First Feeling

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Naegi woke up a second time, but now she was in an incredibly comfortable bed and what appeared to be someone's room.

He lifted his back and inspected the room. It was very simple, except for a shelf that had two figures of a strange bicolor bear.

(I like the bear, they are tender) I think Naegi is giving one last revision to the shelf.

- "I see you've already woken up" A voice from what appeared to be the bathroom. A teenager came out much taller than Naegi's small body.

He was half naked, the only thing he was wearing was a towel tied to his waist and it came a little before his knees.

The boy really looked like him, same eye color, similar haircut and most importantly, the ahoge.

- "I hope you're better." You really made a scene with Tsumiki-san before. "The boy laughed.

- "Humm .. What's your name?" Naegi asked ignoring the previous comment.

- "Oh, it's true I have not introduced myself yet" Said the boy with shame.

- "My name is Hinata Hajime, a pleasure to meet you Naegi" Hinata was presented with education to the youngest.

- "A taste Hajime-kun" The little one said very quietly and the biggest of the two was surprised by the ease of Naegi, but not upset at all.

- "I have a question Hajime-kun. Where are we?" I interrogate the luckster.

- "Hehe, if it's obvious that you ask that, well, we're in my cabin because after Tsumiki-san diagnosed you and everything else you fainted, then everyone started debating who would stay with you, and as not we reached an agreement we solved it with the Jan-Ken-Po.

Naegi had a drop of sweat. "I do not think you need to tell me the rest Hajime-kun" He supposed that his luck should have affected him.

- "Naegi-kun, do you feel better?" I ask Hinata holding her towel.

- "I would not know to tell you, but I think I can stand up for myself" Then Naegi tried to stand up and try to take a step, but when he did, the sensation of dizziness invaded him, causing him to lose his balance.

- "Naegi-kun!" Hinata to see that Naegi-kun was going to the ground ran to his aid.

Naegi closed his eyes and waited for the impact against the wooden floor ... But never came.

He felt strong arms grip him firmly. He opened his eyes and looked up, saw Hajime's face.

- "Are you okay Naegi-kun?" Hajime felt the little hands of the luckster against his chest, and if it was not enough he was naked with only a towel that was sliding dangerously.

- "Thanks Hajime-kun, you really are my hero" Naegi thanked the older teenager with an innocent smile.

And they were still in the same position.

Hinata was not sure how much else she could put up with, it's not because Naegi weighed, at all, it's just the situation they're in.

His small soft hands pressing against his chest, his towel that was about to fall, and what had more impact, his smile. God all about this situation was carrying loads of excitement to his groin.

Now he knew what Hanamura was referring to when they found him on the beach.

- "N-there's no Naegi-kun" Hinata with a face redder than a tomato took one of the most intelligent decisions of her entire life, Run away.

Quickly he took his change clothes and fled to the bathroom.

- "Do not forget to go to the restaurant, I'll catch you later" The muffled voice of Hajime on the walls.

- "O-ok, I see you there Hajime-kun".

Naegi still did not understand what had happened but he ignored her and left.

- "Ahh" Hinata sighed livid when she heard her door close.

- "Well, I must hurry to not make wait for Naegi-kun".

When she was about to put on her pants Hinata saw that she had a * situation *.

Hinata was not going to leave there in a long time.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-

Naegi had left the cabin and headed towards the hotel as Hajime told him. What was that? Strange.

The place was really beautiful. It had 16 cabins, a beautiful pool, a kind of shed and the Hotel Mirai.

* Mirai * that word was familiar to him.

He walked to the hotel thinking about the word, until he ran into a girl with light pink hair and a hood similar to her, only that hers had ears.

He stared at him for a while and then spoke: "You are Naegi Makoto ... I think" The girl had a soft voice and was exactly the same height as him.

- "Yes, that's my name, I'm surprised you remembered" They started to walk towards the hotel / restaurant.

- "And why would not I?" The girl asked, looking at him.

- "I was just answering the question of..Tsumiki-san, right?" He was trying to remember what happened during that moment.

- "I think it's a very nice name, I'm Nanami Chiaki by the way, La Gamer Definitiva" Nanami was introduced looking straight at her.

