yeojin bounced up her bed as she looked at her surrounding, "wasn't I in the living room?"
yeojin woke up with a pat on her head, as she tilt her head to meet heeseungs eye. the both froze for a while.
"u-uhm everyone are already home so would you like to go back to your room to sleep…?" he said seeming a little nervous
yeojin looked around and nobody were really there. even the maids had already went home. she laid back down to the table to proceed her sleep, "I'm too lazy to move…"
"your neck wouldn't feel good tomorrow if you continue to sleep like that"
"…" "how bout I carry you?"
"…" she didn't respond
"well then-" yeojin plopped herself to his chest making heeseung stopped talking
"carry" she was too lazy to care, she just wanted to sleep at the moment. the thought of sleeping in her comfy bed drooled her into heeseungs arms
"ok" heeseung chuckled as he lifted her up in bridal style and went to her room. he carried her up the stairs and used his spare leg to kick the door open and put her in bed, covering her up with her blanket and putting a stuffed animals between her hands letting her hug it.
"phew, sweet dreams I guess" he yawns and walked back his room cracking his neck. 'shes kinda heavy tho' he laughs silently
current time
yeojins mouth were now wide open. "I did what?!" she said pointing to herself
"yeojin are you that cheap how could you-" she let out a cold chuckle
"I was keeping this for my future boyfriend aAaaAargh" she held her head having a dramatic mental breakdown
the sound of a door knock interrupted her thought. "who?" she asks
"heeseung, are…you okay in there?" yeojin quickly tidy her messy hair. "yeah, you can come in" as he opens the door
he let out a smile. "good morning," "good…morning" she tries to hide the awkwardness
"I was thinking of giving you a one to one lesson today. after yesterday's study group I realized that you suck at math"
"hey it's I'm not that good in math! use words wisely jeez" she glared
"pft okay okay, so when are you going to get up and start studying? the clock is ticking~" he winked slightly pouting his lips as he leaves
"finals finals finals I LITERALLY JUST WENT IN THIS SCHOOL" she kicked her leg on the bed as she gets up unwillingly
'knock knock knock~' "come in" heeseung said as the door opened revealing yeojin. "oh? faster than I thought"
"how slow do you think I am" she mumbled angrily while heeseung just let out a chuckle and sighed. "saw these?" he points to the table full of papers and books of mathematics exercise "we'll be doing all of this today" he smiled leaving yeojin with wide eyes.
"all, this, in one day?! are you out of your mind??" "don't be dramatic I can do them in an hour" "that's because you're smart" "I agree with that, but today, these." he pushed them towards her "are all yours. don't leave the room until you finish them. feel free to ask me if you don't know any"
yeojin wanted to faint at the moment. she took a pen and start reading the question, as she looked at other question too, 'I'm doomed' there isn't a question that yeojin understand. she eyed heeseung with a pleading look. he nods probably knowing what she means as he moved the paper now in between them taking a pencil.
"come closer, or you can't see" yeojin moved closer with a emotional look. she knew he's going to torture her not only today, but until her finals, or even continuing next year, until she graduates
heeseung starts explaining them one by one with the most patience heart as yeojin tried hard to understood them and not falling asleep.
"so, do you understand them now" he asks, after explaining for the sixth time sighing
"hm…I think I do…"she said holding her pen to her lips.
"oh lord good" he brushes his hair back as he continues,"try doing question one to ten" he points at the paper as yeojin pouts. he glared at her as she sadly starts doing them. question by questions they did as times goes by, they did the same routine everyday.
once they got home they would start studying together with a help of heeseung tutoring her, she starts improving drastically which shook heeseung and even jiwoo who had seen her results for the pass years. she was able to catch up with the lessons in school now or even answer questions asked by the teachers instead of getting help from heeseung like she used to.
it was the day before their finals, yeojin packed her things as school finished. "I'm in duty of cleaning the class today, you guys can head home first, I can catch a bus later" yeojin said
"alright then, see you tomorrow!" jayun said "good luck!" jiwoo said as they bid their goodbyes.
"go home early"heeseung patted her head and left, leaving yeojin with her heart beating profusely.
a shadow flashed from the window but yeojin was too busy cleaning while humming. a few minutes later she were done as she took her books to place at her locker.
as she opened her locker, she saw a pink sticky note in her locker. she remembers that heeseung used the same sticky note with her while they were studying. she picked up the note as she starts reading it.
meet me at jungwon garden at 4pm, don't bring anyone, I have something important to tell you.
yeojin thought for a while, 'a study tips? he knows the exam questions? a confession?? seriously what is it acting or mysteriously' she looked at her watch and it's was only 3, she decided to go home first and wash up since she was stinky. she didn't want to meet him looking like this.
she walks to the bus station as the bus arrived just in time. she got up the bus and sat at a seat near the window as she plugged in her earphone listening to polaroid love on her way home. a few minutes goes by as she reached a stop and got down the bus walking her way home.
she got home as she putted her things in her room leaving the note on her table while she walked in the bathroom to have a refreshing shower. she walked out and dried her hair. she walked down as she was greeted by the maid.
