"after careful consideration of the evidences, the court finds the accused, ahn sun ji, not guilty of the charge of murder. the burden of proof required for conviction has not been met beyond a reasonable doubt. therefore, the defendant is acquitted, and the case is now officially closed" the judge announces to the court, hammering the gavel onto the wood loudly.
the crowd in favor of ahn sun ji applauded and her family cried in relief. the lawyer sees his client cry as well, as she carries her months old son in her arms. her family patting her back, ahn sun ji's mother wiping her tears as she wails in happiness.
ahn sun ji, almost went to life imprisonment for murdering his husband, and his husband's mistress. multiple stab wounds in their chest and stomach causing exsanguination as the cause of death. they were found the next morning by their maids. ahn sun ji inches away from the two victims holding the weapon of crime. her dna all over the crime scene. no witnesses, no cctv footages and no evidence to support her claim of innocence.
looking at the case. it was already a dead end, ahn sun ji was already trapped inside a four-walled house without an escape. that is why the lawyer was hesitant at first to accept her plea. however, he accepted it eventually when he saw a great opportunity in the case and figured to himself that he won't back down without a fight.
it was rough to get evidences. it took months for her lawyer to push through the case. for the reason being that when the crime happened, ahn sun ji, who was 8 and a half months pregnant, gave birth to her son.
there were many issues about this particular client of his, one is the postpartum depression and other issues about the victims family, who is the in-laws of the woman.
the lawyer may have defended it but the real killer of the victim is still on the run, and even though that is not his job anymore, his curiosity towards the real doer of the crime is high.
hong joshua has just won one of the most talk-about case in the country. sighing in relief too when he heard the verdict of the judge. after months of preparing for the case, he won and cleared the murderer tag on his client's name.
a talk-about case indeed as ahn sun ji has just gone up against the choi family, who is known for being one of the wealthiest family in the country. known for their mysterious ways as well.
who would've have thought that justice has won over money in this case. hong joshua owes it to the judge, his team, and of course he owes it to himself too, it's was a great opportunity after all.
the lawyer congratulated her and the family, his comforting hand on the child's head as he bid goodbye to the family ahn. "thank you hong joshua, I owe you my life" she cried as she embraces him, surprising him a little. however he let his hand rub the woman's back as response of welcome.
"it's my pleasure," he responded while waiting for her to let him go, as a sign of respect and understanding.
"sorry joshua. i'm just so grateful" she says, when she notices he stopped rubbing her back. seconds later, she wiped her tears while letting him go.
"no worries," hong joshua smiles softly, bowing a little as he turns his back at her.
the lawyer left the courtroom with a grateful heart. another day, another case closed. as he walks out, he saw a group of journalists surrounding the door of the courthouse, waiting for some people, or someone.
hong joshua stood there, had already decided that he will wait for some people to walk together with him to avoid being asked or photograph by them. while he's waiting, he wore his sunglasses and removed his coat, leaving him with his white long-sleeves and black pants.
"hyung!" he heard someone shout. joshua quickly turns his whole body to face the person who shouted like a kid.
there he saw lee dokyeom running towards him with his backpack bouncing on his back, his hair swept to the side, wearing a black suit and navy blue tie.
"congratulations hyung! finally that case is over. let's celebrate?" dokyeom, who is taller and younger than him bounce in happiness while congratulating him. earning a smile from the older.
"i can't, i still have work. tomorrow maybe?" joshua removed the younger's arms away from his shoulders, finding it heavy.
"sure, no problem. i'll arrange the party and i'll invite who ever i want"
"yeah, you do you" he replied to which the younger smiled to, giving him another big smile.
"hong joshua," a woman in her 60's together with 5 men in suits, maybe older than the two, walks towards them.
"i won't ever forget you stabbing us on our backs," the woman says to him with anger laced in her words.
she's calm on the outside but in the inside, joshua knows that there is a tsunami of anger and betrayal. a landslide of disappointment. and a storm of sadness. i mean her youngest son did just died without any culprit to blame to.
that is why she firmly believes ahn sun ji is the suspect. she wanted the blame to fall on her daughter in-law who she really never liked but accepted anyway because of her love for her son.
hong joshua knew ahn sun ji and choi min hyung before all these chaos, rather he knew the family choi before all this. he sides with ahn sun ji because he felt the injustice in the situation.
a middle class woman who is pregnant and have no any sort of power against them. they were faulty to believe a woman like her would have done that to their family member.
the lawyer believes that a pregnant woman wouldn't have done all that to a healthy and fit people like choi min hyung and model oh hye ri.
even if his first impression of the case is rough and can foresee defeat for it, he accepted it anyway. it was worth risking his perfect record of won cases since he started. as a lawyer he has to see the silver lining in these chaotic world, or in his world, chaotic cases.
