Chapter 6

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"Aurelia, honey, you can't live here anymore. I'm sorry, your sister wouldn't be okay with it. You know the deal. You know your father." Sighed my mother, trying to be as comforting as she could despite practically choosing her over me, yet again.

I walked out the house with only a small bag; I knew that's all I needed.

I called Kc up hoping to go over to her house for the next few weeks until I find a good place.

I had a lot saved up, and my mom sure helped out, making it clear that I'll always have a place in the family, just not in the house for now.

Which is really stupid and outrageous if you ask me.

As I made my way to Kc's, a photographer came to me. This one was different however, it wasn't simply paparazzi. It was Briana jones from 'the insider' and of course like the rest of the world, she wanted the inside scoop.

Upon introducing herself, she gave me an irresistible offer:cash, in return for an exclusive comment.

She even offered me enough for a new house to buy! The offer was great, but I wasn't quite sure. I could've used this to my advantages in ways which would prove to help me more in the long run. And so I had an idea.

Now that's the manipulative, mischievous Aurelia I know! I mentally patted myself in the back as my thoughts flew back to the scandals I used to pull off

But looking back, I secretly wish mischievous Lia stayed in because the shenanigans I had come to face with in the soon to come months was so much worse than having everyone hate me.

Aurelia: I need Harry's number.

*seen by Zayn*

Aurelia: Okay listen up. Give me the number or I'll tell everyone the picture wasn't consensual.

Zayn: hi! I love replying to all my fans but I'd really appreciate it if you wonderful people didn't spam my messages. All the love, Z.

At this point I was mad. mad mad. Which is when I simply sent him a picture of the phone number I've gotten from the insider.

Zayn: 1 (616) 622-4337

Aurelia: thanks, dick.

I called Harry immediately, not really sure of what to say. I haven't thought this through have I?

"Hello?" His raspy voice woke me up from my day-dream immediately, goosebumps appeared on my skin at the sexiness of his voice alone.

"Hi, um Harry I know this is wrong, I know. I just really need some advice right now, would you mind just talking to me for a few? It's Aurelia by the way."

"umm I'm going to need a second love, but if it's important, shoot." He responds. Slight irritation could be recognised in his voice. I knew I'm just a fan but believe me, I had my ways.

"Look, I'm not gonna bother you for longer than I have to but as you know, I'm kicked out and fed up, meaning I have less than 20k to buy a new house in the next 2 weeks, but the insider gave me an offer of 10 Million which is more than enough for a house and a stable life, and my only task is to give them a few details of whether the story was consensual or not. And we both know he didn't exactly have my consent."

"a couple over a million people know you by now, but a lot more than 50 million people know him. He might've done something stupid, but you're out there ruining his income to enhance your own. Selfish isn't it?" He gathered.

What? How could he even think that way?

Some men were so uneducated about the struggles women face, and I can't say they're to blame. After all, we were taught by experience whereas they need to be taught by lectures.

A women doesn't need to struggle just so a man can keep his image. A man should earn respect just like women struggle to.

Feisty Aurelia was having a sword fight with humble Aurelia in my head, and like always, the bitchier one won.

"Um excuse me? I wouldn't need to enhance my income if he hadn't caused half the world, including my sister to hate me and we wouldn't even be here if he wasn't a selfish asshole. He has billions to sleep on while I have a cold fucking stone as a pillow!" I screamed through the phone. At that moment I didn't care who it is I'm talking to, it just felt good to get it all out.

Even if some of it wasn't specifically..... true...

Harry sighed through the phone before finally saying "come over. We can work something out." He said, followed by asking me where I am so his driver can pick me up.

Something told me he didn't want me to know the location of his house, clear by the way I could never see the sign boards through the dark tinted windows of his car.

They were all so secretive and mysterious, too discreet if you ask me, even for celebrities.

Slowly I tried to put it all together. I know this isn't Sherlock Holmes but perhaps I could have my fun with it regardless.

Discreet, tinted windows, repetitively saying Zayn's old ways were dangerous, houses big enough for 20 people to live in.

It was all a mystery indeed, trying figure out where they went wrong, where they went sketchy.

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