Chapter 3: long awaited

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Yes, I stole a future scene in the book from THAT scene in Crazy Rich Asian (p.s. I 1000% recommend reading the series. It's so good. No book of Kevin Kwan falls short)

(A/N just an FYI, I, a female, do not know how to write from the perspective a female bc of societal norms. Jk but like also kinda not really ig)

Yes it's an actual update Ö

(March 15, no update just fixing typos)

Agatha had gotten a call from her mom about needing fashion assistance. Usually she would handle this over the phone but she was bored and tired so she decided to help in person. Just another perk of being the boss. No excuses, just do what you want. She drove to her mom's house and was met with a slightly panicked Callis.
"Mom are you ok?"
"'m not sure.." this was definitely the woman who had made Agatha into the hot mess she was
"So what's your "fashion crisis"?"
"So today is my 15th year as a surgeon.."
"Congrats mom!"
"Thank you, anyways...I know Guinevere is going to throw me a party but I don't have anything fancy to wear. The fanciest dress I have is this black one from 5 years ago." Callis pulled out a simple black dress with sleeves that reached passed the elbows.
"Let's go to my apartment. I have a few dresses in my closet that you can try." Callis checked her watch, it was 4:30, they had time. A panicked Callis and a laughing Agatha stepped into Agatha's dark grey Audi. They drove to Agatha's apartment and Agatha was relieved that Gabriel wasn't home. They stepped into the modern flat and Agatha led the way to her studio.
"Can you wait just a second, I have to make a call," Agatha stepped out of the studio and into the kitchen. She had to call the main office to see if they could change the locks. Agatha dialed the number on her phone.
"Hi, Diane? This is Agatha Woods, I wanted to know if there was a possibility of changing the locks to my apartment?"
Agatha nodded as the receptionist spoke back
"No? Well ok, thank you so much." Agatha huffed I guess she was just going to have to find a new place.
"Why do you want to change the locks? Did something happen? Are you ok? Did someone break in?" Callis rushed over to hug her daughter.
"Mom I'm fine," Agatha laughed at her mother's worry, "nothing happened just that Gabriel cheated on me..." Agatha's eyes began to water.
"I found him last night sleeping with someone else in our bed."
"I'm fine mom, it actually made me realize something, something that I'm really thankful for." Agatha smiled, the tears brimming in her eyes. Callis hugged her daughter.
"Come on we have to go dress you up." Agatha wiped her tears and led her mom back to the studio. The process was a frenzy. Callis tried on 15 dresses and was still unhappy.
"Can we try something other than a dress?"
"of course! I only asked for a dress because that's all I thought you had"
"Well, you were mistaken" Agatha smiled as she grabbed an eggplant pantsuit off a rack and brought it over to the curtain where Callis was changing.
"I'm not sure about this,"
"Come out and show me!"
Callis looked stunning. The color brought out her amber eyes and the suit's cut gave her a great form.
"Aren't I too old for this?"
"Fashion has no age. As long as you don't show too much cleavage we're all good. Now for makeup," Agatha saw her mom's eyes go wide.
"Don't worry, Sophie's already on her way over."
"Thank god because you do not have the patience to work on anybody but yourself."
"Ha ha," Agatha responded sarcastically, the doorbell rang before she could respond. She was fast. Agatha walked over to the door and opened it. Her pulse sped faster when she was met with Gabriel's piercing blue eyes. I'm a nice person why does this stuff happen to me?
"What do you want?"
"This is my apartment,"
"Not technically,"
"Agatha please..."
"You physically abused me today that is not ok!"
"I'm sorry,"
"Sorry doesn't fix anything,"
"Please just let me come in so we can talk,"
"No, you can grab your stuff but we have nothing to talk about. This relationship is over."
"It's because of the blonde douche right? Tedros or whatever. You dated him and now you want him back."
"Are you that thick skulled! You cheated on me! You! I am not to blame here. I loved you! I gave up so much just to be with you and you went and shoved your penis into another woman. Why?! I have no fucking idea! But this mess, is on you. It's your fault! Yours!"
"You offered me nothing anymore, what was I supposed to do?"
