Chapter 28

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Peter and I look at each other hesitantly. I couldn't even look at Roman, let alone be around him. I grab Peter's hand and say, "Let's go."

"Elsie," Roman whisper yells. "What are you doing here? Why are you with him?"

"Peter, I'm leaving with or without you," I warn when he doesn't follow me.

"He's here for a reason," Peter says. Destiny was right, Peter needed to let these dreams go. If it is like the last situation, they will only cause trouble.

"Okay," I shrug before walking away. I hear somebody follow me and I didn't even have to look behind to know it was Roman.

"Elsie! I need to talk to you," Roman catches up and grabs my arm, but I quickly push him away. I wasn't going to lie, I was somewhat lost. I couldn't really remember where my car was.

"Hey," Peter calls, also catching up. "You don't think this is worth stopping five minutes to talk about?" He asks Roman, but he continues to ignore him.

"Five minutes...maybe," Roman grumbles. "But, I need to talk to her, not you."

"The guy from the other dream," Peter frantically tries to talk to him. "His name was Robert Dexter."

"Fascinating," Roman bluntly replies. "Elsie, listen to me."

"He fell into a gorge a few days ago! He was carrying his baby, they both died after we dreamed it!"

I finally see my car. I reach into my coat pocket grab my keys, but they fall on the ground. Before I could, Roman quickly picks them up.

"Roman," I warn. "Give me my keys."

"We have things to discuss."

"This isn't a business meeting or some shit like that," I roll my eyes. "Now, give me my keys."

"Did you even hear what I just told you, Roman?" Peter shrieks in disbelief. They were both really pissing me off. I just wanted to go home. I didn't need to be apart of their boy drama.

Roman rolls his eyes at Peter. "Look, I got my own shit to deal with, and so do you, seeing how you were just at my house whining about your mom."

"Listen, if you don't give a shit, then why are you here?" Peter questions through his teeth.

"Look, I had a fucked up nightmare about something really bad happening near mobile homes and railroad tracks," he huffs. "Next thing I know, I'm on the road. Why? I couldn't tell you."

"Is Miranda already boring you?" I sneer. "Are you out looking for another girl to take home with you?"

"Maybe if you took five minutes to listen to what I have to say, you would know that I haven't even fucked her," Roman spits back, his knuckles turning white.

I scoff. "You won't listen to Peter for five minutes about the dreams," I point out. "It sucks, huh? Not having somebody listen to you?"

"Fuck," Roman groans, running his fingers through his hair before looking at Peter. "I just want this shit out of my head, okay?"

"You didn't dream about the sign?"

"What sign?"

"Gone sis?"

"How about when I get home, I'll send you a copy of The Interpretation of Dreams?"

Peter shakes his head. "I just don't feel right about running off and abandoning these people."

"You're so good at it though," Roman snickers.

"Roman, you are not one to talk!" I shout, extremely irritated. "Get the fuck over Peter leaving, okay? You abandoned me, so stop acting like you are the victim here."

Roman tosses Peter my keys and grabs my arm. "I'm taking you to my car and we are talking about this."

I struggle underneath his hold. "If you don't let me go, I will scream and then every guy in this trailer park will come out with guns pointed at you."

"Fuck, fine!" He finally lets go, tugging on his hair. "For fuck's sake, just let me explain. I didn't do anything with Miranda, Elsie."

"I don't want to talk to you," I groan, getting more and more upset. "I don't trust you, Roman, I don't think I ever will again."

"I'm trying, Elsie! I told you I would try and that is what I am doing. Please," he pleads and it seems like he has been doing that a lot lately.

"Goodbye, Roman."

I walk away, leaving him motionless and upset. I get into the passenger side of my car and wait for Peter to get in. I hear him yell something at Roman before starting the vehicle.

"You okay?"

"Honestly? I don't know," I shrug, staring at flickering neon sign. "I just want to go home."

Peter nods as we leave behind the trailer park and Roman.


