"I smell something yummy!" I heard a deep voice shout, following the sound of our front door opening and closing. It was about time that dad had come home, considering he was a week late from his original return date.
"Not for you!" I yelled back, trying to keep my attention on mixing the batter in front of me. Knowing my dad and the endless pit inside of him that he called a stomach, no food was safe unless he was explicitly told not to eat it.
I heard the clanging and banging sounds he made as he plopped his stuff onto the floor, which were followed up by his work boots stomping against the kitchen tile as he navigated his way towards the oven.
"What do you mean 'not for me'? I pay for everything in this house don't I? I think that means i own these cookies." He deadpanned, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
I gave my arm a break from the relentless stirring I had been doing and turned to look at him. "A friend of mine got attacked by a villain yesterday. He's still recovering from it so I thought I'd bring him something to cheer him up. But if you'd rather eat all of them instead, be my guest." I sassed without hesitation.
My father pried his eyes from the sweet treats cooking in the oven, making eye contact with me instead. An un-approving look spread across his face. "He? You know I don't like you hanging out with boys, Y/N. Speaking of, are you still dating that little boy with all those issues that your mother used to treat? Lets see, what was his name... Key, Kis?"
"Kaibara. Sen Kaibara." I crossed my arms across my chest, leaning against the counter behind me as i began to get ticked off. "And I'd really appreciate if you wouldn't refer to him like that. He's gotten a lot better, father."
This was one thing I hated about when my father came home. Don't get me wrong, I love my father, but we've never had a relationship. Ever since I was little he was always gone for work, and when he was home he just spent all his time praising Taiari for being the angel child and yelling at Yoki for all the bad things he did.
And now, since I was older, he instead spent all his time nagging at me for stuff that wasn't even bad. I was never a 'bad' kid, I kept myself in check most of the time just cause I didn't want to put more stress on our family then there already was. But nevertheless, every little thing I did that he didn't like, he made it abundantly clear that he didn't approve, and 9 times out of 10 it pissed me off.
"Hmph." he sighed in response, finally leaving the kitchen to retrieve his bags and unpack them. Thank god. I went back to stirring my second batch of cookies, rolling them into little balls and putting them on a baking sheet shortly after. My timing was nearly perfect, because not even five minutes after i finished preparing the second batch, the oven was beeping, indicating that the first was done.
I didn't know much about Bakugo's condition, just that they told him to lay low and stay home for a couple days so that everything could blow over. As far as I know, he wasn't hurt physically, but I was sure he was still shaken up emotionally. I mean, after that, who wouldn't be? So, I decided to bake some cookies and bring them to his house for emotional support.
Cookies makes everything better, right?
Wrong. I mean, at least I don't think Bakugo thought that.
"What the hell are you doing here and how do you know where I live." He scolded, shortly after swinging open his front door.
Despite my smiling face as I stood there, plate of fresh cookies in hand, he still met me with the same rudeness as always. I quickly realized that I hadn't exactly thought that far ahead, and I had no idea what to do. Should I just hand him the cookies and run? No, that'd be awkward. But I shouldn't invite myself inside either, that would be beyond rude. Make small talk? No, that would mean Bakugo had basic conversational skills, which I know he doesn't.
I also failed to realize that while i was thinking my way through all of these possibilities that I was just standing there frozen, smiling at him like an idiot. And I only realized it when Bakugo slammed a door in my face as a response. I finally snapped out of my daze and knocked once again. "Wait! I brought cookies!" I spat, hoping he could hear me.
I stood there for a few short seconds before he opened the door once more, holding his hands out in anticipation for the plate of cookies. I looked at his arms hesitantly before handing over that plate, and not-so-surprisingly having the door slammed in my face again.
"KATSUKI I KNOW YOU DID NOT JUST SLAM THAT DOOR FOR THE SECOND TIME WHA ARE YO- oooooh cookies! Wait, WHERE DID YOU GET THESE?!" I heard a woman scream from the other side of the door, presumably Bakugo's mother. Several hitting and banging noises followed, before the door was finally opened again.
A beautiful woman, with skin that was better than mine had opened it this time. I assumed I was right with presuming it was Bakugo's mom, since they shared the same blonde spiky hair, and also because she was dragging him towards the door by the hair. "H-hi, I'm Y/N Natsuku, its a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." I tried to say respectfully.
"Oh hi there! You must be the baker behind those cookies! Im Mitsuki Bakugo, sorry about this little brat, he didn't mean to be so rude, right Katsuki?" She asked the young boy, releasing him from her grip but still giving him a clearly threatening smile.
"Yeah... sorry." he mumbled, eyes not leaving the ground. I just smiled, though, in an attempt to ease the anger in the air.