"Oh my fucking god! I'm a famous fashion designer! I'm sorry I can't pay attention to you 24/7 like some kind of needy puppy! I run a company! I'm a fucking billionaire for Christ's sake! I can't be like that little skank at your beck and call whenever you need some sex!"
"I know you're busy but still it couldn't hurt to put some effort into this relationship," Agatha laughed,
"I gave up Paris for you! I gave up my mom for you! I gave up Sophie for you! I gave up priceless opportunities just to make you happy!"
"I know and I love you for that,"
"If you really loved me you wouldn't have done what you did." Agatha's eyes were watering with anger.
"I told you how I had been hurt in the past and you went and did the same thing but 100 times worse."
"I can't. Get out. Leave, please..." the tears were flowing hard now. Agatha closed the door before Gabriel could respond. She slid down against  the black door and pulled her knees into her chest. She sobbed silently until she was enveloped by warmth. Callis wiped Agatha's tears and helped her up.
"No crying, it's party time!" Agatha laughed. The outfit had definitely given her mom a motivational boost.
"You go change while I wait for Sophie," Callis pushed Agatha into the bedroom and shut the door behind her. She had been too focused on helping her mom that she had forgotten about attending the party herself. Would Tedros be there? I mean it was Guinevere who was hosting. Maybe he'll be there? I have to dress to impress. I'm sure he'll look hot in anything but will I?
Agatha stepped into the ginormous walk-in closet. Being a fashion designer certainly had its perks. She skimmed through the racks but found nothing that was fancy enough for the party but not fancy enough to make it seem like a gala. After what seemed like hours she finally stumbled upon a terracotta cold shoulder dress. It was floor length and complemented Agatha's deep brown eyes. The dress had a slit that stopped mid thigh. Usually she would stray away from clothes like this but tonight, she had someone to impress. She found some gold heels to go with the dress. To keep the theme going Agatha picked out some gold hoops, they were a good size, you know the saying "the bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe," and right now Agatha felt the urge to be a hoe. She chose a small golden clutch to complete the look. She looked in the mirror and was impressed with her look. She looked hot as fuck. She walked down the hall with a confidence boost like no other. She was met with her mother in the middle of the makeup process. Sophie was applying lipstick to her mom's mouth. Both of them went slack jawed when they saw Agatha.
"Aggie! you look amazing! Where was this part of you when we were shopping for the reunion?"
"Haha very funny" Agatha rolled her eyes at Sophie's comment but she was jumping with joy on the inside.
"Are you ready to go mom?"
"Yes, let me just finish applying her lip,"
Agatha sat down on the couch as she waited for Sophie to finish her mom's makeup. Agatha was scrolling through her twitter when she came across a drama account. It was a picture of Gabriel out to dinner with another woman. She swiped to the next picture and saw them kissing. The caption of the post read "Mr. Model is actually Mr.Cheater. Gabriel Parker aka Agatha Woods' future hubby was seen at "El Candelero" yesterday with a mystery woman. There are rumors spreading that the blonde is none other than Sophie Evilé, Agatha's best friend and top model. Agatha laughed it off at first but then she started doubting. Agatha had gotten caught up in doubt when her mom walked into the living room, followed by Sophie. Seeing Sophie's face cleared up the doubt. Her best friend had changed, plus the other girls hair was badly kept compared to Sophie long and luxurious blonde locks.
"Wow! Mom you look amazing!"
"Thank you," Sophie responded. All 3 of the women laughed.
"Ready to go?"
"All set." Agatha stopped, her hand midway turning the door knob.
"I forgot my purse in the bedroom. Can you grab it for me please?" Agatha pleaded giving Callis her best puppy dog eyes. Callis grumbled but complied.
"Look at this tweet. Iconic." Agatha turned her phone to show Sophie the tweet. She laughed when she saw Sophie's eyes widen.
"What?!" Sophie yelled. It was at this moment when Agatha remembered she hadn't told Sophie about the whole cheating thing.
"Hehe well you see...Icaughtgabrielcheatingonmewithsomerandomgirlyesterdayandnowwe'rebrokenupandIaccidentallytoldTedrosinsteadofyouandhemodeledformeandIthinkImightbefallinginlovewithhimagainbutimscaredbecausewhatifwedon'tworkoutlikewedidtenyearsagoalsotedroswroteasongaboutme."