"how could i have done so when i was so busy winning the case. you know i never had the time," he replied smiling at her while taking his sunglasses off and putting it inside his bag. making the woman clench her jaw.
"we advised you to not take the case," the woman says, her voice deep and rough as if she's warning him.
"correction. you threatened me not to take the case," joshua wanted to break her calm demeanor and release the devil she is inside.
even before this case, their relationship go way back. joshua knew exactly how the choi family works, knows very well their business and family personally. it is no good, at all.
they are always up to no good. his curiosity towards the culprit sky-rocketing with respect because finally, after so many years, someone is targeting the wicked choi family who have done a lot of cruel things to the civilians of this country.
the long line of hong family lawyers, have defended every choi family member who was sued since the end of korean war.
hong family being forced to defend them even if they were the real culprits of a crime, making up evidences and paying witnesses just to win the case. they tormented and threatened the family using money to keep their mouth shut. it is how they always done it. always won it.
hong joshua's great grandmother was killed by a choi family member because his great grandfather refuse to defend them. it was a sign to all member of the hong family that they are all slave of the choi's.
honestly, joshua never understood why choi's always chose the hong's as their lawyers. was it because they saw potential that their family is great at the court? because they are smart? another thing, he never understood why almost every member of his family studied and practiced law. a politician and a businessman as well. making it much harder to get themselves free the choi's cage.
since he inherited the law firm, one of things he wanted is to break the tie with all of families, who had been using his family since then. he wanted to break loose to those people who thought they could control him.
logically speaking he has the upper hand to the situation. he has the real evidences, real witnesses of all the family's crime and one call from a trusted journalist and the family choi would be wounded enough to lay low for awhile.
when an opportunity came, the murder of the youngest choi family member, joshua took the case even if he saw himself being defeated. the lawyer took the risk just to break the tie between his family and the choi's. it was great big move, which was so worth it now that it was over, and he won against them.
"you will one day regret this," the woman's hands turned into fist and she spoke on gritted teeth, containing herself. joshua wasn't sure why she is even controlling herself.
is it because of the people around them?
"do you want to see my schedule? you see i don't even have a day to myself, so a day regretting this would be impossible," the lawyer chuckles deeply, trying to piss off the woman even more than she already is.
"maybe the regret is on you. you should've hired a better prosecutor to detain my client, or your son shouldn't have done anything and just waited for grace from you, or... if he would have just been faithful he wouldn't have been dead and we would have not been all here. and your advice are very much appreciated by the way," joshua continued, eyes directly staring at her, not scared.
he feared those eyes when he was young but now, gosh! his family should have done this long ago. his grandfather would love the look on the woman face right now. even if he knows he will somehow experience getting killed because of this he doesn't care, he's just so confident nothing will happen to him.
the woman was about to throw hands but dokyeom caught it, quickly putting it down while glaring at the men behind her. eyes warning them and telling them to stay away.
joshua smirked. finally. she broke free from trying to be calm. he can see her facial expression all over the place.
is it anger or sadness?
well he doesn't care.
"i was waiting for your husband to be here. see all those journalists," he points out the people outside the courthouse.
from his peripheral vision he saw the woman bite her lips. "i called them for you," he adds looking back at her.
"is he afraid he wouldn't win the senatorial election if he is here? what a coward. should i go out then and say something to them," it was a lie, because he wanted to trigger her even more.
joshua was enjoying watching the way the woman's face contorts as she control herself. when suddenly he got slapped hard on his face.
dokyeom didn't catch that. he's too occupied silently battling the men behind her with his eyes.
the edges of that heavy diamond ring on her finger together with powerful slap gave joshua pain and a scratch on his left cheek.
tiny bits of blood coming out of it. joshua chuckled lowly whilst wiping of the blood of his face, he stepped closer to the woman leaning into her ears. "this is a sign of goodbye right?"
the woman knows that what he said meant different.
the lawyer steps back and pulled dokyeom closer to his side and smiled at them "goodbye mrs. choi and good luck with the senatorial election. i will be watching you guys every step of the way." he smirked, feeling victory inside of him.
joshua pulls dokyeom out of the courthouse, they ran towards the car quickly spotting the journalists swarming to surround mrs. choi for questioning as they drove off.
