Chapter 8

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I'm sipping a fork full of delicious purple soup, liquid-y and a bit shiny. As I submerge my fork back into the dish, I notice something at the bottom of the bowl. I try to get closer to it, finding it difficult to see what it is.

Suddenly, my chin touches the edge of the bowl and it tilts toward me. I try to scramble away in panic, but I feel the world close in on me. I'm being sucked into the bowl, body and all. I shut my eyes, awaiting my tragic death from a bowl of soup.

However, I don't feel a thing on my face. Opening my eyes, I see a familiar mop of ginger locks. I rub my eyes and look closer.

It's Ed Sheeran.

I gasp and cover my mouth, and he smiles and suddenly turns into a whale. My eyes widen in shock as he ascends to the night sky, heading for the moon.

A/N: i did not want to write that. my editor made me. pls dont show up at my house looking for explanations. i. am. INNOCENT. (E/N: i love you~)



"Heyyy Reiji!"

I see him working on some kind of experiment, eyes darting quickly between an opened book and flasks of substances. As soon as I push past the door, he frowns.

"Do you not even have the most basic notion of proper etiquette to at least knock before entering?"

"Ah well, I'm already in here anyways. Do you want to maybe play a game with me and the others?"


"Please? It'll be fun!"


I heave a sigh.

"Okay, well I also came here to ask for the tea leaves for the blend from last time."

Just as the contents of one flask begins to bubble over the small flame, Reiji removes it from the heat and adds it to a larger tube filled with some kind of pale grey powder. He allows the mixture to settle for a moment, then swirls the tube of clear colour, watching it change to a shimmering violet.

"I indeed remember, but I will not provide you with the tea blend."

"Why~" I whine, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I kindly ask you to stop whining and leave. I have no time for your shenanigans."

"C'mon, Schubert~ I insist!"

"Not to mention your foolish nicknames for me are nothing short of infuriating, I suggest you to stop. Once again, you will not be receiving the blend, so I suggest you to leave." he says the last word with more force, though his eyes are still focusing on his experiment the entire time.

"Just give me the tea leaves. I want to make the tea for the others as well. It tasted great last time."

Reiji pauses at this, hand stopping on its way to grab a small glass container of fluffy white powder.

"Absolutely not. Get out," as he says this, he resumes his previous activity.

"Or I could stomp your kneecaps backwards~"

"You are physically incapable of doing that and your bones would shatter on impact. Now get out."

"We won't know until we try~"

"Get. Out."

He suddenly appears before me, his figure looming over mine. I scooch over to the side and grin.

"I could tell Daddy Sakamaki."

Reiji visibly cringes at the nickname for his father and adjusts his glasses.

"What could you possibly tell him?"

"How you tried to potentially kill me after it was stated that I'm clearly supposed to be kept alive."



My grin grows wider and he scowls slightly.

"So, what will it be, Reiji? The game or the leaves?"

"...what time are we playing?"


"You wanna play a game?"

"Fuck off," Subaru snarls.

"I'll give you candy~"

"Do I look like a child to you?"

I stand before him in silence, crossing my arms. We stare at each other, his brows furrowed in frustration. I look back at him with a bored look, eyebrows raised.


"Shut up!"

I remain silent.

Subaru glares at me, beginning to turn away to leave. Before he can escape the clutches of my evil plan, I swiftly grab his forearm and stomp on his foot.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"You don't leave when I'm not done speaking," I try to glare at him as menacingly as possible, but it comes out as an almost constipated face when a smile threatens to break through.

"Will you stop with that face?"

"Play the game, then."


"NO! NOT UNTIL YOU AGREE TO JOIN THE GAME!" I then precede to drape myself over Subaru in pure Laito fashion.


"WOO!" I cheer in triumph, letting go of him and pumping my fist in the air. Subaru shakes his head and groans.

That was easier than I thought-

"Oi! What's this game you're talking about? And didn't even invite ore-sama?"

Of course it wouldn't be easy.

