Chapter 1

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Strolling down the streets of (C/N), I head to my parents' house. Ew, outdoors, I thought.

Fumbling around my backpack for the house keys, I shove them through the keyhole and enter the house.

"I'm home!" I say as I remove my shoes.

I was met by silence, as always, my parents often work late. I called for them again, confirming that they're still at work and not asleep. Trudging up the wooden stairs tiredly, I enter my (F/C)-themed bedroom, tossing my bag with a weak "ugh" on the carpeted floor beside my desk.

Flopping onto my office chair, I spin around lazily, thinking about my 18th birthday; which is tomorrow.

Not many people talk to me, so I don't have anyone to spend my birthday with.

I'm fast as fuck, and just built different in general. So obviously others couldn't stand how much of a badass bitch I am.

Ughhhhhhhh. Homeworkkkkk. Turning on my laptop, I start doing my homework, speeding through the work my teacher assigned me. Once finished, I shut the computer and flop face-first on my bed. Lazily feeling around for my phone, I decide to scroll through memes, occasionally chuckling.

Placing my phone on my bedside table, I grab some clothes from my wardrobe and head into the bathroom to shower.

Coming out from the steamy washroom, I dry my hair, turn off the lights, and snuggle into bed. Staring at my ceiling, I feel myself slowly drifting into a deep sleep.


I'm standing on what looks like a stone path leading to a mansion. Glancing at my surroundings, I wonder how I got here. I must be in a dream. Striding past flowerbeds and trees, I admire the grand mansion in front of me.

Hearing voices inside the building, I run towards the noise and crouch under a window, peeking in. I see a few shadows moving about in a rather aggressive way. I squint my eyes, trying to get a better look. Suddenly, I lose my balance and land on my butt. I felt a slight prick on my right palm. Taking a closer inspection, I see that I accidentally touched a rose's thorns during the fall. A drop of blood falls out of the injury, but I pay no more attention to it as I know it'll heal in a matter of minutes. I stand up, hoping to catch a glimpse of the unknown shadows again. However, the scenery around me begins to swirl. I feel dizzy and slowly sit down on the grass. This is just a dream, I remind myself.

I close my eyes as sounds started to get louder and louder, hurting my head. Breathing heavily, I hold my head, trying to block out the noises. A sound louder than the others started to ring in my head. Opening my eyes, finding that my head no longer hurts, and feel myself on top of my bed.


My alarm sounded a couple minutes later, and I throw it into a wall while screaming multiple profanities into my mattress. Thinking back to the dream last night, I sense a feeling of deja vu.

"Damn, that was spicy. Whatever. Time to be lonely!" I say to myself cheerfully.

Getting out of bed, I scurry down the stairs for breakfast. I don't see my parents, so I assume they've left for work already. Or they were never home.

"It's not like I see them much anyways!" :'D

I grab some pre-made F/F from the fridge, pour some F/D into a waterbottle, and grab a pack of F/S from the cupboard, running outside.

I realise I'm still in my PJs when my bare feet hit the concrete ground of the sidewalk.


Running back inside, I quickly throw on a comfortable pair of bottoms and a F/C t-shirt.

(A/N: It doesn't matter if your birthday is in December, Y/N is just built different.) (E/N: The weather doesn't control Y/N, Y/N controls the weather.)

Dashing back outside, I go to the local field to eat by myself. Laying out the picnic blanket and the snacks, I sit down cross-legged. Sipping from my bottle of F/D, I choke when a brown-haired figure seems to be heading towards me. Glancing up from my tiny picnic, I finish chugging my drink and stand up.

The man approaches me, and I take in his appearance. He's wearing a casual suit and looks out of place in the empty field.

"May I help you?" I ask him.

"I am Sakamaki Tougo," he states.

Thanks for ignoring my question.

"I'm here to take you on what you can consider a change of scenery."

I take a moment to think about the offer.

A sexy old man is here to kidnap me. "Bet."

