Chapter Three:Part Two - Repentance In Christ

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.. burning my hand. Another cup. Boiling hot, (The other option was the tea... freezing stone cold.) I tried to move swiftly but carefully through the heavily crowded room. Around me everybody seemed to be talking extra loadly, shouting, swearing, blashpheming coming from every corner of the room, and the occassional banter and horrendous laughter. I didn't see how anyone could laugh. I didn't care for any of this. I managed to find one free space and then was immensely put off by screaming, screaming, SCREAMING coming from open doors in a building opposite, "That's offputting - that screaming." I said.
"Fucks got shellshock." said a man to me severely and then moved on...walking through the crowd with a better in his hand... I only thought of this for a second, must be his own, there was no beer in the room... only tea and coffee... bioling hot... or freezing cold... I srugged it off, took a sip of my coffee and it burned my lip. I put it down, took a deep sigh, thinking about my son, not even knowing what time it was at home or here... I looked around in my bewilderment.
I saw a young man by the open doors leading out into a cold, chilly gray day which was meant to be and early spring morning, but instead of rays of sunlight and blue skies, it was starting to rain heavily outside: where i'd come from the birds would be singing, but here the sound of any birds was drowned out by the occassional gunfire, abusive shouting, banter of malicious laughter and screaming... I was certain he was waving at me. He took a pair of tracksuit clothes and offered to take two tablets from a little pot for me from a large strict looking man behind a stand and nodded in my direction and i think the man mouthed something like, "permission given." and motioned for him to be off. The young man, looking no more than a teenager, walked towards me as if effortlessly through the crowd with a welcome greeting smile on his face. I didn't take my eyes off him... there was something wonderous about him. Could it have been that he looked no more than an innocent child himself? he had a way of walking that moved with the wind,a light dance to each step and a slight limp that didn seem to bother him at all. I got the impression he didn't feel any pain and had had no injury to cause this limp... "Good day!" he said briskly, handing me the clothes and the tablets and said, "Youe going to be neeeding these - absolutely. You're my new roommate, aren't you? How charming! You came on a bad day... its one of the many training days today, which is a great bother and quite the ordeal, but but this medicine should get you through. What is your name? I'm Jimmy."
"Jimmy." I confirmed, taking the items and putting them down on my lap as I liften my hand into a hand shake, "Ezikuel is myself. Glad to meet your aquaintence. I don't suppose I could skip training day? I have more important things to do. I need to go home."
"There is no other option... honestly, you might get a torrent full of abuse and mistreatement with horrific languaege if you try to disagree with the trainer so i'd Definately say training is your best bet. It's to save your life anyway. It's in preperation to go into the fights...... its nessessary."
"What are the tablets?"
"Amphetamine and suliments for energy and muscle building and strenth."
I nodded. I took them. I had other plans, but just incase my plans failed, which I had no intention of letting anyone give them permission to, i would need this for the training and for the argumentation of returning home by law... "I'm used to going on a walk in the mornings but never before have I been on an obsticle course. Do they really expect anyone to do that?"
"You know what..." Jimmy said thoughtful, and said to my amusement, "i don't think they do... they have people vomiting and collapsing all the time, i think they're just taking the piss... asking the impossible because if the other option is dying, battle... best learn how to do the impossible before you face it. "
"I refuse to die. i refuse to battle. I refuse to fight. I refuse to train. ...I shouldn't be here. I have a wife, a young son and a daughter on the way. Tell me Jimmy, where is the Generals office?"
"Ohh you don't have time for that!!" and with that a high pitched sounding whistle like alarm came from somewhere outside and everybody was on the move, "Speak to them after the training if you can still stand up."

jimmy turned and started hurrying to where everybody was starting to get up and make the way... out the doors... next to the building where screaming and terror came from... to where I could see the most threatening and difficult of obsticle courses i hadn't imagined in fields of short green grass, damaged by muddly tracks all over, sloshy and unclean...
I authomatically got up and followed Jimmy.... We got near the trainer and some lines on the ground that looked like a race track, when touched my arm...... and suddenly a jolt of energy and strenth went through my body, motivation, enthusiamn, and everything seemed alright...
and I put it aside to just being the medicine....
but something drew me to this charasmatic man who had just welcomed himself and thrown me into the deep end in a few detailed in information but having no clue what was going on sentences as the same time... and I was drawn to him, and I noticed a slight shining around his body... it was most strange...
It's the sunlight makinig its way through the cloads of the glint on his clothes... he didn seem to have a care in the world and as we appreoached the training field, I excused myself to get dressed, for he was all ready, and asked him in all seriouslness, "Should I be scared?"
"In all seriousness..." he said, "We all should be shit terrifified." I just stared at him... and stared... and he through his arm into the air and yelled out load, "I've vometed, pissed out, collapsed, my lungs haven't let me breath properly, i think my appendix burst yesterday and I had a heart attack from this army training... but they told me to continue just the same and they say they are saving my life... that logic is terrifying. The are soldiers, not medical proffessionals. Everybody here gets like that during training. ..."
he was... just a boy... he looked no more than 15 years old. I wondered how long he had been here for and i asked, "have you any experience that says there is nothing to worry about? If i absolutely adamantly refuse to do any of this... I only want to leave."
"I have the experience to know that this is what lands you in great punnishment. Is he going to help you?" Jimmy asked. I stared at him... we were alone. Who was he meaning? I'd met nobody else here, not even our other roommates.
"Is who going to help me?" I asked.
"The man standing beside you... he's just standing there smiling. hello, i'm jimmy Hernandez. You haven't spoken... are you here to help him or... is he here to help you?"
I stared... I started... I looked at me side as jimmy shook somebody's hand that I couldn't see and said, "what does that mean?" and he smiled at somebody.... who wasn't there.
"what does what mean?"
"The man just winked at me and smiled more at me... can you talk? now he's laughing... winks and smiles. he says, "I Am.""
".............. jimmy.... who are you talking about? There are only you and I here...." I looked around at all the people either in the distance walking towards the training grounds or already there preparing with some simple excorcises, but there was absolutely nobody where Jimmy was shaking his hand and clearly, obviously, able to see somebody or something... "and who's your other friend? He's also not spoken at all... they just keep smiling and laughing and the other one has had his hand on your shoulder the entire time."
"You didn't mention that I was surrounded by ghosts...."
"I was speaking you YOU, " jimmy insisted on the YOU and sinsisted on the "I was being POLITE. I rarely speak unless spoken to but this one here... the one with his hand on your shoulder yelled at me to come over to you to talk to YOU and he puts his hands on his lips to tell me not to speak to them or something...... They're not ghosts. Can't you see them?"
".... Ask their names, Excuse me!" i called to one soldier walking about 5 meters away, "are there people with me?"
"You're talking to young Jimmy I see."
"I'm talking to him and these two men here with him. That's correct." jimmy nodded.
"no other men there but you and the illegal rebel."
"Just us two." I confirmed.
"That's right. Why do you ask?"
"WOW." said Jimmy.... "Look... There are three men here."
"Don't let the war make you mad, boy. Get to the track immediately. You'll have hell if you don't. The young are imaginative, aren't they?" he said to me, not believeing Jimmy, and he jogged on... but I believed Jimmy, "Ask them their names."
He asked... "Michael and Azriel they say.
"Jimmy........." I said...... "michael and azriel are Archangels of our Lord GOD."

"You can see Angels." I told him. "This is a great gift from GOD... I have seen an Angel - Azriel once, and a demon once... I cannot see them now."
"You can see Angels." jimmy said, "I'm an Angel."

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