"You were next on the list anyways, ore-sama."

"Hey! I'm supposed to be first on the list!"

"But of course you are, oreo-sama! Sure you are..."

"Didn't you just-"

"The game isn't anything I'd bother the great oreo-sama with, anyways."

"Just explain the game to me."

"Are you gonna join, though?"


"Then there's no point of explaining it to you."

"Fine, I'll play!"


"Okay, then you'll just have to wait for the game to start so I can explain the rules to everyone at once!"

"Wait, everyone's playing?"


"Uhh..." he shifts from one foot to the other, seemingly uneasy.

"You'd miss out on the fun~"

"Fine. When is it?"

"I'll come fetch you when it starts!" I grin. "Or not!"


Okay, now the little shit.

Knocking twice on Kanato's door, I hear a shuffling behind it, soon met by big, lavender eyes.

"Hey Kanato! I was wondering if you wanted to play a game with me and the others. It's gonna be really fun," I try to talk to him as cautiously as possible, taking Reiji's warning into account.


I scoff. Did he just shut the door in my face?

"Wait, Kanato! It's gonna be really fun! Please?"

"No. Stop acting like a brat. No wonder you have no friends. Go away, stop annoying me," his voice sounds from behind the door.

"Okay, ouch."


Then I remember the fact that he's a man child. "I could make you some sweets later!"

The door quickly opens, revealing Kanato with squinted eyes.

"How many?"

"As many as you want... within reason."

"Fine. When's the game?"

"Hehe, I'll come get you when it starts!"


I open the door to the bathroom, peeking my head in. I spot Shuu relaxing in the bathtub. WITH HIS CLOTHES ON. The fact that if he wanted to leave the bath the sound of his shoes and socks squishing could be heard loudly grosses me out. I try to ignore the discomforting image before me and focus on asking him to join the game.

"Hey Shuu! You wanna play a game with me and the others? It's gonna be fun!"

"Hmm..? I can't hear you," he replies lazily, sinking deeper into the tub.

I stride over to the tub, cupping my hands around my mouth for extra volume, just to annoy him.


Before I can finish my sentence, Shuu drags me into the tub, ending up in an awkward straddle-squat position.


He covers my mouth with his hand, clearly looking annoyed (goal achieved!).

"Will you be quiet? You're interrupting my music."

I ignore him and begin swirling my finger around on the surface of the water. The temperature's not hot, just a bit above warm. I'm fascinated by the swirling of the liquid, how the water is bending around my forefinger.

Then, fingers are brushing against me. I look at him, but there's no reaction. I go back to playing around with the water.

Suddenly, I feel fingers gently grasp the back hem of my shirt and rub small circles on my skin that is barely tucked under the clothing.

I try to not mind the fidgeting and instead make small splashes on the water with my fingers.

His fingertips slowly move down from the circles, going down a trail until-

He grabs my ass.

Surprised, I lean forward, bumping into his chest. Then I reach down to grab his. He raises a brow. I imitate him. He pulls his hands back. I do the same. Then he squeezes my ass. I squeeze his with more force.

His fingers lift from mine, and I lift from his, eyebrows raised.


"You're weird."

"Says the guy wearing clothes in a bathtub."

"If you have a problem with me wearing clothes in the bath, why don't you remove them for me?"

Shuu closes his eyes, going back to listening to his music. It's a popular piece of classical music that you often hear on old radios.

"Nah, I'm good."

"You're even more useless than the other sacrificial brides. You don't care if I get sick from wet clothes."

"First of all, rude. I'm uniquely talented. Secondly, I'm not even a sacrificial bride. You can't compare me to them. And thirdly, can vampires even get sick? Whatever, you wanna play the game?"


"To the game or the getting sick part?"




"Now you're just being annoying."

"Goal achieved."


"Will you leave me alone if I do?"

"And if you participate in the game, yes."

"Then you'd be quiet?"