His eyes slightly widen as he says, "I'll take that as a yes."

~Time skip brought to you by Ayato's poorly tied tie and fashion sense~

Leaning on the car door, I stared out the window, clutching on to my bag against my chest. Fiddling my thumbs, I think back to the decision I just made. I just agreed to let an old man kidnap me, I thought to myself. I dunno.. kinda gives me pedo vibes.

"Are we there yet?" I ask.

"No," the brown-haired man replied.

"Where are we going? I'm boooooored," I complain.

"It's going to be a long drive. It's best if you rest for now," he said with a smile, looking into the rearview mirror.

Not like I have anything better to do anyways, I thought, and closed my eyes. The silent purr of the car engines lull me to sleep.

~Time skip brought to you by yet another wall destroyed by Tsunbaru~

A sudden jerk of the car woke me up. Rubbing my eyes, I quickly look out the window and see the car pulling up to a fancy mansion. Beautiful flowerbeds and trees surrounded the building. Ooooooh, so he's a sugar papi!!!

Mouth agape, I stare wide-eyed at the scene before me. I hear the man in the front seat chuckle slightly and say, "We're here."

Stepping out of the limousine while holding my bag tightly, I shut the car door. Following behind the man named Tougo Sakamaki, we arrive at the front of the estate.

He pushes the grand doors open, gesturing for me to step in first. The interior shocked me. A fancy and delicate chandelier hung from the ceiling, and white marble pillars stood on either side of the entrance foyer.

Looking behind me, I see the doors shut. What is this, a bad horror movie? Clueless girl gets kidnapped, I think the fuck not. Where's the creepy old man when you need him? He'd make a great human shield.

"Ah... I see a beautiful pearl has entered the house without permission," a creepy voice says.

Creeped out by the unknown voice, I tread backwards until my back met the wall.

"Let us pray the Pimp's Prayer. Lord, please pray for the soul of this bitch and guide my pimp hand and make it strong, Lord, so that she might learn a hoe's place. Amen," I pray.

I find myself staring into a pair of emerald green eyes. I take in their appearance. It seems to be a reddish-brown-haired man in a pimp coat with a fedora on his head. Strange fashion sense.

"Hi?" I greet him with a questioning tone.

"And who might you be?" He leans forward, sniffing me. "You smell delicious as well, sweetheart."

Of course I smell scrumdiddlyumptious. I stole my mom's luxury perfume.

"First of all, the fuck. Second, the fuck? And lastly, the fuck... are you an animal?"

The anonymous man chuckled at my response, and started to advance forwards.

Raising my hands and attempting to push him away, I say, "Woah there. Does the no no square not exist in your dictionary?"

As he leans in, I take his hat, and turn my heel, and run away.

I run down the dark halls of the mansion, a mischievous smile plastered on my face. After a few laps, I skid to a stop.

Looking around, the pimp coat man isn't following me. The hat is suddenly plucked out of my hand, and I hear a voice in my ear.

"Darling, you shouldn't do that. It's quite mean~"

I turn my head to find myself glaring at the red-brown-head.

"Name's Laito. What brings you here?" he asks with a flirtatious grin.

"Someone brought me here. Someone named.. Sakakaka... I don't remember," I reply.

Hearing footsteps, I step away from Laito and hear a voice behind me. Turning around, I spot a short lavender-haired boy holding a teddybear wearing an eyepatch. He moves closer to me and licks my cheek.

"Ew, what the fuck? Can you not?" I attempt to push him away, but he's rooted to the floor.

"Mhm...," he smiled creepily and walked away.

Laito seemed to have disappeared, so I continued exploring the mansion. I arrive at what seems to be a large open space. On one of the couches lays a red-head who I assume is sound asleep. I walk closer to him, crouching down and poking his cheek. One of his eyes open, revealing a cat-like emerald green orb.

"Oy, how dare you wake ore-sama from his nap? Who are you?" he demands.

"I was brought here by a man whose name I don't remember. Salad fingers or something," I answer, giving up on trying to remember what he said his name was.

