Chapter three

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Draco was in the street of a diagonal ally when he told his twin girls to give them money to go to their favorite store with their young brother Hercules. The three kids went off, leaving Draco to get school supplies for the other three kids. The first thing was the twin's wands Cassie and Scorpions, and it was time to most real they had the same wand preference as their mother. Draco smiled at that and went to get the three kids' books. Victor Jr meets up with some friends and talks about the summer. Draco smiled and went to get the twin's books and their older brothers. He saw several of his old classmates with their children and his old friends. He did talk to them but continued to be with his kids. Nothing terrible had happened yet, so everything was okay. Then in one moment, Draco was stopped by Harry Potter. They are good friends.

—: "Draco, funny seeing you here," said Harry.
—: "Well, yes, it is, and you, Potter, don't tell me the boys," Draco said.
—: "Yes, Hogwarts supplies, and you?" Harry ask.
—: "Same as well," Draco answers.
—: "So you are married with children," Harry asks, a little surprised Draco.
—: "Yes, I am married with children and step-children. My wife had children before our marriage," said Draco.
—: "So the father is evolving in easing such children," Harry said.
—: "Yes, he is. He loves them and is a business partner with my wife and me. Let's say we are even richer than before," Draco said with a grin.
—: "l am glad is he a wizard?" Harry ask.
—: "No, he is a muggle. There are two sides to the business, Potter, and that's why I can out winning. Plus, he and my wife were already partners when I entered their love and let them have more children because he has a particular problem, but he is like a brother to me and helps out with the kids when my wife and I need some alone time. It worked well," Draco said.
—: "I never imagined that Draco Malfoy would be friends with a muggle and allow such craziness" Harry Potter.
—: "Oh, Potter, I have changed mostly with a muggle wife. She is everything to me. Very bright and beautiful, and she studies with us," Draco said.
—: "Oh well, we need to meet her since I barely remember some of our years or my wife's years," said Harry.
—: "Yes, you will in the reunion," Draco said, smirking when a big boom came outside. Both men went out running to the sound to see the site of crazy fireworks and other crazy gagged of the Weasley family. They both shake their heads at the embarrassment of the situation. Everyone was there staring at it. Draco stares at the craziness to see his twin girls Minerva and Morgana, in the middle of all of it. The only twin that serviced the Weasley George. He looks like he is enjoying the time with the girls and gives a wink to them to let it out. The girls let the biggest firework candle in the air make a huge Phenix and dragon shape. Draco stared at his children to see them except Victor, who was smirking his way. Minerva saw her dad and flew towards him to say, "it looks fun, huh, dad." Draco shakes his head to say, "do you want your mother to have a heart attack." Minerva laughs before joining her sister and George to continue the fun. Draco shakes his head again to call all his kids in one area. Scorpios had Hercules in his grabs, and Cassie was behind them. Victor Jr came towards them, smirking. Draco whistles to the twins to get out of the brooms to say goodbye to George. George saw where the girls were heading and flew over to speak to Draco, "Come on, Malfoy, can they stay for a little bit longer."

—: "No, they can't, Weasley, because my wife will kill me," Draco said.
—: "No, she won't," George said.
—: "Yes, she will. Weasley, I just came here to my kids to get their things for school and try to be unseen but couldn't by my twin girls' love of prancing. Before I get killed by my wife for trusting my girls, I would like to get them home and explain to my wife why my girls went out crazy in a prank," Draco said.

—: "She won't know," George said.
—: "She will," Draco argued back.
--: "She won't," George said back.
—: "You don't know my mother than Weasley. My mother is not a very easy person to deal with, so I was you let my dad go and my sisters," said Victor.
—: "Who are you?" George ask
—: "I am victor Draco's stepson," said Victor
—: "And your mother is at home," George asks.
—: "Yes, spending the day with my younger sisters" Victor
—: "There are more" George
—: "Yes, mom and dad wanted a big family, so they got it. Plus won't be a surprise," victor
—: "Stop talking, Victor," said Minerva
—: "Nope," said Victor
—: "Don't embarrass us," Morgana
—: "Where is the fun in that little sis" Victor
—: "Please don't, or I will tell mom," Morgana
—: "Then tell her because she will let it fly like any other comment I have, but you two have done it big time," said Victor
—: "No, we don't," said the twin girls
—: "Yes, you did. Mom will love it when she finds out, and you two look the most alike her," said Victor
—: "And?" Minerva
—: "If Weasley is smart, he would have to figure out who our mother is," said Victor
—: "Victor," Draco said
—: "Sorry, dad, but it is true, and you know that," Victor said
—: "That's enough," said Draco
—: "They do look like Hermione," George said in a sad tone
—: "What did you say?" Cassie ask
—: "They look like Hermione and have her spirit of adventure if she has one," George said
—: "George, why do you say such a thing? Hermione has died," Ron said out of nowhere.
—: "Ron, when did you come here," said Harry surprise
—: "Just now," said Ron
—: "Ron shut up because of you. She is not with us," George said to him
—: "George, we went through this. She is died and moved on" Ron
—: "Then explain why the twin girls of Malfoy look like her" George
—: "No, they don't," Ron said without looking at the girls
—: "Hey, we do look like our mother, you bird brain," said Minerva angrily. That moment everyone was shocked at the moment when Minerva spoke. Draco did a mental face slap but looked at his daughter with a diss appointed in her. Victor smirks, knowing that Minerva doesn't stay quiet like the others. Cassie and Scorpios bend their heads down to shake it no. Morgana is standing behind Minerva as her backup. Hercules stays behind his father in fear. George looks at the girls and his brother. Ron looked at the girls at last and saw his ex in them. Then walk towards Draco to grab him in the collar, but Draco dug the man with a smirk changing his mode.
—: "You haven't changed, Weasley," said Draco.
—: "What that supposed to mean, Malfoy," said Ron
—: "That you are still stupid Weasley than before. Don't argue back. It won't help you," said Draco
—: "Why do they look like Hermione Malfoy?" Ron
—: "Because she is my mother and is not dead, you big dummy. She left the magical world because of you, Ronald Weasley. By not keeping your pants to yourself, you lost her. She is married to my dad and has a wonderful business," said Minerva
—: "Minerva," Draco warns her
—: "What, dad, everybody will know at the end, so why don't let big mouth over there do it. I bet mom will be angry at you, Mine," said Victor
—: "No, she won't be angry but beyond angry at me. What can I say to make it better?" Minerva ask.
—: "Ron's name," Victor said.
—: uhh, that will help. Thanks, Vic," said Minerva
—: "welcome," said Victor
—: "that's enough, you two," Draco said firmly to this children
—: "sorry," they both said
—: "tell me this Malfoy isn't true of Hermione," Ron asks, angry and jealous of him
—: "yep, we are together, but you will see it at the reunion. Children, I think we have done enough damage for today," Draco said to his kids to leave.
—: "this will be good," said Victor
—: "Victor, that's enough," said Draco walking away from the situation with the kids. Ron was going behind them, but Harry stopped him. When the Malfoy was out of the area, Harry let go of Ron.

—: "Harry, we have to go after them to rescue Hermione," said Ron worried
—: "No, we don't, Ron. She is perfectly happy there without us, Malfoy said when talking about his wife. I didn't know it was Hermione. Let it be, and whatever you did to her in the past, tell me now," Harry said angrily. Ron stays quiet, not knowing what to do at the moment. Then everyone left to do whatever they were doing.

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