Not dripping but just enough moisture to have my clothes cling to my skin, I set myself on the journey to find Laito. I trudge from room to room, finally coming upon the music room. A familiar piece sounds from behind the door, and I creak open the door to investigate.

Laito is playing the piano sitting in the middle of the room, its gracious sounds echoing off the hard walls. His fingers dance across the black and white keys; his fingertips play out harmonious chords.

Sensing my presence, Laito immediately stops playing and turns his head to look at me, and his lips turn up into a smirk.

"Hello, darling~ missed me already?"

"Of course not," I say, mimicking Laito's tone.

Laito sits there, surprised of my sudden behaviour.

Time to go fishing~

"Oh by all means, please don't stop on my behalf," I gesture to the piano before sitting down beside him.

He blinks once before turning his body to face the ivory keys again, continuing the piece. I rest my head on his shoulder.

The tune has the same slightly familiar set of chords, yet I can't quite place my finger on where I had last heard it. Laito looks quite focused on the piece; it was almost a shame. I wait for him to finish, and he turns back to me when he does.

"You're quite talented, Laito," I tilt my head slightly as my lips barely brush against the shell of his ear.

Every good fisherman knows the first step to fishing is to have a good bait.

"Laito, could you please do something for me?"


My lips move downwards so the heat of my breath hits the surface of his cold skin.


Laito's eyes widen and his lips part slightly. Then he gives a light chuckle.

"Well if you're asking like that, how could I possibly refuse?" Laito smirks.

And sinker.

He turns his head, supposedly going in for a kiss. However, I hold up a finger to his pursed lips, stopping them an inch from mine. I stand up from the piano bench, dusting off non-existent dust from my lap before saying, "Great! I'll meet you downstairs for the game! Hehe~"


Everyone is gathered around Shuu in the living room, who's lounging on a couch on the far side of the room. For once, the unnecessary amount of couches came in handy. I'm seated between Laito and Kanato, who seems to be munching on treats I made for him.

"So! Since everyone's here, I'll start explaining the game!"

"This is boring."

"We haven't even started yet, so shut up, Ayato. As I was saying, basically the game is a 'who is more likely to' game. We're gonna draw paper slips out of a container-"

"We don't have a container," Subaru retorts.

I reach over and snatch Laito's fedora, "yes, we do. Once the paper is read, we all close our eyes and point to the person who best fits the description, then we open our eyes again. Of course, you can point to yourself."

I retrieve the paper slips prepared beforehand by the brothers from my pocket and throw them into the hat.

"Alright, I see that some of you are illiterate, so we only have five questions in here; so we're gonna only have five people draw the papers. And, since I'm the hostess, I'm drawing first!"

I grin before reaching my hand into the hat.

"Hey! Ore-sama's supposed to go first!"

"Too bad, oreo-sama, I'm going first. Alright, first question... who's most likely to ruin a road trip?"

We all close our eyes, and I point my finger to one of the nominees. The little shit. Kanato. A few seconds pass, and everyone opens their eyes again. Five fingers are pointing at Kanato, one is pointing at Subaru, and two are pointing at Ayato.

"Alrighty! So Kanato has been nominated as the worst person to bring on a road trip! Nice one, Kanato!" I giggle, giving a small clap towards his direction.

"..." Kanato hugs Teddy closer to his chest, eyes gloomy; creepy.

"Okay, next question. Uhh, who wants to draw the paper slip this time?"

"ME! OBVIOUSLY ME! DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO ASK-" Ayato snatches the hat from my hands, grinning triumphantly before thrusting his hand into it. He pulls out a paper slip, and reads it aloud, "-who is the best cook?"

"Did you even have to ask?" I quietly taunt. Ayato sends me a glare and I stick my tongue out at him.

Like last time, everyone closes their eyes and we point at someone. I, obviously, point at myself. Still, I want to see who's the best cook in this family so I can make them my cooking slave. Ah, my evil desires.

When I open my eyes, everyone else is pointing at one person. Not me.


Even Ayato is.

After eating my delectable takoyaki? Seriously?

