Chapter 8: Tiaras and Time Capsules

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Chapter songs: Get You The Moon - Kina
Honeybee - The Head and the Heart
Songs in this chapter:
Last of her Kind - Alec Benjamin
You Said You'd Grow Old With Me - Michael Schulte
Lowkey gave up on editing halfway through

[two weeks later]

Agatha was dreading her bachelorette party. Sophie was the maid of honor. That enough was a reason to be worried. The second reason was that it was a surprise. Agatha hated surprises. The final reason was that she had to be up early for it. There was nothing Agatha hated more than waking up in the early morning. She got out of bed careful not to wake Tedros up. He had gotten home late from a concert in Manchester. Agatha snuck out of her and Tedros' bedroom and into the guest bedroom. She had stashed some clothes into that closet so she wouldn't make a ruckus and wake him up, afterall, he didn't wake her up when he would go workout at 5am for no reason like a lunatic.  Agatha ran her fingers across the hangers. She couldn't decide what to wear, she didn't know where they were going or how long they were going to be out. Agatha decided to play it safe with a slip dress. It was a light cornflower blue with small darker blue flowers scattered on it. She snuck back into her room to grab some heels. Agatha sat on the little grey bench that they had in their closet. She laced up her heels and grabbed a dark blue leather purse. It was a little chilly so Agatha grabbed a sheer medium blue shawl off one of the hangers and wrapped it around her elbows. She quietly made her way out the door,
"Where ya going?"
Agatha turned around and was faced with her fiance smirking at her from their bed.
"Sophie's picking me up"
"And why are you sneaking?"
"Because I didn't want to wake you"
Tedros chuckled lightly before getting out of bed. He walked over to Agatha who was leaning against the door frame. He placed a kiss on her forehead before walking passed her. Agatha watched as her fiance walked down the stairs,
"I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave"
Tedros laughed, "Don't forget your overnight bag, good luck!"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
Agatha grabbed a small black bag from next to the door. She grabbed it before heading downstairs and out the door. Sophie was already waiting for her when she stepped through the door. Agatha's jaw dropped as she was met with a limo filled with her screaming friends. Agatha recoiled, "it's to early for this bullshit"
"Leave that ugly mess there I already know it will not do!"
"Then what am I supposed to wear"
Sophie held up a bright bubblegum pink duffle bag
"It's all in here"
Agatha groaned and dropped her clothes bag next to the front door. She walked towards the car and got into the back with her friends. There were only 7 of them, and it was only 10 am but Agatha already knew she wasn't going to be able to handle it.
"First stop, airport!"
"What?" nobody answered her question, instead a glass of champagne was shoved in her hand.
The girls arrived at the airport except it didn't seem like a normal airport, there were no other cars around.
"Where are we?"
"Private airport, someone's husband to be happens to be a famous singer who just happens to own a private jet to make travelling from venue to venue easier"
Sophie waved a pair of keys in front of the group,
"You exploited Tedros?"
"No! I simply called in an IOU"
"Uh huh"
"Anyways let's go"
Sophie led the gaggle of girls up the jet stairs. Dot and Kiko immediately headed to the kitchen/bar. Hester and Anadil's arms were linked as they quietly discussed something. Agatha was too distracted by Nicola and Sophie's conversation about some tv show they were watching to try and figure out what they were whispering about. Agatha slipped out of the girls grasp and sat down at the bar with Kiko and Dot.
"So what'll it'll be" Dot said with a very bad brooklyn accent
Agatha chuckled, "just a water"
"Everybody better have at least two drinks in them before we land, I cannot deal with any of you bitches sober!"