The next day, I call in sick to work. I was feeling fine, besides the fact that I felt like throwing up whenever I thought about Roman and Miranda and there was constantly a pain in my heart. Meredith and my dad were both at work, so I had the house to myself. I mope around, watching Netflix and eating tons of junk food. I finally decide that I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and that I should have fun. So, even though it was only the afternoon, I look inside the liquor cabinet.

I take a shot of almost every drink I find, my face scrunching in disgust as the liquid burns my throat. I knew I was a lightweight, so it didn't take long before I was feeling funny and goofy, every worry disappearing into the back of my head. I turn on the music and begin dancing around the house. My phone rings and I look at the caller ID, it was Peter.

"Hello!" I exclaim.

"Hi," he chuckles slightly. "Uh, listen, I have to cancel our lunch date. Something came up at work and the person needs a ride. Is that okay? We can go to tomorrow."

"It's okay," I giggle. "To tell ya the truth, I actually completely forgot about it. I'm drunk."

"Wait, you're what?" Peter asks. "How much have you had?"

I try to think for a moment. "Uh, I can't remember, actually," I laugh. I grab the bottle of Smirnoff I had left on the counter and take another swig. "Too much, probably."

"Well, fuck," Peter sighs. "Are you okay? Is somebody there with you?"

"Nope! Just me, myself and I."

"Shit, okay, hold on," I hear muffling in the background for a moment. "I'm coming to get you, okay? Don't do anything stupid and don't drink anymore."

"Yes, sir," I say in a commander voice and I instantly laugh because I sounded so stupid. I go upstairs and stumble into some leggings and a sweater, giggling the whole time for no apparent reason. Everything seemed funny and I was actually feeling a lot better. I hear a car honk and I knew it was Peter.

I quickly take another shot, the alcohol bitter on my tongue. I stumble out of the house, feeling happy. I notice someone was in the front seat, probably his costumer, so I get into the back.


"Miranda?" I almost choke.

She turns her head. "Peter, you didn't tell me it was Elsie!"

"You guys know each other?" Peter looks between the both of us uneasily.

"This is the girl who Roman fucked," I point out, laughing for some reason. I was in a bad situation and if I was sober, I knew I would have rather died than be stuck in a car with Miranda. I reach over and touch her shoulder, "Girl, look, I get it, okay? You have needs, but two guys at once? That's a little much. You are going to get gone sis."

She coughs nervously before looking at Peter again. "Gone sis? What's that?" 

Peter shakes his head. "She's drunk."

"It's true!" I interject. "And this is really fucking awkward, so I am going to go back inside. Miranda, be careful, okay? This boy can be a real dog sometimes."

Laughing at myself, I open the car door and stumble out, leaving the both of them behind.

I plop down on the couch. Obviously, Peter didn't know that the mistress was Miranda, so I couldn't really be mad at him. I chuckle to myself, I couldn't believe that out of all people, it was her in the car.

Peter walks through the door. "I'm so fucking sorry," he apologizes, running his fingers through his hair. "I had no idea it was Miranda."

I shrug. "It's okay."

"Shit, I still gotta work," he huffs, sitting down." And I don't know what to do with you," he nudges my arm playfully.

"Ditch work and Miranda to watch a movie with me."

"I wish," he laughs. "But, I can't. I need the money."

"I know," I frown. "I'll be okay. Don't worry."

"You sure?"


He gets up. "Okay, well, I'll call you as soon as I can. Please, don't do anything stupid."

"I won't," I laugh, laying my head down on a throw pillow. "Did you like my joke about you being a dog? Cause you are a werewolf."

"Yeah, really fucking clever," he laughs loudly. "And you told Miranda she was going to get gone sis? Really?"

"It sounds like an STD," I shrug with a small chuckle.

"You are something else," he shakes his head with a smile, opening the front door. "I'll see you later."

Peter leaves and I am left alone once again. I lay on the couch for a long time and eventually fall asleep, the alcohol slowly fading from my body and the ache in my heart coming back.

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