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 Rain began to fall on the bloodstained field. Across the plain metal clashed and magic crashed as screams rang out.

Though chaos spiraled around him Dimitri heard none of it; he shut it out, focusing on one thought: he couldn't fail.

He rode across the field stabbing his spear down to pick off the enemies.

A blast of magic came from beside him, knocking him off his horse.

He grunted in pain as he landed on his side. Looking up the mage seemed to have already run off, but a few yards away he saw a knight pulling his sword from an archer. His heart clenched at the horror of it.

Seeing Dimitri the knight started towards him.

Tightening his grip on his spear he stood, the heavy cape sliding from his shoulders. He glared forward, the ends of his blonde hair stuck to his face with sweat.

The knight held up his shield and charged.

Running for him he stabbed.

He deflected his spear with his shield, swinging his sword.

Dimitri sidestepped. As the knight swung again he held his spear before him to block. Sweeping to the side he swung up, hitting the other man's helmet.

His head jerked, leaving his neck exposed.

Dimitri stabbed it, pinning the knight to the ground before pulling his spear back up. He took in a long heavy breath before turning, just in time to see an axe swing across his chest. "Ah!" He landed in the mud, his spear thrown aside. His armor had protected him from the blade but the blow seemed to have knocked everything out of him.

The knight stepped over him.

Looking around for his spear he found it too far and found the members of his battalion lying around him.

He raised his axe.

He looked up, losing his strength to move and his will to live he just watched.

A flash whipped from behind the knight, striking his back.

He flinched and lost his footing, his blade striking the ground next to Dimitri.

He looked passed his attacker to his rescuer, to a familiar face. "Byleth...?" he gasped out.

As the knight turned to her he charged, shield held in front, axe held behind.

Swinging her own blade it split into a whip, lashing the shield from his hand. She ran at him, her blade solidifying back into a sword just before she slashed it through the man. Once he fell she looked down to the prince looking up at her.

Dimitri looked older and more war torn they when she'd last seen him. One eye was as blue and gentle as she remembered, the other was scarred closed.

Seemingly forgetting the battle that raged around them she dropped her blade as she kneeled down before him. "What have they done to you?" her voice was a whisper, full of remorse and care. She gently placed her fingers on his cheek below the scarred eye.

He stared into her eyes, now green and practically glowing but they were still full of love for him, they were still hers.

"I'm sorry," her voice cracked, "I never should have left you."

Lurching forward he cupped a hand on her cheek and kissed her, his eye closing as tears streamed from it. He pulled away a few inches. "I'm sorry, when I saw you I-"

"It's OK..." she whispered. Leaning her forehead against his she closed her eyes.

He closed his as well. "Byleth," his voiced was pained, "I don't think you'll like what I became."

Opening her eyes she smiled at him. "I could never not like you."

Pulling his head back he looked broken at her. "I don't like what I became. Without you-"

"I'm here now," she heard footsteps approach, "and I'm going to get you through this." Retrieving both their weapons she held his out to him.

He looked dreading at it but took it and stood.

They turned to face the surrounding enemies, standing back to back.

Byleth reached back to take Dimitri's hand and give it a reassuring squeeze before they both charged.

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