Agatha grabbed the mimosa that was served to her and took a seat in one of the jet chairs, She took a sip before buckling her seat. Sophie took a seat next to her, Hester and Anadil took the seats facing them. Dot, Kiko, and Nicola sat across the aisle from them. Agatha enjoyed her drink as they made their way to Paris, aka Sophie's happy place. After about an hour and a half-ish the plane landed. Sophie was leading the way again. The girls followed her down a red carpet strategically rolled out for none other than Sophie. Agatha tried her best not to roll her eyes, Sophie did have a taste for the extravagant. Before stepping into the black car that was waiting for them, Agatha was handed a "Bride to Be Sash" fortunately the satin was white and the lettering was a nice pale-ish silver. She slid the sash over her head. Hester stepped up behind her and placed a small tiara in her hair, "The witch's orders"
After Agatha had left, Tedros had done his daily workout and ate breakfast alone scrolling through his phone. Luckily for him, his best man was simple. They were going to a dinner and a bar later and that was it. Chaddick had promised that they wouldn't do anything too wild, but with his track history, he wouldn't be too surprised if something dumb happened. He spent his morning adding the finishing touches to his album. He was planning to announce the album the week before the wedding. Tedros had enjoyed a nice and quiet afternoon. He managed to finish everything he needed to do and took a nice nap. Tedros was watching something on the tv when there was a knock on his front door.
"Open up bitch"
Tedros groaned and got up from the couch. He opened the door and in came Chaddick and Tristan. Tristan looked bored and Chaddick seemed overly excited.
"It's barely 2pm, what you doing here"
"Bored and couldn't wait" Chaddick's voice came from the kitchen. Of course he was already raiding their fridge. Tristan was simply sitting on one of the loveseats using his phone.
"We're friends, can't we just come over because we want to"
"Nope. What do you want"
"Fineeeee, I need to meet with my coach before going to dinner. But I've been late a couple of times and since I don't want to get punished, I figured I'd bring the famous Tedros Pendragon, his daughter's favorite singer, along with me to get some leverage ."
Tedros gave Chaddick a deadpan look before punching him in the arm.
"I deserve that. But will you come?"
"Fine but only because you're paying for our drinks later tonight"
"Thanks bro"
"Who's your coach anyways?"
Chaddick seemingly ignored the question by shoving the sloppily made sandwich into his mouth. Tedros walked up the stairs to change into something...more appropriate. He did have a reputation for being a pretty well dressed dude after all. He wore a pale beige loose button up tucked into a pair of medium brown pants paired with some white sneakers.
"Ok let's go"
Tedros was about to walk through the door when he noticed Chaddick and Tristan weren't following him.
"What now?"
"Let's take your car, mine is having some issues"
Tedros rolled his eyes, "sureee"
Chaddick grinned widely as they headed to the garage. Chaddick chose one of the sports cars that Tedros hardly ever used. It was matte black with gold lining around the seams. It was really extra, that was why he never drove it. There was really no occasion that suited the vehicle. He bought it on a whim while drunk with Chaddick, as you may have guessed. Tedros grabbed the corresponding keys off the key holder. Chaddick called shotgun while Tristan got stuck in the backseat. Tedros followed the directions that Chaddick gave him. How far was this coach of his. After driving for around 30 minutes Tedros found himself cruising through very familiar streets. They were Camelot. What in the hell were they doing in Camelot? They passed by their old high school, by Guinevere's home, by the boys' old hangout spot. Tedros didn't question it. None of them seemed bothered by it, so why should he? Tristan was still on his phone and Chaddick was munching on a bag of chips that he had stolen from Tedros' house. They turned another corner when Tedros saw the giant stadium looming over them.
"Turn in here"
"Are you serious?"
Chaddick smiled smugly. They pulled into the player's parking lot and Chaddick flashed the security guard his ID. The boys were buzzed in.
"You're playing for the Camelot Lions?"
Chaddick simply nodded. Not saying anything. Tedros and Tristan trailed behind the brunette boy as he led them through the building. They walked into the empty locker room and Tedros was in awe. He had been watching the Lions ever since he was a little boy. They were his father's favorite team so inherently they became his too. They weren't the best football team but they were definitely up there. He watched his first live football game from those stands. He dreamed of becoming a famous athlete and playing with the team out on that very field but seeing it firsthand as a visitor was just as impactful. They followed Chaddick through the rows of lockers until reaching a door with the words "head coach" on a plaque. The door swung wide open before Chaddick had the time to knock.
"Dicky, my boy!"
For the first time in the afternoon Tristan looked up from his phone, "dicky?" He scoffed
Chaddick shot a glare at him before turning back to the older man.
"How you doing Rick? This is my friend Tedros that I told you about"
"Ah the one who's getting married?"
