Chapter 36

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"So, you eat blood?"

I roll my eyes at Miranda. "Technically, you can't eat blood. You drink it."

"It's not eating per se," Roman explains. "It's, uh, sort of a feeding."

"Oh, God," Destiny mutters, shaking her head. She was pacing in front of us, a knife in her hand for some reason while Peter, Miranda, Roman, and I sat on the couch. I was cradling Nadia, who was thankfully safe and sound.

Miranda looks at Peter. "And you maul people to death?"

"No, I don't actually," he scoffed. "I was defending myself. And what neither of you know is that Roman hates the way he is. He's getting treatments.

Nadia whimpers slightly and Roman reaches to touch her. Destiny quickly pulls the knife on him and he backs away, his hands in the hair.

"You stay away from that baby!"

"Excuse me?"

"You killed two people!" She shouts, looking between us. "Why?"

"They were from the dreams!" Peter explains.

"I knew it!" Destiny yells, the knife now pointed directly at her cousin. "I told you to stay away!"

"Will you put the knife down? You're not gonna stab us," he hisses and she slowly lowers the sharp weapon.

"Don't push it," she mutters before backing off.

"Miranda, you had the dream too," Roman starts, looking at her. "So, you recognized the house, right? The kid? The guy in the mask? The bees? We had to do it! Tell her."

She thinks for a moment before asking, "They really tried to kill that little boy?"

"Yeah, they've killed at least six that we know about," Peter explains. "So far."

"Who are they?" Miranda questions. "I mean, why am I even having the same dreams as you?"

Peter sighs. "I don't know," he glances at Destiny. "And I'm sorry that I lied. But, we are getting these dreams for a reason."

"You're not gonna give this up, are you?" Destiny asks and Peter says no. "Then, you're an idiot. And so am I." She begins going into another room and Peter stands up.

"So, you're gonna help?"

"Well, I don't see that I have any other choice under the circumstances!" She exclaims before Peter gives her a hug. They pull away and Destiny goes to retrieve something. She returns with a book and sits down on the couch.

"So, the dream was, um, clearest when we were with Miranda," Roman tells her and I internally groan.

"Okay," Destiny said, opening the book. "I can use that."

"Hold on," Miranda chimes in. "What do you want me to do? I-I'm freaking out here."

"Well, it's about to get a lot freakier," Destiny rolls her eyes. "So if you want out, now is your chance."

"We need you," Roman looks at her and she nods hesitantly.

"The Femeia Inecata might work," Destiny sighs before shutting the book and getting up. "Come on."

Peter follows. "What? The bathtub again?"

"Yeah, but this time is a little different," I hear her call from another room. "You have to drown me."

We gather the materials Destiny had us fetch. I put Nadia down for a nap because she was getting a little fussy. I am getting a tray of ice when my phone starts buzzing. I look at the caller ID. It was my dad.


"Hey, kiddo," he greets. "Where have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while."

"Uh, yeah," I cough, trying to think of an excuse for my absence. "I've just been busy with work, that's all."

"That's interesting because Meredith actually just got off the phone with your boss," he explains and I feel a knot in my stomach. "They're friends, remember? Anyways, she mentioned something about a fight. They have it all on security footage. You lost your job, you know?"

I had totally forgotten about the cameras that were placed around the coffeehouse. Roman beating up Trey was on video and they had the footage. "Dad, look," I start, feeling panicky. "It was just a misunderstanding."

He sighs loudly. "Come home, Elsie. Stop whatever you are doing with Roman. He is not good for you."

Roman enters the kitchen and I could tell he was trying to listen to the conversation. "Look, dad, I-I gotta go, okay? I'll be home tonight and we can eat nachos and watch the New York Giants game."

"Okay," he said. "And the wedding is in a couple of weeks. Meredith needs you to try on a bridesmaid dress."

"Alright, we can do that tonight as well," I say, glancing at Roman. He motions toward the bathroom and I knew Destiny was starting her ritual. "I gotta go."

"I love you, Els."

"I love you too, dad."

