Chapter 55

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When someone you love is in danger, your mind and body instinctively drop everything else to help them. That's what happened as soon as I watch Peter lunge at Roman. I knew what I had to do.

Without hesitating, I come out from my hiding spot. With every force and power I had in my body, I lift the axe high in the air and hit Peter right before he reaches Roman. There is a loud yelp and whimper as I continue to forcefully drive the axe in and out of him. Once there are no more breathing sounds coming from his mouth, I collapse.

Blood covers my clothes and hands. My body is shaking uncontrollably as I stare at Peter's lifeless body. My mind goes into shock when I realize that I just killed my best friend.

"Elsie," I hear Roman cough.

I snap my head in his direction and hot tears are streaming rapidly down my face. I crawl over to him and carefully stroke his cheek. He had many scratches and punctures and blood was drizzling out of his mouth. My heart broke even more to see him in such pain.

"Roman," I whimper with a loud sob. "You're going to be alright, okay? I promise."

"Look at me," he whispers and I do. "I can't move. My body is broken."

I shake my head frantically. "You're going to be okay. You aren't going to die."

"Elsie," he repeats my name weakly. "Something is puncturing my heart."


"Listen to me," he says, his voice cracking. "Please tell Nadia and our baby that I love them both."

"Stop!" I wail. "Stop acting like you are going to die! You aren't, okay? Please, Roman. I-I can't live without you. I can't-"

"Baby," Roman cries with me. "I love you."

"I love you," I say through tears.

He smiles weakly before closing his eyes.


The next chapter is the epilogue and then the story is over :(

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