now the two smartest students appeared to be the best of friends.

One day in transfiguration class, Draco saw Hermione and Y/N sitting next to each other as usual and couldn't help but comment on it.

"Oh, look, the two nerds are sitting together again. Trying to find your people, Granger?"

"Shut up–"

"Or what? You're going to throw a book at me? Because that's what a nerd would do, right?" He mocked before he gave her a revolting expression, "You're nothing but a Mudblo–"

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Ron hissed from across the room.

Y/N got her hand unconsciously clenched from Draco's insulting remarks and almost made a loud bang against the table with her fist. Good thing Ron intervened first.

The pale boy reacted immediately to the red-haired boy, sprung up from his seat, and puffed out his chest to look big and intimidating.

But Ron didn't back down as he also stood up from his seat and puffed out his chest, imitating him. Then Crabbe and Goyle stood up to back Draco up, followed by Harry backing up Ron's.

They glared at each other before Draco let out a smirk, "look at you, defending for your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend," Ron growled, a bit flustered

Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Please, you two are perfect for each other." He said sarcastically and added, "The pathetic traitor and filthy Mudblo—"

Then Ron pounced on him and was about to throw a punch at the boy's precious face, but Harry held him back, knowing it would only get them in more trouble than it's worth.

Draco faltered for a moment when he realized that Ron was going to hit him but quickly regained his composure, seeing him detained made him believe he was untouchable.

He grinned mockingly in delight for getting under Ron's skin, seeing him seething at him while being held back by his friend– he found it humorous.

But the next second, Professor McGonagall finally entered the class and immediately sensed the tension between the boys from different houses, especially Ron who was squirming in Harry's arms.

"What is all the fuss about?" She spoke sternly at them with a bit of anger, "Back to your seats, all of you." She ordered and they reluctantly obeyed, but not before giving each other one last glare.

And just like that, disaster had been avoided. Barely. Y/N still liked Draco as a character but she had forgotten what a bully he was.

Sometimes she had the urge to just knock some sense into the boy and straighten him up, but she knew Draco would never allow himself to change for anyone.

But what if Y/N wasn't just anyone?

What if she... if she may, if she might, if she could, change a little bit of the story and help change the fate of the boy who had no choice for the better?

She knew Draco better than anyone else and knew exactly what he was, and will be going through, after all. She can use what she knows about Draco to connect with him.

Yes, that would be a great plan, she thought.

But the consequences of changing a character's fate are ones filled with uncertainty, you don't know if a small little act could result in the entirety of the future changing.

But Y/N didn't care. She wanted to save Draco more than anyone else in the world. Knowing what she knows, he deserved better than to live a life he never wanted all because he didn't know any better and had no one else to turn to...

She will be that someone.

She will be the one to save Draco Malfoy no matter what it costs.

To open his eyes to his wrongdoings, melt his cold bitter heart, and heal him...

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