Chapter 11

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"Hey Louis." Harry waved, "Oh, Aurelia, hi."

there was something about his greeting which seemed off. As if he's upset about something, it was clear in his eyes and tone but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"You okay? It's gonna be okay, you know?" Louis stated, confirming my suspicions.

"She's asking for a lot, Louis. I don't know man, maybe I should just give in but honestly Is the media gonna believe some bratty 18-year-old?" Harry continued.

For a second there I feared they're talking about me but quickly recovered when Harry said "I only hooked up with her once, I don't see why she suddenly seems so attached. If she exposes my address or even my phone number I'd literally have to sell it!"

"What does she want in return for her silence" Louis asked.

"Fame I'm guessing... she just wants to continue hooking up and she even went as far as commanding to make it public. As if she isn't just the typical whore." Harry explained

I was quite alarmed by how Harry used an 18-year-old and was now complaining that she somewhat felt attached. It was quite annoying how he was going as far as calling the poor thing a whore, even if her ultimatums were pathetic.

I found my mouth suddenly opening beyond my control when I responded "excuse me? She's just the typical whore? Then why did you sleep with her"

"Aurelia, the grown ups are talking go wash the dishes or something" Louis dismissed. He has never been this rude and I was really just not taking it.

"If She's the common whore then so are the two of you, sleeping around with different girls every night as if there would never be attachments involved. And Louis, really, get a grip I just went out because I couldn't catch my breath!"

They both looked at me with what looked like shock, as if maybe they weren't expecting my input to be against the 2 boys I claimed I adored.

"Look, Aurelia, my living arrangements are first of all not a little girl's business, and secondly, you say that as if you wouldn't be on your knees if I simply allowed you to suck my dick and warned you that you may in no way get attached." I'm sorry what?
"I expect girls to have the decency of sticking to their words thus considering it pathetic when they don't."

Harry's vulgar response caught me off guard, as my lips parted slightly. did he really just compare me to one of those girls? but I really can't complain either since I was after all one of Zayn's girls.

I huffed and excused myself and was absolutely surprised when I saw Louis follow me out.

"I'm going to New York tomorrow and am not taking you with me. You're staying with Harry for the next couple of days and doing as he pleases. Understood?" He commanded.

I nodded, not knowing who the man before me really was. He was so sweet when I first met him, but then again so was Harry.

"Less of that attitude or the remaining 5K you get is completely cut." He scolded, "I don't pay for attitude from a child"

"What happened to you jesus. You were such a sweetheart when we first met and then you just kissed me and started acting like I'm some bratty 6-year-old you can discipline!"  I scolded back.
"Don't worry, Lou, I don't kiss and tell like 'those girls' and you shouldn't kiss and brat like the common douche!"

He laughed aloud, which I found quite offensive really, "the kiss? The kiss I only initiated to remind you that I could take you in an instant? Relax baby girl, I'm not gonna pull a Zayn on you, I wouldn't even do so if you begged, to be completely honest."

His words were harsh and I now found myself somewhat hurt. "Then why would you kiss me. You knew I wouldn't want more either but you did it. So stop being a douche, Louis."

"Oh honey. Don't you know it's all about the chase? The adrenaline? The rush? I might just have to go against my promise and take you if you keep giving me so much attitude." He spat
"Maybe you would know more of the adrenaline aspect if you weren't 18 and a virgin." He smirked, sending me off the edge. I wasn't just hurt anymore, I was infuriated.

"You know what Louis, fuck off. You practically begged me to take this job and now you're some complete and utter asshole, at least I don't act fake to the media for the sole purpose of an adrenaline rush!" I immediately regretted my words knowing his response,

"Oh? Should we take a trip down memory lane with MyHarryStyles? Maybe we should hit Zayn up for validation too! The media seemed to love your smack talk from when you weren't shagging him."

I kind of did have that one coming, I feel like you just have to be someone for the media and when you're not, people somewhat get shocked although they shouldn't be.

"Okay now that one I had coming. But still, adrenaline doesn't beat personality, Sir." I emphasised the sir "You turn into a man slut so that you get a 5 second rush. I'm sure your fans would be so proud to know their little Lou takes advantage of girls for his own enjoyment."

Louis brows pulled in with my words, it looked like I finally broke him and offended him, and I wasn't sure if that meant I have to apologise or push further.

I knew deep down that I lived with this man and he was at one point kind enough to hire me, so I opened up before he got a chance to fight back;

"Look Louis, what you do in your own time is you time, I have no rights to care, but when you kiss the girl 'Zayn banged' which is in love with Harry for your sole amusement, I get heated. So don't touch me again, and I won't bring up your inhuman side activities."

But before I could even process what was happening, Louis leaned in and kissed me all over again. This time the kiss was harsher and he was more dominant, but the kiss didn't last nearly as long as last time.

"now that's strike 2. Don't say you're in love with styles when you kiss back like that. And show some respect, little girl, I am after all your boss."

He warned with a devilish smirk. Leaving me speechless as he walked back in.

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