"Yeah that's him"
The older man pulled him into a hug,
"Well congratulations to you! My daughters' are huge fans. Do you mind signing a few things?"
"It's no problem, I love my fans" Tedros smiled as the man returned to his office and brought out a box of stuff.
"I'm sorry if it's a lot, they are really big fans" Tedros chuckled trying to hold back a slight look of terror. It was A LOT of stuff. He began to sign the different relics and albums and pictures that were in the box. Chaddick and Rick excused themselves and went into his office. They were surely talking about the reason why Chaddick was there in the first place. What it was? Tedros was unsure about that answer. After about 10 minutes Tedros was done autographing everything and the guys were done with their chat. Rick thanked Tedros and sent them on their way. Tristan and Tedros both headed for the way they came in but Chaddick dragged them another way.
"It's a shortcut" was all he said. The boys found themselves underground. Tedros could see light and a patch of green as they neared the end of the tunnel. They were going onto the field. Tedros felt like he was going to start hyperventilating. He was about to cross one of his biggest dreams off his bucket list. The first step onto the grass was magical. Well not really but it felt that way to him. He finally looked up from the green when he noticed who was in front of him. The majority of the Camelot Lions were right there. Tedros was really going to freak out now.
"You're welcome" Chaddick whispered into his ear as the players walked closer to them.
"You planned this?"
"No I did" Tristan had put his phone away. He shoved his hands into his pockets before walking closer to them.
"I just wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret so I forced myself to be on my phone."
"I'm shocked, I can't believe you guys did this"
"It was surprisingly easy. They're all big fans of your music"
"They like my music? This is the best day of my life"
"Aren't you getting married in a few weeks?"
"This is the best non Agatha related day of my life."
Chaddick chuckled, "much better"
Tedros greeted each of the players. They all talked for a while. Tedros was still in disbelief. He couldn't fathom the idea that the people who he looked up to most of his life were his fans. They spent a little more than 2 hours at the stadium. Tedros went home with a handful of signed jerseys, a football signed by the entire team, and skybox tickets to the next game. It was safe to say that this was a great start for his bachelor party.
Agatha smiled at the pictures that Chaddick had sent her. They were of Tedros smiling like a little kid, surrounded by his favorite players.
"Put that phone away! We have shopping to do!" Agatha resisted the 500th eye roll of the day. Sophie was as relentless as ever. They had just finished having breakfast when Sophie had informed them of her plans. After breakfast at a small bakery near the Eiffel Tower, the girls were going to go shopping. Agatha, of course, knew most of the designers behind the stores. That's most likely why Sophie brought them here. She hoped to get a discount. Agatha shoved her phone into her purse and followed the blonde. According to Sophie, the plan was to shop for a bit and enjoy Paris before heading to another location. Agatha had a few drinks in her so she wasn't too against the idea. However she wasn't too pleased that she was going to have to spend more time sitting in a chair. No matter how comfortable they were, she was getting tired of sitting. Anadil, Dot, and Hester were all walking together discussing something. Agatha vaguely picked up on parts of their conversations. Hester and Anadil resided in San Francisco while Dot stayed in France to open a patisserie. They hadn't had much in person contact so Agatha naturally assumed they were catching up. Nicola and Sophie we're pulling one another from side to side, but the pair never let go of each other. Agatha found it sort of funny. Nicola had despised Sophie and everything her clique stood for and now they were fighting like an old married couple. Kiko had linked her arm around hers. They were peacefully strolling down the streets. Kiko was talking to her about her wedding and what she had learned from the experience. Kiko was the first to get married from the group. Then it was Hester and Anadil. Nicola had sadly called off her engagement with Hort. He didn't do anything wrong but she just never felt like his first choice. That's actually how Sophie and she had grown close. Both laughing over Hort and their lack of heartbrokenness. It was interesting to see how the group ended up. Sophie, who Agatha thought would marry first ended up being the one who stayed single the longest. Her excuse was always the same, "can't commit if it isn't the right one"
Agatha laughed every time she said it. Who was the right one? How would she know if she never stayed with a person for longer than a week. The evening passed by relatively quickly. All the girls left the shops with a few bags in hand. Some...Sophie...more than others. Agatha had picked up this beautiful lightly gold tinted jeweled wrap-like dress. The sleeve for the left arm was a spaghetti strap contrary to the sleeve on the right arm which was a full length bell-like sleeve. The dress had a slit up the thigh. Agatha fell in love with it from the moment she saw it. It was beautiful. Agatha had to admit, she was partial to her own brand but this dress was just stunning, she had to get it. Sophie basically bought anything and everything pink. She denied it but Agatha was pretty sure she was trying to become a barbie. Sophie had bought so much stuff that Nicola had to help Sophie carry all the bags. The rest of the girls were pretty sufficient in their shopping. They didn't buy anything excessive. Agatha didn't realize the already crammed car could become any more crowded, but it did. Luckily the trip to the airport was short.