"Really Ayato? I'm deeply hurt," I cover my eyes with the back of my hand and lace my other on my chest, "but SERIOUSLY? ALL OF YOU ARE, WHAT, CRUSTY OLD MEN? AND Y'ALL CAN'T COOK? REALLY? AND YOU, AYATO. ESPECIALLY YOU. I MADE YOU DELICIOUS TAKOYAKI, AND YOU DON'T APPRECIATE MY COOKING. WOW."

I point at him, then sniffle, burying my face in my hands. My body shakes.

With anger.

"Laito, hold me back," I make an attempt to lunge at Ayato, but Laito quickly has his arms wrapped securely around me, "I expected this from the rest of you, but Ayato? SERIOUSLY?"

"Meh," Ayato shrugs.

"MEH? REALLY? YOU HAVE THE AUDACTIY TO SHRUG? AYATO I SWEAR I WILL MAKE YOU ALIVE'NT!" I point at him and charge towards his direction. Before my hand could grab his face, Laito yanks me back by the collar of my shirt.

"Ah, ah, darling~ we musn't get violent during a game~"


Kanato presses a cream puff to my cheek.

"Ah, thank you Kanato," I bite it out of his hand, seeing as Laito, who seems to be enjoying his role a little too much, still has a firm grip on me. "I wonder who made this, OH WAIT, IT WAS ME, AT LEAST SOMEONE CAN APPRECIATE MY TALENTS. On a separate note, time for the next paper."

"I think it's my turn to ask a question this time~" Laito lets go of my shirt and I glare at Ayato menacingly. He pulls a slip from his hat and takes a second to read it. His lips quirk up into a smirk. "Wonderful! Who's most likely to get the pus*y?" (E/N: aww~ look how cute that is, shes too shy to say it. shameless plug leave a vote and ill bully the writer less or not just leave a vote) (A/N: i have no idea what that editor note said either)

"The what now."

"The pus*y!" (E/N: eheh there it is again~)




"Oh, come on, it's an honest question~" Honest my ass.

"I'm neither disappointed nor surprised," Reiji sighs and glares at him.

"Guess we're skipping that question... Anyways, who wants to draw the next paper? We've got two left," I say, giving the hat a small shake. From across the room, Ayato, surprisingly, shoots a disappointed face.

Without speaking, Kanato reaches over and selects a random slip of paper. Unfolding it, his eyes scan over the written words and he sighs before saying, "who's most likely to spend their money on something stupid?"

Honestly, it should be me.

But no.

It was Ayato.

"Suck it, Ayato! I bet you'd spend your money on something stupid AND get scammed!"


"HAH, YOU'RE NOT DENYING IT! Alright, final question, who's volunteering?"

Subaru raises his hand before grabbing the fedora, picking out the last slip of paper.

"Who's most likely to die first in a horror movie?"

We all point at someone, closing our eyes. When eyes are opened, everyone is pointing to me.

"OH COME ON-" I abruptly stand up, glaring at all of them.

"It's true," Ayato snickers.

"Yeah, because you guys would forget me when you're escaping!"

"Forget or abandon?" Laito chuckles with an amused look on his face. I attempt to chomp his face off, though failing miserably.

"Shut up! Anyways, there's no more questions, so..."

"This was boring," Ayato stands up to leave.

"Wait, what about another game-"

"Remember to make my sweets later," Kanato's big eyes stared at me for a few seconds before he vanishes. (E/N: pixi stick gelatonous grape creamsicle hair toe pickle bitch eyes)

The others either walk out the room or disappear. I stomp back to my room in disappointment. However, I think back to the brothers during the game. Subaru didn't punch walls, Reiji didn't seem so irritated, and Shuu seemed like he was actually relaxing. Maybe they did have fun after all. I hover over the stairs, looking back at Reiji who's still standing there. His glasses are resting a bit lower on his nose, and Shuu is resting on the couch without the usual tension.

What an interesting day.

A/N: laughs

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