Chapter 10

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Lloyd's POV

L O C A T I O N : B O R D E R   O F   C A P I T O L
1 0 : 2 5 A M

"4 5 1 to base, over."

Cole shook his head, "We gotta move. If Anacondrai didn't know where we were then, they certainly do now. Those surveillance cameras caught us."

"4 5 1 to base, come in."

I stare at the Holo in my hands. Nadakhan had given it to me before he died back there.

"This is a bad spot, we need to move right now." Jay murmured.

"4 5 1 to base, over!" Dilara repeated into the com. She sighed, "I can't get a signal. But I can get back to the base. Lloyd, give me the Holo." 

I stare at her.

"Lloyd, what did I just say? The Holo, let's go."

"Nadakhan gave it to me."

She frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Nya hummed in agreement, "He did. He transferred security clearance to him. I saw."

Dilara narrowed her eyes at me, "And why would he do that?"

"I'm on special orders from Yang."

"To do what?"

"To assassinate Chen." Dilara unfolded her arms, "I don't believe that for one second. As your new unit commander I order you to transfer security clearance to me now."

I shake my head, "I can't do that." Dilara reached for her pistol, and immediately Kai and Nya drew their guns out, their fingers on the trigger, "Let's not do that," Kai murmured.

"Nya, Kai. Stand down." Dilara gave me a cold stare, "I'm not asking you again, Lloyd. Give me that Holo." Suddenly Skylor stepped in front of me, "He's telling the truth. Dareth wants it televised. He thinks if we could film the Dragon assassinating Chen, it'll make the Capitol surrender before casualties get too high."

Morro glanced out the window, "Whilst we're arguing, there's a hundred Anacondrai Warriors on their way here."

I knew what I had to do. Stepping forward, I push Nya's gun down, "I know you're hurting about his death, but we need to pull ourselves together if we want to get through this alive. Nadakhan promised me that when the time came, you would help me."

She kept her gun on me for a few seconds, before finally bringing it down and giving a firm nod, "All right. Holo's yours."

Pixal approached the stairs, before putting her foot down. The tar had dried fast, into some sort of plastic, "I don't think we're gonna leave any footprints." she mumbled, "We should move, now. All those cameras outside should be covered up by the tar."

"He can't move like this." Flintlocke murmured, examining Clancee's leg, "His leg is too bad, we're gonna have to evacuate him. I'm sorry." Doubloon held up some gestures, and Seliel frowned, "Are you sure?"

Doubloon nodded. Dilara knelt down, "As soon as we get in contact, we'll send somebody back. I promise you." She turned to face the rest of us, "All right. Everybody move out!"

I shoot one last glance at the two, before being ushered down the stairs. Stepping outside, we walked across the grounds, which were now covered with tar. Kai raced ahead, "Come on, this way!" We pick up the pace, and I scan the area with the Holo. We arrive at a wall, and Nya punches the wall that had formed out of the dried tar, shattering it on impact. We race up the flights of stairs, before coming across a luxurious looking condo. "Get those curtains closed." Flintlocke ordered.

We shut the curtains, before peeking out subtly. Several trucks pull up, and Anacondrai Warriors pile out, wielding guns. We watch as they start shooting at the building we were at not long ago.

"It's Clancee and Doubloon," Zane murmured. Finally, they set off a large bomb, aimed right at the building. If those bullets didn't kill the two, then that bomb definitely did. Shutting the curtains again, we crouch down.

Suddenly the modern looking TV came to life, showing Gayle Gossip.

"Good day, everyone. I'm Gayle Gossip here with our continuing coverage of the defence of The Capitol. Today, as our Warriors valiantly hold off the Rebels, our story takes a surprising twist." The screen changed to show footage from cameras, "Lloyd Garmadon, the once...sweetheart of the Capitol, has infiltrated the City with some other Rebels, whose names are all too familiar. Kai and Nya Smith, Jay and Seliel Walker-Gordon, Cole Brookstone, Zane Julien, Morro Garmadon, Skylor Chen and Pixal Borg. Take a look at what happened just moments ago, when our Warriors cornered Lloyd Garmadon, and his band of foolish Rebels. Whatever arrogance brought this treacherous teen back to us, you are about to witness a great victory, not only for the Capitol, but for Ninjago."

The scene changed once again to the Warriors gunning down and bombing the building opposite the one we were hiding in. We all watched, anger and determination fuelling us.

"So there you have it. Lloyd Garmadon, the once sweet innocent boy, the boy who inspired such violence, seems to have met a violent end himself. Stay tuned for more information. Gayle Gossip signing out, thank you."

"So now that we're 'dead', what are we gonna do?" my cousin asked, his hands resting on his chin.

Some time had passed, and we ended up raiding the kitchen, finding food enough to fill us for weeks. We eat quickly, swallowing down the food.

"I don't think I ever really understood the Capitol until now." Flintlocke sighed, holding up a sandwich. It was dainty in size, yet very rich and filling, "You eat like this, you believe anything." Skylor placed the bit of cheese she was nibbling on back on the plate as the TV lit up again. One by one, all of our faces showed up, with our names listed below and what village we came from. 