"Ladies! We are going to dinner which means I want all of you glammed up. Wear something new or wear what I brought you"
"What you brought us?" Hester and Anadil asked in sync.
"Yeah, you all gave me spares to your homes, that sounds like a you problem"
"You snuck into our houses?" Asked Dot pausing before taking a bite from her slice of cheesecake
"It's not a big deal, I just felt like you wouldn't have suitable outfits"
"I'm going to pummel her," muttered Nicola through clenched teeth. Agatha simply laughed.
"Agatha go change, as the bride to be you deserve to go first"
Agatha grumbled, she didn't get to finish enjoying her slice of chocolate cake. She went into the decently sized lounge in the back of the jet and changed into her new dress. Unfortunately the shoes she had brought for her original dress didn't match the dress she was wearing.
"Do you have any extra shoes"
"Of course, what kind of uncivilized animal do you think I am?"
Agatha rolled her eyes, but she was extremely grateful that her friend was extra. In times like these, it came in handy. Sophie strut past the closed curtain with a pair of shiny gold pointed pumps.
She also handed Agatha a pair of dangly gold earrings and a diamond, tiara shaped hair comb. Sophie left the lounge and Agatha finished accessorizing. She tied her loose straight hair into a braided crown and low bun. She stabbed the comb through her bun and fastened the earrings. She tightened the straps of the heels. She checked herself out in the reflection of one of the windows. She looked smoking hot. Agatha felt a surge of newfound confidence. She stepped out of the lounge and into the seating area where the girls were. She was showered with compliments, it felt nice to hang out with her friends again. She definitely missed this energy.
Tedros definitely did not miss this. Chaddick was already getting drunk and the others hadn't even arrived. They had finished dinner about an hour ago and were now at the bar waiting for his other friends to arrive. Tedros hadn't stayed in touch with many of his old high school buddies. He just didn't have much in common with them anymore. Nicholas was the first of the select few to arrive. Tarquin entered a few minutes after the other boy. There weren't too many of them. Only a handful of guys showed up after Nicholas and Tarquin. It didn't take long for the drinks to start rolling around.
"Everyone! Grab a shot! We are getting this party started!"
The guys erupted in cheers and hollers. Tedros downed the liquor and so did the others.
"Can I have 10 shots of tequila?" Chaddick turned to ask the bartender.
"Why 10? There's only 7 of us" Tristan asked, getting up from the bar stool he was sitting at to grab a handful of fries off the table.
"Those are not for us, they're for Tedros"
"Yep, one for every year you were apart from Agatha"
"That's not fair, i'm going to get shitfaced before you guys even get tipsy"
"We'll joining you for the last few don't worry"
Tedros was worried. He was a very complacent drunk. He was also an emotional drunk. This would not bode well for him in the long run. The line of shots were brought out in front of him. He gulped, preparing mentally for the outcome. Nicholas set a plate of limes and salt in front of him to help down the alcohol.
Tedros downed the first shot. He was still going strong. The first 4 went down fairly easy, but by the 5th his stomach was beginning to burn. But he kept going. Down went shots 6, 7, and 8. By shot 9 he could feel himself becoming slightly disgusted by the taste of the burning liquid. Shot 10 felt like a relief. He slammed the small glass on the wooden surface of the bar table and took a huge bite into the tangy lemon. The mix of tangy citrus and the salt made his stomach feel slightly acidic but it was over. The boys cheered for him. Tedros took a break from the shots to let the others catch up. The slamming of glasses overtook the noise of the

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