"Slow down and repeat everything you just said but with breaks between each word." Agatha took a deep breath before repeating herself.
"I caught Gabriel cheating on me with some random girl like two days ago. I caught them in our bed having sex. So now we're broken up, I called off the engagement. I was going to call you but I accidentally called Tedros instead and I told him that I might still have feelings for him then he came to model for me today and he looked hot. And he saved me from Gabriel. He punched Gabriel in the nose when Gabriel grabbed onto my arm and wouldn't let me go. Then I took him to get his fist wrapped up, but while we were there we had a  moment or well, moments. He pushed my hair out of face, he kissed my knuckles, and we held hands and my god I was blushing so hard."
"Honey, you sound like a fucking school girl," Sophie laughed at her friend's recount of the events.
"Shut up," Agatha laughed, she honestly did sound like some type of school girl cliche.
"Agatha we have to go! I'm the guest of honor and I'm running late!" Callis basically ran out of the bedroom and straight out the front door throwing Agatha's purse at her, "Either you hurry or i'm leaving without you!"
"I guess I better go,"
"You better finish the rest of that story!"
"I will, bye!" Agatha walked out the door grabbing the keys as she made her exit.
It's oddly satisfying seeing my best friend and my ex get together. I get that makes sound like a psychopath or something but Tedros is the best thing that happened to her and she is the best thing to happen to him. I was packing up all my makeup when I got bored. It had been about 3 months since i've been at Agatha's place. Now that I think about it, I haven't been at Agatha's place since she moved in with Gabriel. Don't tell anyone but I did "explore" through Agatha's stuff, specifically her clothes and such. I started out in the studio, empty handed but soon enough I ended up in Agatha's bedroom with a handful of clothes to "borrow" from Agatha. I will neither confirm nor deny the following statement but I may or may not have been dancing around in a poofy pink ball gown when I saw something glinting on the floor. Bending down in a dress was hard so I got out of it first before reaching for whatever glinted underneath the bed. I bent down to pick it up and my stomach dropped. It was Agatha's engagement ring. The bastard actually did it. There was something else behind the ring. It was a small navy blue box. What can i say? My curiosity got the best of me. I pulled it out from under the bed and my heart drop as soon as the box hit the light. I knew were this box was from. It was the corsage box that Tedros had given Agatha all those years ago. Now I NEEDED to know what's inside I slowly cracked open the old dusty box and my heart dropped as soon as I saw the contents and my heart dropped. Not only because the corsage was still there, aged but intact. Surprisingly, the box was also filled with polaroids. The box was overflowing with candids of the couple. There were even some with Sophie. There was one from their first date. There was one where Agatha was drenched in water, she was standing outside the Nymph Cafe. Sophie's heart clenched. She was suddenly transported to the past, 10 years in the past to be exact. She was transported to the day in the polaroid. She was on a nice date with Hort when she spotted them being happy and laughing. They had broken Sophie's heart and now they were out in public mocking her. In reality, they weren't but Sophie couldn't help but feel that back then. Her anger was fresh and scolding. Everything and anything involving the couple made her blood boil. Sophie suddenly felt like an outsider staring at her younger self trying everything in her power to destroy her best friend's happiness. Sophie felt helpless watching her 17 year old self. She had tried her hardest to change and she did. She was no longer the girl in her memories but her heart and mind couldn't help but try to convince her she was still the malicious girl from 10 years ago. A clank on the floor brought Sophie out her thoughts. She opened her eyes and found herself in front of a mirror. She stared at her reflection in front of her and smiled. She was changed, she wasn't her anymore. Sophie was a successful adult. Sophie picked up the lipstick tube that had fallen and packed up her stuff. She walked out, bags in hand, leaving behind the ring on the nightstand. What she didn't leave behind was the box. This tiny box that held so many memories. Sophie knew she could use this to get her best friends back together again. They needed to be together. They deserved happiness after everything Sophie put them through.