"Whatever. Apologize to ore-sama for waking me up."

"Alright, OREO-SAMA," I grin.



"What is the meaning of this ruckus?" a new voice joins in.

My head swerves to the side. What the heck is this, a dance number? I see a tall purple-haired man with square glasses. His stern magenta-coloured eyes glare at me.

"And who might you be?" he asks.

"I'm L/N Y/N. Someone named.. Sakaka? Salad? Stew? Skate? I don't know," I wack my head a couple times.


"Yes! That's it! You know him?"

"I do," he replies. "Let's go to the main room to further discuss this... unexpected arrival. Please follow me."

I follow him to said room. The creepy lavenderette from before followed behind. How did he get here so fast?

The main room was similar to the previous one I was in, with luxurious navy blue couches. I spot a blonde person lying down on one of them, listening to music through his earbuds.

"Now, can you explain why you're here?" he pushes his glasses up with his middle finger, questioning me.

Well that's not very ladylike. "No. A man named Sakamaki brought me here," I answer.

"She must be another sacrificial bride, then," the lavender-head says in a creepy voice.

"A what now?"

"Alright. Then I'll introduce everyone. That music-obsessed deadbeat over there is Shu, and I'm Reiji. The red-head is Ayato, the one with the teddy bear is Kanato, and the one with the fedora is Laito," Laito winks at me. I look back at him in disgust. "We're all brothers."

"Wait. Which shoe?" I ask, a smile creeping up to my face.

"What," Shu mutters, eyes closed.

"I said, which shoe? Adidas? Nike? What type? Running shoes, slippers, boots, which?"

"Shut up. You're so noisy."

"I know I am. Which shoe, though?"

He turns away from me, facing one of the couch cushions in frustration.

"Can you all just FUCKING SHUT UP?!"

A wall is shattered on my right. I turn my head towards that direction, and notice an albino man with his fist in the wall.

"And that's Subaru," Reiji says with a sigh. "Now, mind introducing yourself to everyone?"

"I'm L/N Y/N," I reply. I turn to Subaru. "So, mommy issues, or..."

"Is that all the luggage you have with you?" Reiji interrups.

"Yeah, why? It's not like I'm living here. Pfft," I laugh.

"You are."


"You're staying here. For the rest of your life," he replies.

"...I think I better go back home, umm, nice meeting all of you!" I wave at them and try to run for the door. Before I could exit the room, Laito extends his leg and trips me.

"Can you not?" I say.

I looked behind me. Everyone's eyes seem to glow red as they see my knee bleeding.

"Uhh, crazy guess, but are you guys vampires or something?" I giggle nervously.

"Wow! This one's a smart one! Right on, dearest!" Laito claps.

"You're kidding, right?" I deadpan.


"Please refrain from doing anything so stupid again. As I stated, you will remain here indefinitely. Unless you wish to perish, I suggest you follow me to your room," Reiji impatiently motions for me to follow him. I reluctantly do.

We enter a large white room with a large four-poster king bed. A desk was placed at the side of the room, along with a door I assume leads to a bathroom. A fancy wooden closet sits at the corner of the room, along with a vanity and doors to a balcony. A nightstand with a lamp emitting a soft light rests beside the bed. Wait, no school then! Hah! I thought.

"Breakfast is 6:30 PM. Don't be late, or you will be punished. Your school uniform will be delivered to you tomorrow," Reiji threatens.

He leaves me in the room alone. UGHHHHH... SCHOOL?


A/N: Hello! Author here, just wanted to leave a short note since this is the first chapter. Thank you so much for all the support, readers! We're going to try to write faster now, sorry for the long wait for Chapter 1. Here's a sneak peak to some things going on while we're writing! Enjoy~ (wsp it's the editor and i will beat the chapters out of her if i have to <3~)

Author wasn't feeling well in the head that day.


Well, hope you enjoyed the crack! More coming soon. ;))

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