Mitsuki opened the door even wider, motioning inward. "Would you like to come in for a drink? As a thanks for the cookies, of course." She kindly offered.
"Oh are you sure? I don't want to intrude-" I began.
"Oh no honey of course not! Come on in, Katsuki go fetch some slippers for the girl won't you?" Mitsuki ordered once more. Bakugo responded with a groan, but still obliged, eventually returning, handing me the burgundy slippers reluctantly, scoffing as he did so.
Their home was actually quite big, which surprised me. I had also noticed when I walked up that their front yard had been nicely landscaped, and now that I was inside I could see the interior was decorated beautifully. For how much of a messy person Bakugo seems, his house sure was neat, I mean, they weren't even expecting me so it must just stay like this.
"Come! Come! You can take a seat on the couch, I'll make some tea to go with those wonderful cookies you brought!" She shouted, parting ways with me to go to their kitchen once she had shown me the path to the living room.
I reluctantly sat on their seemingly untouched grey couch, not wanting to damage it. Bakugo followed shortly after, sitting on top of the identical couch across from me. He seemed much more relaxed while inside his own home than he did when I usually saw him.
"Did you need something or are you just here to piss me off." He spat, hunching over to rest his arms on his knees.
His harsh tone took me aback at first. Yeah, Bakugo was rude most of the time, but it was more of just ignoring people rather than insulting and yelling insults at them. But then again, he was still relatively new to the classes, and it could be possible that he wasn't comfortable enough yet. Possible, yet not likely.
"Oh uhm," I started, trying to figure out a way to say it without sounding like I was a stalker. "I saw what happened to you yesterday.... it scared the crap out of me, to be honest. I just wanted to check in and see if you were doing okay." I explained.
Bakugo scoffed, his head turning to the side as he finally straightened his hunched back and crossed his arms over his chest instead. "I don't need your pity."
I quirked my head to the side, confusion setting in from what he had said. "Pity isn't always a bad thing... It's just a way for people to show you that they care about your wellbeing..." I trailed off, not sure if I had added fuel to the fire.
His head finally turned to face me, but his eyes refused, darting all across the room to avoid looking directly at me. Bakugo's face had softened, looking as though he was about to say something. But it was only for a moment. He straightened his posture to nearly perfect, his jaw being clenched as his face hardened. The sound of Mitsuki's footsteps had easily explained the change he'd made to me as she entered the room, a tray with a tea kettle and cups in her hand.
"Here we go!" The young woman explained, taking a seat next to Bakugo. "I'm not too good at making tea, my husband or Katsuki usually does it." A smile spread across Mitsuki's face following her unusually perfect giggle.
"Oh, I'm so sorry to put you through the trouble, but I really should be going soon." I shuffled in my seat a little, trying to say without coming off rudely.
"Nonsense! It won't take more than five minutes sweetie, and I would love to visit with you for a bit!" She convinces, and at this point there was no way I could refuse without seeming selfish.
I smiled and nodded, commencing small talk with her not long after. She asked me the usual questions, what my parents do, where I go to school, my extracurricular activities. All to which I answered with a short and sweet response.
I periodically sipped on the cup of tea she had poured for me. But, the more I talked, the more my eyes seemed to keep an eye on the clock. And everytime I did, Bakugo seemed as though he was staring me down. At this point, only one thing wa son my mind.
It still bugged me how upset Sen got last night, though. But me, being the bigger person that I am, wanted to go to his house to try and work it out. It would be a little bit of a walk, though, considering i didn't ride my bike today out of fear of dropping the cookies. After all, i could barely ride it properly without having to worry about a plate of baked goodies.
That's why I wanted to leave quickly, to make sure I could get there before the time he had to leave for work. But surprisingly, before I could even ask if I could leave again, Mitsuki pipped up.
"Well dear I guess I should let you be on your way now." She smiled, her head slightly topping to the side as her eyes squinted. It was as though she had read my mind.
And, my now empty cookie plate in hand, I left the Bakugo residence. The seemingly long walk to Sen's house actually turned out being quite scenic, so I didn't mind it too much. The weather complimented the scenery perfectly, the sun rays landing on me harshly, but the cool wind blowing to lessen them.
The feeling in my gut that I had since the very beginning of our relationship had only grown more and more with every little fight we had. And now, it was at a point to where I just couldn't ignore it.
I knew what I had to do.
I literally cannot wait untill I can write some fluff for this book you don't even KNOW
It's coming soon tho dw :)
Also I'm in the process of moving right now but I'm gonna try my best to keep updates consistent still ❤️
2,018 words
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