"gosh i'm so happy. i won dokyeom-ah" he smiled brightly, his smile reaching his eyes, turning into cresent shape, while his lips copies how it curves.
"yes, you did hyung." dokyeom could only giggle at the sight.
"so what's your next move?" joshua immediatey turned serious upon hearing the question.
what is his next move?
"completely break the tie between my family and them and to wash out their power over our country." joshua grits his teeth and clenches his hand.
"i want them to suffer and pay for all the sins they have done to others and for treating my family like a slave and for their bullying towards us before. i want them to slowly and painfully experience losing everything"
joshua wants to see their faces in horror when they loses everything they have. he wants them to beg, and cry to him. the lawyer wants them to ask forgiveness, he wants them to rot in hell.
"your face, does it hurt?" dokyeom changed subject. he knows that there is a devil inside his brother's body and it is taking over him right now.
even though the both of them wants the same things, dokyeom wants that he would do the dirty work and not let joshua get blood on his hands. however knowing his brother who grew up witnessing the cruelty on the world and getting use to seeing blood, he knows that he cannot help him be innocent to violence because of his anger towards the choi's.
"gosh yes! it hurts so bad it stings when i touch it. her hand is heavy and that ring, uhh! i just want to remove it from her hand and wear it and slap her too. i'm so angry dokyeom-ah i could kill someone from one of them, but i will surely make choi jae hyung, park min ha and choi jae ha last so they could see what it is they do to others"
this is what dokyeom is talking about, joshua waited until he owned the law firm to get the revenge he wanted since he was young. it was a build up anger that grew into a huge ball of revenge and violence towards them, but he can't wait to see his brother succeed. he will continue to support joshua no matter what.
"i will make them lose the senatorial election. i'll one by one take their ownership on things, make them go bankrupt, i'll make them experience life in prison but in the end of it all....."
"i want them to die" he hears the soft whisper of the man on the recorded audio. making him smirk and look at the younger.
the man sighed in happiness because joshua and him wants the same things.
"kyeomim, thank you. at least now i know what he is thinking." his deep voice echoed through the dimly lighted room. it was noticeable how happy he was just by hearing his voice, he was glad to see that joshua and him see eye to eye.
"so what do we do with these men?" dokyeom questions, walking towards the 5 men who he was just glaring at, the afternoon prior.
"he said he wanted to kill one of them. aren't they one of them?" the man chuckled liking the thought of joshua killing someone.
walking towards the corner of the room and picking a sharp dagger. he walked towards dokyeom who he nudge from the side. "tell me. which one of this men were the closest to park min ha?"
"the man on the back, left."
the man wasted no time, he kneeled in front of the man and removed his blindfold and the rope inside his mouth. letting him breath properly for a while. "hello, how are you?" he said in a sinister grin.
"who are you! where are we? what do you want from me?" the hostage shouted, his saliva hitting the man's cheeks.
he chuckled deeply while wiping the saliva off "i'm nothing. where in nothing and i want nothing from you"
"you know, his face is so beautiful" the man swayed the dagger onto the man's left cheeks, imitating the scratch that joshua had, which dokyeom sent pictures of.
the hostage hissed in pain. the dagger went in deeper earning more than just a scratch. his left cheeks bleed immensely to the point where the man moaned in pain, unable to ease it because his hands were tied.
"he is too fucking pretty for this world and for her to slap and scratch it, she had gone too far," there was anger in his voice and it made the hostage shiver.
"put his blindhold back on." he ordered as he stood up.
"you said you would kill one" another person with an even deeper voice had said urging him to. however he won't for now. he wanted joshua to do it himself.
"change my mind. i wanted him to do it himself" he said quietly, making the two other man nod and do as he says.
"dokyeom have you plan the party for tomorrow?" the man asks walking towards dokyeom and using his head to tell him to go out.
"i haven't." the younger replied and nodded at his sign.
"should we start planning then? what is his preference about parties?"
"simple and not too crowded," dokyeom replies as he thinks for more, while they walked out of the dark room.
"he is alcoholic, so as long as there are various types alcohol it's already a blast for him." dokyeom shares, making the man chuckle at thr thought. .
"his favorite wine?"
"recently his been liking the château margaux."
"then he shall have one" the man said in happines.
before completely leaving the room, he said in his loud deep voice "and btw my name is Angel"
lee dokyeom.
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