The drive to the party was giving Agatha anxiety. Seeing her first love for a work thing was fine but seeing him as his mother's friend's daughter was...different. She didn't have to act like Agatha Woods, CEO of her own company. She also felt awkward about seeing guinevere. They had only dated officially for like a week so she never had the chance to meet her as Tedros' girlfriend. She probably only knew agatha as the girl who had broken her son's heart. Callis pulled into the driveway of her home and Agatha's heart pulsed faster. Both ladies stepped out of the dark blue vehicle and began the walk to the party next door. They had reached the front gate when Agatha got a call. Callis turned to stay with her daughter but Agatha shooed her into the party before she started doubting herself.
"Agatha I am so sorry"
"For what?"
"For everything that happened 10 years ago"
"You apologized 10 years ago why are you still hung up on this?"
"Because I was snooping and I found a box with a bunch of pictures of you and Tedros and sometimes me and I feel so bad for being friends with the person who ruined everything for you."
"Sophie it's ok. I've moved on from that. Is that all you wanted to say?"
"Nope! I also wanted to mention that I set up some tours of possible houses for tomorrow at 10 am. Byeeeee!"
Sophie hung up the phone without letting Agatha get a word in. She definitely knew Agatha would grumble and make excuses. Agatha grumbled until the last porch step when she faked a smile to greet the guests. She stepped through the dark oak wood doorway and her heart did a backflip. There he was. He look as beautiful as ever. Agatha didn't get a good look at his outfit because of the giant dusty cardboard box he was carrying but man was the face enough. The look of concentration and the light sheen of sweat made the room feel hot. He hadn't noticed her until he had reached the lower part of the stairs. Their eyes met and he stumbled a little bit. Agatha felt a little proud. It was always funny to see how fumbly he got around her. He gave her a little smile before rushing to the kitchen. Agatha 'needed' a 'drink' so she followed close behind. She grabbed a glass of wine, took a sip to gain some confidence and headed over to him, "need some help?"
He hadn't gotten a good view of her from the doorway but now with this beauty standing right in front of him, he felt like he was in heaven. Her voice was melodic, her smile was enchanting, her eyes enchanting, her lips enticing, her hair was fluffy, her dress was beautiful, this girl was really going to end his life. Oh and don't get him started on her personality, she was physically beautiful but her insides were made of pure gold. No one had a soul quite like hers. Tedros feeling nervous was an understatement. The previous awkwardness had left but there was still some shyness. They were both blushing like lovesick teenagers.
"Yeah, I could use some help," Tedros smiled and handed her a dry hand towel. Their fingers touched and this may just be Tedros' inner romantic but he could have sworn that he felt sparks. After a minute or so the two fell into a natural conversation and rhythm. They finished dusting off the 20 or so glasses and began to pass them out to the guests. Agatha handed each a wine glass while Tedros followed close behind pouring from a small selection of wine that his mother had chilled.
After all the guests had been served, Agatha and Tedros each grabbed a glass for themselves. Tedros topped off Agatha's drink before pouring himself some. They clinked their glasses before taking a sip. Well, Agatha took a sip. Tedros was so nervous that he downed the whole thing in one gulp. He poured himself another glass when an old woman came up to the two of them. It was Mrs. Roshni from across the street.
"Oh my look how big you've gotten!" The frail woman exclaimed.
"You've grown up so much! I remember when you were just this big," the woman made a gesture with her hands to show that she knew Tedros from infancy, "now you're taller than me!" The old woman then turned to look at Agatha.
"Is this your girlfriend? She's so pretty! I'm Claire Roshni, nice to meet you,"
"Hi Claire, I'm Agatha and I think you've misunderstood, I'm not his girlfriend." Agatha feigned a smile. A part of her wanted to say yes and admit to all her feelings right then and there but the other side of her realized that they hadn't even had a full on conversation about "them" yet.
"Oh silly me! I thought you two were dating by the way you looked at each other. My old eyes must be deceiving me," Agatha's heart pounded, shit! Am I that obvious?!
"Agatha? That name sounds so familiar, where do I know you from?" Agatha didn't remember seeing this woman before, maybe she was just imagining things.
"Ah ha! I've got it! You're Callis' baby girl! I've heard so much about you. You're mother loves to drone on and on about how wonderful this mystery daughter of her is,"
"Claire...what have we said about harassing the children?" Claire turned around and was faced with Callis holding two empty wine glasses.

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