Chapter 4

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"You should go to the dance," Lucy suggests through the phone. It was Friday night and I was getting ready to go hang out with Peter. We planned on watching a movie at his house with his mom.

"I don't want to," I respond. "I don't have a costume and I'm sure Peter doesn't want to go."

"It's a costume dance?!" Lucy exclaims."That's even better! You have to go!"

I lay down on my bed, sighing. "Uh, I don't think so."

"It would be fun, Els! Put yourself out there."

I laugh. "I better go. I told Peter I would meet him soon."

"Okay, have fun! I love ya!"

"I love you too," I chuckle before hanging up. I missed Lucy, but Hemlock Grove was slowly growing on me.

My dad lets me borrow his car, so I arrive at Peter's house shortly. It was a small trailer home in a wooded area. There was a hammock and small grill in the front. There were also beer bottles scattered in different places.

I knock and the door immediately opens. I am greeted by a lady with reddish brown hair. She was really pretty and I assumed it was Peter's mom.

"Hello, you must be Elsie," she says in a sweet voice. "I'm Lynda, Peter's mom. Come in! We were just talking about the dance tonight."

I go inside. Peter was sitting on the couch, a beer bottle in his hand. A small TV was playing a commercial in front of him. "My mom thinks we should go," Peter mumbles from the couch. He takes a sip from the brown bottle.

"You guys would have fun!" Lynda exclaims. "I even have a costume you could wear, Elsie."

I glance at Peter with raised eyebrows. "I'll go if you want to go," I shrug.

"Fuck, I'll go get dressed" Peter chuckles lowly. He stands up and disappears down the hallway.

Lynda grabs my hand. "I'll show you what I have and you can decide on what you would like to wear."

I follow her into a bedroom that was scattered with clothes and various objects. I noticed a lot of essential oils and jewels. "Sorry about the mess," she apologizes with a small smile.

"It's fine," I chuckle, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I don't mind."

We go through her closet. We eventually find a couple of dresses that Lynda said she wore in high school. I notice a red spaghetti strapped dress with sequins. I pick it up and admire the details that were sewed neatly on it.

"That dress would look amazing on you," she mused. "You should wear that one. I wore it to prom. I was the only girl without a puffy dress."

"I love it," I tell her. "However, it's not really a costume."

"That's okay! You would look sexy, that's all that matters."

I laugh and she leaves the room so I could change. The dress is tight, but it fits perfectly. It hugs my curves and makes my boobs look a little bigger than they actually are. Lynda also lends me some heels that go with the dress. I didn't have a lot of make up on, so she quickly applies some eye shadow and lipstick on me.

"Wow," Peter breathed when Lynda and I walked into the living room. "You look amazing."

I blush. "Thank you, you do as well." He was wearing a black suit and his hair was pushed away from his face.

"What are we dressed as?" Peter questions and I shrug. I really had no idea.

"Have fun, you two!" Lynda calls as we walk out of the door. "I've never seen Peter in a suit, so thank you for going with him."

I giggle as we get into the car. I drive to the school as Peter fiddles with the radio station. "I like your mom," I tell him. "She's awesome."

"Yeah, she's my best friend," Peter answers, looking out the window. "Next to you, of course." He nudges my arm.

I smile and continue to drive. We eventually arrive at the school. I park the car and we begin walking toward entrance, my heels clacking against the side walk. I could hear the music from the outside. People were dressed as a lot of different things. I noticed a bumblebee, Micheal Myers, and the three evil freshman were dressed as fairies.

"Wow, I'm surprised you didn't dress as a wolf," some guy shouts, shoving Peter as he walks by. "Woof! Woof!" His friends laugh and they fist bump each other.

Peter brushes it off and we go inside. The gym was warm and everyone was dancing. Streamers were hanging from the ceiling and the multi colored lights and disco made it feel lively. The band even had costumes on as they were dancing around the stage.

"You thirsty?" Peter questions. He opens up his suit slightly to reveal a flask. Even though I was driving, I knew one swig wouldn't hurt. I nod and quickly take a drink. The liquid burns my throat.

"If I'm here, I might as well get drunk," Peter says amusingly. He steps behind me and chugs the rest of the flask before grabbing my hand. "Let's dance."

I was surprised as we go onto the dance floor. I never imagined Peter being the type to dance. I move my hips and arms to the music as Peter does the same. We look absolutely ridiculous and we both start laughing really hard. I glance over and notice Roman glaring at us as a girl tries to talk to him. His dark eyes burning a hole into me.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air," I tell Peter. He nods and turns to dance with some other girl. I look at Roman again before leaving the dance floor.

Even though you weren't suppose to leave the gym, I managed to sneak out. I step outside, rubbing my hands together. It was chilly and I wish I had a jacket. I leaned against the cold brick and looked at the sky.

"I thought you weren't coming."

I snap my head and see Roman. He steps closer, his face expressionless.

"Changed my mind, I guess." I shrug and continue to look at the sky. I manage to find the big dipper.

"Look at me," Roman demands. I turn my attention away from the stars and stare at him. "What do you see in him?"

"What do you mean?"

"God, Elsie. Don't play fucking stupid," he sneers. His face was close to mine. "I know you like him. I just want to know why."

"Roman.." I reach out to grab his hand, but he pushes it away. I feel slightly hurt, but immediately brush it off. "I don't like Peter. I mean, I do, but not that way. We are just friends."

It was true. I couldn't see Peter being anything but my friend and I knew he agreed. He was one of the only people I could talk to, besides Lucy. I didn't understand why Roman was so upset over this. We hardly knew each other.

"It doesn't look like it."

"Why do you care, Roman?" I sigh. "It's not like it matters to you."

Roman balls his hands into fists and his face was turning red. "Maybe it does matter to me!" He shouts.

"Why? You don't even know me."

"That's the fucking point, Elsie," he stormed. I was starting to get scared. He was freaking out for no reason. "I want to get to know you, but I can't do that with you around Peter all the fucking time."

"Roman I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, his lips crash into mine. I immediately feel his tongue against my own, and I can't help but move my lips against his. He pushes me against the brick wall and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull on his hair. He groans against my lips and pushes his growing erection against me. My body felt like it was on fire as we made out. I knew this was something I shouldn't be doing. I told myself that I wouldn't get involved with Roman Godfrey, but here I was making out with him.

"You look so hot in that dress," he mutters against my lips as he squeezes my butt. "As much as I like it on, it needs to come off."

I finally pull away. "Roman, I-I, have to go."

He scrunches his face in confusion. "What? No." Roman tilts my head and begins kissing my neck. I try to push away, but he has a strong handle on me.

"Roman, I don't even know you." I continue to push him away.

"Fuck, fine," he spats when he finally releases me. He grabs a cigarette from his pocket and lights it. "Go back to Peter. I don't fucking care."

"No, I-"

"Just know that I could fuck you better than anybody else."

Roman goes back into the school building and leaves me alone once again.

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