- "How rude of me! All this time and never ask your name! I really am sorry Chiaki-san!"

Nanami grabbed her hands in his.

- "Reassure yourself Naegi-kun, I'm not upset so you can calm down ... I think".

Naegi calmed down when he heard this. Before realizing it, they were already at the hotel doors.

- "The restaurant is on the second floor ... let's go" Nanami went ahead calmly and went to the stairs.

In the restaurant they were all with the exception of Hinata, which was taking a long time.

- "They're already here, where's Hinata?" A blonde and plump boy asked not to see Hinata with them.

- "Ehh! What did you do to Hinata ?!

- "Surely I kill him during a carelessness" A small girl with a kimono and pigtails half moon accused him.

- "! A yes that's what you did! EH! EH!" A big, muscular man came to him and grabbed his shoulders, then lifted him into the air.

The majority began to accuse him. I did not understand anything, what was happening ?, kill ?, why would I have to do it?

- "Now, everyone calm down." Nidai down, remember what Tsumiki said. "The man named Nidai put him down and put him carefully on the ground.

- "JAJAJA !, I LOVE IT SMALL FRIEND, I ALTERED A LITTLE" He said with a strong voice.

- "JAJAJA! I am Nidai Nekomaru, the Ultimate Trainer." A liking "He gave him a handshake and shook him hard.

- "I-I'm Naegi Makoto, nice to meet you all" He gave them a brand smile as bright as the sun.

Everyone was amazed at the boy's personality.

But still...

- "Well, what did you do with Hinata?" The girl in the kimono said frustrated.

- "Hajime-kun ?, ah yes !, he asked me to go ahead since he had to change" Explalico the luckster even with his smile.

Hajime-kun? Everyone wondered in their heads.

- "B-well, that may be an excuse and in reality Hinata may be bleeding in her cabin" The little one did not give up.

- "Ya, please guys, stop the uproar, I'm here for you not to blame Naegi unjustifiably" said Hinata up the restaurant stairs.

- "Come ?, not to be alarmed, Naegi has not yet given us reasons to distrust in the" Togami said so placating all doubts.

- "Instead of that because we do not focus on meeting our new friend" Togami said giving a look to the seemingly inoffensive boy.

- "OH what a great idea !, Ibuki wants to go first!" Ibuki ran to the luckster and sat next to him. Soon everyone did the same.

- "Hi Makoto-chan, the name of Ibuki is Ibuki Mioda! The Ultimate Guitarist!" - The girl said enthusiastically.

Everyone made their presentation and then they started talking about common things. If anything, they had to admit that Naegi was very comfortable talking.

- "Then Naegi-kun, what is your talent?" Sonia asked politely.

- "About that, please do not laugh, I'm The Defensive Lucky Student" Everyone looked at Komaeda and then at Naegi.

-" I said something wrong?" Naegi asked with apprehension, fearing the fury of his companions.

- "It's not that Naegi-kun, only we already have a lucky student" Koizumi said giving them both a look.

- "Nagito-kun ?, how strange he did not tell me his talent" Komaeda approached Naegi.

- "Guys, can you tell me what school year they are in?" The question confused the rest, but still nobody could answer.

Then someone who had not made an appearance appeared.

It was Monomi.

- "Boys, hoola" Monomi had not noticed the extra student yet.

- "You !, it was useful for once and tell us what our school year is!" Fuyuhiko shouted, his patience ending.

- "A-ah, what's the question?" Monomi had not expected that question so soon.

-" Only answer!" They shouted the others.

- "Uwah wah !, se-second year, c-class 77-B" She said nervously, and sweating?

- "Oh, I see, so it was that, well that explains a lot" The attention was directed to Naegi.

Monomi was silent.

- "What do you mean Naegi-kun?" Pekoyama was the first to speak.

- "See, I'm first, class 78" With just those simple words everyone understood.

- "O-I mean you're our kohai" Hinata said looking at Naegi as if she did not believe him.

- "I suppose, if" Monomi had not said anything and Komaeda realized this.

- "Monomi, it's strange that you have not said anything yet and Monokuma has surprisingly been calmer"

Monomi tensed at Komaeda's comment.

- "Now that you say it, these two have been very calm to the sudden appearance of Naegi" Togami made inflection at the Komaeda point.