Kaiden Smith - Ignacia

Jeremiah Gordon-Walker - Nom/Ninjago

Nicholas Brookstone - Jamanakai

Zachary Julien - Birchwood

Morgan Garmadon - Ninjago

Lloyd Garmadon - Ninjago/Ignacia

Naveah Smith - Ignacia

Sabrianne Chen - Ninjago

Phoebe Borg - Birchwood

Savannah Gordon-Walker - Nom/Ninjago

Nadakhan Djinn - Djinnjago

Dilara Djinn - Djinnjago

Flintlocke - Wish 

Clancee - Terra Technica

Doubloon - Stiix

"Why'd they put us up like that?" Kai asked, earning a pillow being thrown in his face.

"They think we're dead, dingbat." Nya snapped, focusing on the screen. The last picture faded, revealing Chen.

"So, Lloyd Garmadon, a spoiled, unstable boy, with nothing but a small talent of shooting, is dead. Not a thinker, not a leader. Simply a face plucked from the masses. Was he valuable? He was extremely valuable to the Rebellion because they have no vision, no true leader among them. They call themselves an alliance. But we saw what that means-" He was suddenly cut off by the screen glitching. The screen crackled, revealing Yang.

"Good evening. For those of you who don't know me, please allow me to introduce myself. I am President Yin Yang, leader of the Rebellion. I have interrupted a broadcast from your President in which he attempted to defame a brave young man. A face picked from the masses, he called him. As if a leader, a true leader could be anything else. I had the privilege of knowing a small town boy born in Ninjago, raised like a true Ignacian, who survived a fatal bombing of one too many, and rose up and turned a nation of slaves into an army!" His voice trembled.

"Dead or alive, Lloyd Garmadon will remain the face of this revolution. He will not have died for nothing."

"I had no idea I meant so much to him," I murmured, earning a short laugh from Nya.

"His vision and ours will be realised. A free Ninjago, with self-determination for all. And in his memory we will all find the strength to rid Ninjago of its oppressors. Thank you. And be safe."

The screen faded, showing a picture of me, with a banner that read, REMEMBER THE DRAGON.

"Chen's in his mansion. Where is that?" I ask, setting the Holo down on the glass coffee table. Everyone gathers around as the Holo comes to life. Skylor points over at a place on the map, "That's us." she pointed all the way across the map, "That's the City Circle. It's at least 70, 75 blocks north."

"75 blocks north?" Flintlocke asked.


"Nobody knows we're alive. This is our chance," Jay realises. I point over at a cluster of tall buildings, "These buildings. Do these look over Chen's gardens?"

"I..." Skylor looked unsure, but Zane nodded, "They do."

"If he goes outside at all, we could get a clear shot."

"We're getting ahead of ourselves here." Dilara spoke up, "Whether they're looking for us or not, we're pinned down."

Cole gestured to the side of the pod, "Hit that button. Scan for pods."

I do, and several orange orbs show up. Kai sighed, "Just about every ten steps."

"Yeah, that doesn't even show the new ones." Morro groaned, "So we can't go anywhere in the streets."

"And the rooftops are just as bad," Nya pointed out. Zane stared at the Holo, "There might be another way."

3rd Person POV

L O C A T I O N : U N D E R G R O U N D
4 : 2 5 P M

"I know these tunnels well." Zane explained, as they descended the ladder, "We can go through here."

The squad ventured through tunnels, which were lit up by wall lights. The Holo picked something up, and they broke into a sprint, leaning against the wall just as several trucks drove past. Lloyd held up the Holo, before softly shaking his head, "We're too exposed here."

Nodding, Zane gestured for the others to follow him, as they approached a door. Pushing it open, they crowded inside.

L O C A T I O N : C H E N ' S   R O O M
4 : 3 7 P M

Clouse entered Chen's room, only to find his leader with his head down on the desk. A bloody tissue was within his arm's grasp. Clouse bent down.

"Sir, should I call for your doctor?"

Chen sat up abruptly, looking around, before finally placing his eyes on Clouse, "What did you say?"

"S-Should I call for your doctor?"

"I hope you've woken me for something more urgent than an elderly man's health."

"They survived." Chen stopped short, "What?"

"I don't know how. We picked them up on a surveillance cam."

"Let me see. I...I need to see for myself." He clicked the button in his remote, before gasping at the scene in front of him, "It's him." he breathed, "It is him. Looks like they've moved underground." He gave a short, calloused chuckle.

L O C A T I O N : U N D E R G R O U N D
4 : 3 8 P M

They made their way down the ladder, hopping onto the surface below. Panting heavily, Lloyd took out the Holo and switched it on before holding it up, "Looks clear."

They ventured deep through the sewers. A pipe burst, and everyone ducked as the place fogged up.

"Everybody okay?" Dilara called out, receiving stunned nods.

The next part of the sewers consisted of water, reaching all the way up to Lloyd's chin. Nya struggled, before Jay gave her a piggyback.

Eventually the water grew shallow, and was up to their knees. It was pitch black, so they resorted to using flashlights.

"All right everybody, we're gonna stop here and get some rest, yeah?" Dilara called out, once they arrived at a part of the sewers where there only puddles of water. There was a hole in the wall, revealing some sort of small room warmly lit. "I'll take first watch." Dilara added.

"Right, settle in everybody." The recently widowed leader ordered. Lloyd rested his head against the wall and fell into a deep sleep.

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