"where is heeseung?" yeojin asks her "oh he went out already"
'thats fast' she thought, happy that heeseung wanted to meet in the garden. 'did he knew I like flowers?' she giggled to the thought as she walks out of the house going to the park.
"I'm late…" she checked her phone and it was 410. she looked around to greet an empty field with no traces of heeseung. 'did he left' she felt guilty as she starts wondering around the garden. it was a quite normal garden but also strange. as she walks around, a field of flowers caught her attention. she walks towards them and starts admiring them. as she looked at the behind of the flowers, it was a down hill. 'strange.'
just then a pair of hands, feminine hands pushed her. yeojin screamed as she fell rolling down the hill and hit the ground. she groaned. "who…" as she weakly opened her eyes, she saw a girl looking at her from the top looking down as she hurriedly ran away leaving yeojin helplessly laying at the ground of grass.
she tried sitting up as she felt pain in everywhere of her body after felling from the rough and bumpy hill. she looked and her leg and it had a cut looking quite deep as she can't move. suddenly, it starts raining out of nowhere. she quickly took her phone which were laying beside her to realize, it was finally fully broken. "I should've repair it sooner so it wouldn't break that fast." she said regretting.
her leg felt numb that she couldn't stand up. after a few shouts for help she gave up. there was literally no one around. she waited, hoping someone could find her, someone…maybe heeseung, just anyone, as she felt her head spinning. she was loosing alot of blood while the rain continue pouring on her nonstop. she was drenched wet. as time goes by, she felt dizzier, and dizzier as she was about to faint, a person appeared and rushed to her.
"yeojin!!" a voice, that was very familiar to her, but she couldn't recall. and finally, she passed out.
heeseung came home after watching sunghoon practise iceskating for his upcoming competition. he was greeted by the maid as he asks, "is yeojin home?"
"she came home just now but went out again just now"
"…do you know where?"
"what time did she went out?"
"at around…350?" heeseung glanced at the time on his phone, it was already 5 something.
'its been more than an hour right now and outside is raining…'
"does anyone else knew where yeojin went?" he asks with his sound more loud than before so everyone in the house could hear.
"I heard…she told me that she was going to a park…I didn't remember the name, sorry" another maid came holding a cloth. she was closer with yeojin as she was more likely incharged to serve yeojin. she was the one that yeojin gave her sweet to.
"it's fine, thank you for the information." he said as he walks up stairs and starts dialing yeojins phone number
'sorry, the number you had dial…' heeseung offed and kept calling her. it was still the same answer as he changed to text her.
heeseunglee : yeojin if u see this please call me back asap.
heeseunglee : yeojin
he closed his phone as he walked back and forward in front of his room frustrating rubbing his head and turned to her room. he opened it and it was empty. he starts wandering around her room, walking in as his eyes locked at something on her table. a note. he read it.
"this isn't me, I never wrote that, how can the person act like me that well…even the handwriting…" he said as he finally knew.
"someone is trying to trick her into jungwon garden to harm her!" he crunched the paper as he hurriedly rushed down taking an umbrella
"heeseung! where are you going?" a maid asks
"help me to call mr.kang. I need to go somewhere now. hurry!" he said as the maid nodded and contacted him quickly. a few minutes passes and the driver arrive as heeseung hurriedly hoped onto the car.
"go to jungwon garden"
during the car ride heeseung was nervously fidgeting his pbone, hoping maybe yeojin would call her, saying her phone died, or anything, he doesn't want anything to happen on yeojin. they reached with Mr.kang fastest speed. he hopped down opening his umbrella as he starts searching. he. looked back and forth with no trace of yeojin.
a bush of flowers then caught his eyes. he walked towards it as he looked down to see a downhill behind it. as he looked further below, he saw a figure laying on the grass, as he saw the red string on the victims wrist. it was yeojin.
he remembered asking yeojin about the red string bracelet on her hand. she said it was for good luck that her mom gave her. he rushed down the slippery hill carefully and ran to her.
"yeojin!!" he shouted
he hurriedly call the ambulance as he put her in his arms with the umbrella covering her more than himself while he was drenched in the rain. "yeojin! the ambulance are coming.. sorry……"
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