I hang up the phone and slip it into my back pocket. Roman's face is emotionless and I hoped he didn't hear exactly what my dad had said. He was wrong, Roman wasn't bad for me. Sure, fucked up things have happened since we've been together, but I love Roman with all my heart and I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything else in the world.

The porcelain bathtub was filled to the brim with water. Peter takes the three ice trays from my hands and plops the ice cubes into the water.

"Have you done with before?" I ask Destiny.

She doesn't look up from the book. "I've read about it."

"You've read about it?" Miranda joins the conversation. "We're talking about drowning, right?"

"Water connected me to whatever was out there before," Destiny explains. "I need it inside me this time."

Destiny puts the knife that Peter used to stab Sarah into the bathtub. She leans against the edge and sighs, "It's all about electrical impulses. The circuit between us can't be broken. You cannot let go. Whatever I do, you have to hold me under. I will be fine, even if it doesn't look that way," she looks at us. "You promise me?"

We nod slowly. Taking a deep breath, the four of us grab onto Destiny before pushing her into the water. After a few moments, she begins struggling under our grip. I feel horrible as we hold her down, her head twitching underneath the water.

"Is this suppose to happen?" Miranda cries.

"We have to hold her down," Roman replies, pushing Destiny down farther.

"I can't do this!" Miranda shrieks. "She's drowning!"

"She knows what she is doing," Peter grunts. I'm sure this was harder for him since Destiny was his family. However, Peter was right. Destiny wouldn't put herself into danger.

Miranda holds her hands up. "I can't!"

"Don't let go!" Peter yells and I grab Miranda's hands, forcing them to help. She was apart of this and she wasn't going to back out when we needed her the most.

Suddenly, Destiny's head flings out of the water. Inhaling a large breath, she rubs her eyes and coughs. Peter quickly hands her a towel so she can wipe the dripping water off of her face.

"They're looking for," Destiny coughs. "...a child, one in particular. Slaughter of the innocents?"


"It's the story of Herod," Peter explains. "He heard a child was born. It was a threat to his power. He murdered a whole generation trying to find the one."

"How many more are they going to kill?" I ask.

"Photographs of babies with something on their faces," Destiny shakes her head. "Like a membrane or-"

Roman cuts her off. "The caul."

"What?" Peter questions.

"The caul," Roman repeats. "The girl was saying it as she was dying. I just didn't realize-"

"How do you know what that is?" Miranda interjects, her face pale and hands shaky.

"Nadia was born with one."

I swallow a lump in my throat before saying, "They're after the baby."


We leave Destiny's house and go back to Roman's. Peter left to go do something, I'm not sure what it was, but I didn't ask questions. Miranda went to sleep, and I was getting ready for bed. I was exhausted. Peter, Roman and I haven't slept in almost two days. My whole body hurt and my eyes were begging me to close them.

I go to check on Nadia. When I open the door, my heart swells as I see Roman laying against the wall, Nadia cradled in his arms. I am silent as I sit down next to him, the only light coming from the hallway.

"We gotta finish this," Roman whispers, looking down at his daughter. "Find the warehouse. What Destiny said. There's gotta be one near the river bend."

I sigh, thinking about what Destiny had told us before we left. Apparently, the group of killers were hiding somewhere in a warehouse. "And when do we do this?"

He rests his head down. "Now."

"Roman," I sigh, stroking his hair back. "We haven't slept."

"No," he mumbles. "They're gonna find out where the baby is."

"How?" I ask. "They don't even know she is alive."

"I can't risk it."

I lay my head against his shoulder and look at Nadia. Her eyes were so bright blue and she was beautiful. "We need plan, Roman."

"Let me think about it," he mutters with his eyes closed. "Just a minute."

"Okay," I whisper. I push Nadia's hat away and stroke her hair. Roman doesn't even move and I can only hear the soft sounds of his breathing. He had fallen asleep. Carefully, I pry Nadia away from his arms and put her into the crib. I gently shake Roman awake. "C'mon, let's go to bed," I say softly and he nods. After I help him up, we go into his bedroom and get into the soft bed immediately.

"I love you," I whisper to Roman, but he was already fast asleep.

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