Chapter 4

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Lan Zhan and Wei Ying played healing music every day for Wen Qing as her family prayed in their ancestral hall for the gods to heal her mentally. As the days passed by, the two men and Wen Ning worked together to bring some peace to their sister, and slowly, Wen Qing's nightmares lessened, and the shaking of her hands started to disappear slowly. The more the two men played, the more her mind and body started to heal. It is still a long process, but it is a start.

A-Yuan was never far from his father's every time when Lan Zhan sat crossed legs with his qin on the low table he would sit on his a-die's lap and it would bring a smile to the two men faces. They still kept her unconscious most days only to keep her from tearing at her robes and scratching her skin raw. The pain they feel when they would witness such episodes would bring tears to their eyes and their family.

But they never lose hope because as long as their is hope they believe wholeheartedly, that one day she would heal. Most days, they would have their meals in silence, only taking when someone asked a question. They slowly started to build a home with their little one and their family. Love and care were in abundance all around them, and their hearts and minds felt light from worry.


Huaisang never left his brother's side since he came back, and as much as Mingjue loved his brother and felt guilty for not heeding his warnings about their way of cultivating. He could not stand it anymore and had to remove his little brother forcefully from his office only when he did that could he breathe freely again.

As much as he wanted to kill Jin Guangyoa, he found that he had no desire to do so. His little brother comes first now. He shudder to think how hard it must have been for his brother after his death. The role he had to fill as sect leader and not even truly had the time to mourn his his death. He will forever have to live with the guilt that he left his brother alone to fend for himself.

Huaisang finally, after his brother had removed him physically from his sight, took a long bath content that his big brother is safe and here in the Unclean Realm with him. After his bath, he lay on his bed and closed his eyes. As soon as he did, everything that had happened came rushing back to him, and he opened his eyes and lay there staring at the ceiling, and he can't help but to wonder what had happened to Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

He sat up slowly. Maybe this is not the time to sleep. He refuses to believe that the two men did not come back. They must have. He swings his legs of the bed and sits like that deep in thought for a long time until a thought occurred to him. Unlikely, but where else could they be. They were not found in the burial mounds where it thought they would be, so only one logical place is left.

He can not be sure ,but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense to him that the two would go to the one place and see to it that they are safe. A small smile grazes his face because he is sure that he is right. Maybe he will go there tomorrow and pray that they don't kill him on site and that they would forgive him for his oversight and everything he did to bring justice for his brothers murder. With his mind made up, he once again lay back on the bed with a satisfied but worried look on his face because he really does not want to die.


Jin Zixuan and Yanli, after they found out through the whispers in the halls of Koi Tower, what really happened and who were responsible for Jin Zixuan's death and who really placed the one hundred hole curse on Jin Zixun and what happened after she had took a sword for her brother. They could not help but feel anger within them.

Yanli could not help but feel that her sacrifice was spit on and stepped on by not only the sects but also her own blood brother. She cried when she heard that Wei Ying died and she cried even harder when she heard how he had died. Anger simmered inside her when she heard that her own blood brother had led the siege and that he blamed Wuxian even after he was brought back still for their parents death ,her own death and that of her husband.

She was furious when she heard how he had treated Wuxian, and she wanted to throw up when she heard what had happened to the innocent Wen in the burial mounds. Jin Zixuan wanted to kill both his father and half brother for using his death to rallied up the sects more. He wanted nothing to do with his family, not anymore, because he had lost too much. His son grew up without both his parents and and they would not let it happen again this time.

He now realise after coming back why Luo Qingyang had left the Jin sect. The only other person beside Wei Wuxian who had seen the sects greed and hunger for power and not any power but the power Wei Wuxian possessed. Wei Wuxian, who did not ask or wanted anything from the sects but only wanted to be left in peace with the Wen on that mountain but his father and brother with the sects could not even give Wei Wuxian that.

"I feel we should leave."

Jin Zixuan said from where he was seated with his son in arms across the low table to his wife ,who was sitting opposite him. Yanli looked at him in suprise as she did not expect those words to leave her husband's mouth.

"A-Xuan where should go?. I agree with you but where do you think we should go because truthfully I do not want to go to lotus pier because I don't think I would be able to held myself back if I should lay my eyes on A-Cheng. "

She spoke honestly as her eyes met those of her husband before it moved towards her sons sleeping form in his arms.

