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Goldmi had felt incredibly comfortable since she had returned to the jungle. She had already felt it when she had brought the spirit, but she hadn't had time to enjoy the sensation as now she could.

As she approached the wooden wall, she could feel the connection with nature, how the plants were whispering affectionately, how their energy intertwined with hers. The elf felt that she could get their help just by asking for it, as well as, in some way, her own presence helped and nurtured them.

It wasn't an unfamiliar sensation. She had felt it before, but she hadn't been so aware until now. Before leaving the beginner's village, her level was much lower, while, in the oasis, the magnitude wasn't comparable to that of a lush and large jungle.

She entered the outpost under the watchful eyes of two watchmen at the gates. There were two others on some small platforms on the wall, too rough to be called towers.

They greeted the group friendly, and looked at her with curiosity, because her face was unknown to them. They assumed that she was a new adventurer the group had encountered along the way, which wasn't at all exceptional.

Perhaps, the presence of a huge lynx was less common, although she wasn't the first, nor would she be the last, to be accompanied by one of the inhabitants of the jungle. However, if they had noticed the spirit that was with them, they would have been quite astonished.

She sat at a table while waiting for them to report, and drinking one of the juices that she had taken from her inventory. The lynx was lying next to her, enjoying a more than well-deserved rest. Meanwhile, the adventurers and soldiers were looking at her sideways in the distance. They were all waiting for the group to arrive and introduce her. Rather, almost all of them were waiting.

A big man with greenish skin, muscular and a little over two meters tall, approached her. He was an orc, from one of the tribes that had a friendly relationship with elves.

"Hello beautiful. I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?" he introduced himself, sat next to her and leaned on the table. His breath smelled of alcohol.

The elf had to hide her disgust. She didn't like that attitude. He reminded her of her ex. Of the her of the past.

"Yes," she replied coldly.

"Oh, I see. I can show you the area. There are some very beautiful and intimate places around here," he approached more, provocatively.

"It's not necessary," she answered again, coldly, and moved away a little.

She felt somewhat intimidated, but much less than she would have been in the past. Not only had she been through a lot these past few weeks, but she wasn't alone. In fact...

"Do you want me to get rid of that thing?" her sister offered, showing her claws.

"Oh come on, don't be shy, let's go for a walk," the orc insisted, and hold her hand tightly.

The feline would have jumped by now if her sister hadn't told her otherwise. And more than one adventurer was about to come up and mediate, for his comrade was going too far, and they knew him too well.

But it wasn't necessary. Although she might appear weak, and the bow showed that she wasn't someone specializing in close combat, the elf's level was higher than most of those there, and than the orc.

She used her other hand to catch the orc's one and release hers, as well as push him back. But, far from ending there, he approached again, visibly angry.

"Bitch! How dare you! I'll have to...!"


A club struck the orc's head, and knocked him unconscious to the ground. Confused and surprised, the elf looked at the owner of the weapon, an orc woman just as tall as the other orc, and who was staring at her. She didn't realize that the adventurers were sighing, between relieved and resigned, for a relatively common scene.

"Forgive my brother. He's stupid. And more when he drinks. I'll take care of teaching him a lesson," the orc apologized with a slight bow.

Then, she reached down to grab her brother by her arm and drag him toward the infirmary, under Goldmi's wide-eyed gaze. Even the feline was surprised.

"You've met Grujzhor and Grulzha. They aren't bad people, but you have to stay away from him when he drinks. Luckily, his sister keeps him at bay," Omny then arrived, with an awry smile. It was a somewhat awkward situation.

"I... I see..." Goldmi stammered. "They are somewhat... peculiar."

"Hahaha. Peculiar is a too nice description for that blockhead," Jarlia laughed. "Hey guys, come closer! Let us introduce you to Goldmi!"

Many had waited for this moment to meet the newcomer, and they didn't hesitate to approach and introduce themselves. Some looked at the lynx suspiciously, but there was even more curiosity, although she basically ignored them.

Even Grulzha approached, and apologized resignedly again for her brother, while the others looked at her empathetically. They knew the problems he caused when drunk. Unfortunately, she had been busy, and she hadn't been able to control him before he caused trouble again.

So, unfortunately for Grujzhor, the blow to his head would be nothing compared to what was awaiting him after waking up. Besides, not only would he have to repeatedly apologize to the elf, but it would be a long time before he could drink again, or before his sister would forgive him and speak to him again. Despite how terrible she would give him hell, what would hurt him most would be having disappointed her. He would vow again to keep his promise not to drink. Time would tell if he would make it.

On the other hand, many looked at the newcomer with some respect after having faced Grujzhor, even without knowing her abilities. But when the group that had come with her acknowledged that she had saved them, that respect skyrocketed.

It was true that she was of a higher level, and therefore stronger than them, but what made her worthy of her admiration was having saved their comrades. They were all like siblings there. They were fighting together a common enemy, so the benefactor of one of them was that of all.

That was without them knowing she was a visitor, or her abilities, and much less about the general. Only the post commander, who was watching her from a distance, had that information, although he couldn't quite believe it. He was waiting for them to calm down to try to verify it, before informing his superiors.

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