"Thank you everyone, especially our new students, for a great first week of class, I really hope to see you guys again next week!" I smiled as I said goodbye, motioning to the group that they were dismissed. Everyone started to shuffle and stand up, gathering their things, and heading for the door.
Im not going to lie, I always expect the absolute worst for the first few weeks of class, but surprisingly, this is one of the best groups Ive ever had in my whopping two years of teaching. It was refreshing to have people who actually listen to what I have to say during class. Over the course of the week I had gotten to learn most of the new students fairly well, I had two that were my age, and only a handful of others in their 30s or 40s.
Eventually, I too started heading towards the chair where I always sat my backpack down. As I shoved my stuff inside, I saw a pair of feet approach me in my peripheral vision.
I looked up to see who it was, only to be faced with that angry looking blond boy with spiky hair. He was one of the students that was my age, and I learned through the course of the entire week, because I'm horrible with names, that his name was Bakugo Katsuki. He didn't talk to anyone that much, but I knew that he had minor but increasing hearing loss.
"Oh, sorry, do you need help with anything?" I asked, giving him a smile.
"Hm.." he paused for a moment. "So you really dont remember me, do you?" He questioned, his head quirking to the side as he shifted the weight of his backpack onto his left shoulder. Bakugos face and demeanor definitely didn't match his voice, it was calm and quite soothing, actually.
"Pardon?" I said, I was almost certain I had never met someone like him who constantly looked like he wanted to stab someone with hair to match that persona. Then again, I had a habit of forgetting people that I've only met on one occasion.
"Hmph," he sighed, "Little Rabbit."
Almost immediately, that memory that I had somehow forgotten about came rushing back to me.
~Eight Years Earlier~
"Hey, are-are you okay?" I asked the crying kid sitting on the gravel in front of me. He looked about my age, so I decided I should at least try and help. "Its raining, you need to get inside or you might get sick." I said again before reaching my hand out to touch his shoulder. Before my fingertips could even make contact with the fabric of his shirt he had harshly swatted my hand, leaving a red mark behind.
"Go away!" He sniffled. Oh come on. Stubborness is never gonna get you anywhere but alone and with no friends, weirdo.
I rolled my eyes, pressing my back against the wall and sliding down to sit next to him. "Well now I'm definitely not going anywhere, you meanie." His wet blond hair was strewn around his face, it looked as though it had been styled before, or even was naturally positioned, but the rain had ruined it and made it go straight, making it mat against his forehead and face. Maybe that was what he was crying about? No, that couldn't be it.
"If it makes you feel any better, today's my last day at this school before I move to a different one across town. So, if you wanna, you can tell me why you're crying and know that I can't go telling everyone at school. OH! and I'll pinky promise not to tell anyone outside of school either, if-if that uhm, if that helps." I offered.
He finally lifted his head from his arms in his crouched position, giving me a side look. "Are you really, or are you lying?" he said sassily, shooting daggers at me with his eyes. Geeez does this kid even grasp the very concept of being a good person...
"I am, and I don't like it when people are sad, or mean, so I'd like to help you feel better."
He sat looking at me for a while, then looking at the wall, then back to me. "Okay fine," the blond sniffed, "I uhm, I-i was exploring in the w-woods with some of my friends," another sniff, followed by him wiping his nose with his sleeve. Gross.
"And we found this little white bu-bu-bunny. And it was uh, it was really cute so, you know, I went to pet it but it ran awa-away from me. So I was chasing it and it kept running a-away and I just got really angry so m-my quirk star-started going off a-and next thing Ins-saw the bunny wa-was b-bleeding really badddd...." He told me, trying hard to hold back his tear before finally spilling them all into his hands after he was done. " I didn't wanna hurttt itttttttt!" he whaled again, his crying resuming once more.
"Hey, hey..." I tried my best to soothe him like my mother did when I was crying, but it barely helped at all. I was careful to try to avoid physical contact, since he clearly didn't like that very much. "Look I know you feel really bad about it but, were still really young and none of us really have control over our quirks yet. There's nothing you could've done, and I know that you didn't mean to hurt that tiny bunny."
"yo-you really think so?' He lifted his head, still saddened but with a glint of hope in his eyes. I nodded my head and gave him a sweet smile.
"Of course, I'm sure the tiny bunny is gonna be just fine."
"Little Rabbit." He corrected, giving me a blank stare. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at him with confusion written all over my face. "I-i don't," he started. "I don't think it was a tiny bunny. It looked more like a little rabbit."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully, followed by a slight chuckle. And eventually, he gave me a small grin too. I stood up, dusting my butt off from the gravel we had been sitting on, before offering him my hand so he could stand too. He accepted, to my surprise, and we both headed inside. I never got the name of the little boy who had trusted me enough to confide in me that day even though we hardly knew each other.
Until now.
Katsuki Bakugo... huh.
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