- "Yes, explain what the fuck is going on here and why are you so fucking silent!" Fuyuhiko exploded.

- "Okey bastards, because there is so much fuss!" Monokuma appeared out of nowhere.

- "Mo-monokuma" Monomi stuttered at the appearance of his self-proclaimed * Big Brother *.

- "Wow, it seems that Makoto-chan has already awakened." Upupupu "Monokuma laughed while looking at Naegi.

Naegi apparently did not understand the situation, as he stared in amazement at * Talking Teddies *.

-" !How cute!" Naegi's words stunned everyone, including the two animals.

Naegi started to approach the two, and when he was close enough he loaded them both.

- "But how cute, a bear and a bunny, are not the most tender thing I've seen?" He asked rhetorically as he gave them a hug.

The others could only admire the scene, nobody moved a single muscle.

- "Makoto-chan I'm glad you like your director, but I think you should get off! Now!" Monokuma said as he moved his arms from side to side.

- "Aww, Kuma-chan does not like my hugs" He sighed disillusioned. "Okeyy," he said as he placed it on the floor.

- "Perhaps you also want Usagi-chan to take you down?" He asked the rabbit that he was still in his arms.

- "D-you should do it Naegi-kun, I do not think Monokuma will take it lightly" Monomi explained to Naegi getting it down.

- "Hmf, I see that finally there is someone who appreciates its director, not like you bastards" I grumble Momokuma.

- "I already said you've come at once" Hinata said to the bicolor bear obviously uncomfortable with his presence.

- "I came to bring something special to Makoto-chan" Monokuma handed a Hand E-Book to Naegi who was at his side.

- "Kuma-chan, what is this?" He gave the bear a questioning look.

- "Makoto-chan, I'm not Kuma-I mean, if I'm a bear but my name is Monokuma, a smarter than average bear."

Where had I heard that phrase before?

- "And what I just gave you is something vital for your stay on this island, tell your teammates to explain" Monokuma pointed to the group that was still standing still.

- "And you bastards ... make sure you read the rules, because we do not want anything to happen to Makoto-chan, right?" Upupupu "Monokuma said ominously before laughing and disappearing.

- "B-well, I'm going too, Be nice, boys!" Amooor Amooor "Monomi disappeared saying her usual slogan.

- "Well, that was certainly interesting" Togami said adjusting his glasses.

- "Ne, guys" Naegi addressed the group. " How does this work?" I ask showing the device.

- "Naegi-kun, that's a Hand E-Book, a kind of student identification, it's very useful so take good care of it," Hinata explained to the smallest one.

- "Naegi, make sure you read the rules well" Togami said, remembering the sinister words of Monokuma.

(Make sure you read the rules, because we do not want anything to happen to Makoto-chan, right?)

That thought crossed everyone's mind and a chill ran through the back of most of the Class 77-B.

Then the announcement of Monokuma indicating that it was already 10:00 pm.

They all went to their cabins, but Togami stopped them for a moment.

- "There is still a problem: Where is Naegi going to stay?"

- "Huh?, I thought Naegi-onii would stay with Hinata-onii" Saionji expressed everyone's thoughts.

- "Ehh!?, Why do you have me !?" Hinata reproached, but quickly realized her mistake.

- "Hajime-kun, do not you want to stay with me ?, perhaps you dislike" Naegi says in a low voice to the edge of tears.

- "Look what you did Hinata-kun, first think before you speak" Koizumi scolded him.

- "Naegi-kun, I'm sorry I did not mean that, and I do not dislike you at all, in fact I think you're great," Hinata said hurriedly.

-" Are you serious?" Naegi asked with puppy eyes.

- "Every word" Hinata assured.

- "Thanks Hajime-kun, I also think you're great" he said with a smile.

There was that smile again. Hinata felt that the blood was going down.

Sinitio envious looks on his back although I can not identify who they were.

No matter.

- "Naegi-kun, shall we?" He addressed Naegi in a velvety voice.

- "Yes!" He said with enthusiasm.

Naegi Makoto, Hinata felt that with the here, would make this nonsense more bearable.

Without knowing it, more people in his group thought the same ...


Kuma: Bear

Usagi: Rabbit

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