"I do not know yet A-Li but all I know we can not stay here. Father is still the same. Have you not heard that he had sent disciples to went and look for the iron pieces. I refuse to stay and raise my son in this vipers nest. I shudder to think what he had to endure in this place without the two of us here A-Li. I just can not."

He said with earnest and seriousness in his voice and both their eyes filled with tears at his last words. They do not know how much their son must have endured in this place but they could only imagine and they were not even here for him. How much must he have not have missed them and long for them. His parents.

"Do you think that A-Xian is alive A-Xuan?. If he is where would you think he would be right now?."

Yanli suddenly asked her husband and he shook his head.

"I would like to believe that he is A-Li. But where he could be I truly do not know."

He answered her honestly and she sadly nodded her head at his answer. He could see how much she misses her brother and he wish he could take her to him but all he could do is hope and pray that the two would meet again some day.

"A-Li maybe one day you would be able to see and talk to him again. You have to believe that."

He said softly and she gave him a sad smile.

"I really hope so A-Xuan."

She said with that same sad smile and look on her face before she stood and walked around the table and gently took her sleeping son from her husband and looked down at him before she placed a soft kiss on his forehead. She turned around and walked towards his cot and laid him down as her husband also stood up and follow her and came to stand behind her.  They both looked down at their sleeping son as Jin Zixuan hugged his wife from behind. Yanli leaned back into his touch and placed the back of her head on his chest.


Lan Xichen was not the same man he used to be to much had happened and he could not shed the guilt he felt for his brothers death. He had noticed that his uncle had became more quiet and spent most of his days in his residence. They both miss Lan Wangji very much and neither of them had step foot inside the Jingshi since he had that first day.

He kept on trying to figure out how things could have gone so wrong in just a few seconds. How had he missed the hatred that sect leader Shu held towards his baby brother. Lan Wangji never did anything to the man so how come he had dispised his baby brother so much. He would never understand. He haven't heard any word from A-yoa since everything had change and he can not help but to wonder how his friend were.

He still hopes that his brother would turn up one day at the Cloud Recess but the more days, weeks and months had passed he had no choice but to accept the fact that he would not see his baby brother again. He wishes so much to go and visit his old friend A-Jue but he does not think that he would be welcomed. Certainly not by A-Sang. He that is Lan Xichen after all had a hand in his friends death.

Things will never be the same again. Wangji is not here and his uncle barely talks to him. He have to shoulder all the responsibility of the sect but at least he has the help of the elders. He could not help but to think that even now things does not feel right as if they all are just waiting for something to happen. What it is he does not know.


Jiang Wayin wanted to rush to Koi Tower to see his sister and his nephew but things at home were stressful. His mother is the same just as his father. They fight every day over the same thing and over the same person and he is not even here. His not even here but he still managed to ruin his life because no matter what he do his mother always compares him to that traitor. Even now.

He is sick and tired of hearing how he will never measure up to him. Does his mother not see how much stronger he became. How his golden core is so much stronger and still she find something to scold him about. How is it possible that even after all this time he still managed to cause trouble and division between his parents even though he is not here. He hated him then and he still hate him with a burning fire inside him.

Just because he wasn't at the burial mounds does not mean that he believed that the traitor is not somewhere within the cultivation world he and that Lan Wangji. He wanted to go to where the Dafan Wen lives but his father refused to let him go.

"Do not cause unnecessary trouble for us and our sect."

His father had said. Those words were always spoken to that traitor and now it is directed at him. He who had singlehandedly build lotus pier up to once again became one of the big sects. He who had fought a war and brought justice to his parents and sects. He who had led a siege to ensure that not a Wen were left alive and that traitor also. His parents will never understand what he had to do. One day they will have to come out of hiding and he will be there waiting for them.


Jin Guangshan had heard about what Mo Xuanyu did and he had sent disciples to Mo village to go and collect the boy but on their return they delivered the news that the young man had taken his own life. Just as he had sent many disciples out in searched for the yin iron pieces. With Wen Rouhan out of play he will this time make sure that he become the most powerful and rule the cultivation world the way he wants.

He needed to call for a discussion conference so that he can once again have the support of the other sects. Maybe he should give that whore of a son another chance and see if he can convince him to bring Xue Yang into the sect and let him help him to create the tiger tally again. He need that power for himself. If he knew how to create it he would have done it himself and then he did not need their help. Unfortunately he does not have the knowledge. Well this time he will have to keep an closer eye on them and not let them out of his sight to make their own little revenge plans against him again.


It seems this fic will probably have more than 5 chapters lol only because I do not want to rush things.

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