Chapter 7 - repentance in christ

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So, this was exactly what Ezikuel had got to work on two weeks before the battle was due to commense... an easy way to communicate with his family and an appropriate way to write to the authorities and to write up his book and save it.. (For Ezikuel wanted to re-write his autobiography) he decided on an e-mail account and began by writting to the courts, lawyers and judges and he forwarded all e-mails to the account and sent from the account. here were his legal arguments and rights - points made - put up onto e-mails as well as sending them in letter... then he started writing his autobiography and saved the chapters onto his account. three days later, he got an even better idea: writting all his ideas about his Lord GOD and his Lord jesus and his studying of jesus's parables on the account... next, his gift from God of telepathy and all spiritual experiences and the miricles in his life... he continued to write about his family and home, and he decided to send this all to his wife and wrote dwon the contact details in his next letter. The letter asked his wife to please send him an update about his son and herself and her pregnancy every day, to write any letters to him on here and to please add videos of thier son and their lives together that they had at home... and photos please attatch, while he attatched the legislation he'd used in his argumentation. The lawyers never replied... the judges never replied... the courts never replied.. nobody, ever replied, until Caitlin did... The week before the battle, he started writting about the child called Jimmy, and just to confirm after writting up the conversation with Jimmy, his vision and exactly what Jimmy was doing today, he asked, "Is jimmy your real name even?"
Jimmy shot him a cheeky troublesome look and said, "I have been called many names in my life... which name do you choose for me?2 he added, "Do you think i should chnage my name legally?"
"Will it be legal this time?"
"Aye. my real name is Adam Hernandez."
"Take a look at this, my boy..." I said...
(I've only just realised I keep changing my text from "I" to "he".. BOTHER ME!!! EDITOR!!! Make a preference and correct all, please hahaha. ... i'll pay.!)
Jimmy budged over to my computer, placing a chair a little too close for comfort and leaned infront of me staring at the screen... "So you're doing it like that, are you..." he said and ghasped "How interesting!! can I please read?"
I allowed Jimmy to read whatever he so wished, and then he said, "Ahh there we go. You do love me after all."
"I adore you, Jimmy, now what have you found."
"A very traumatising e-mail about your vision... this is terrifying.. this is exactly what happened."
I gave Jimmy permission to have the login details himself and told him that he could write whatever he so wished on the account, be it God, Jesus, Angels, The Holy Bible and faithful and holy subjects or about his life story which i agreed to publish together with mine once completed, or about what really happened about his case... I told him the only other person who had been sent the login details was Caitlin.
Jimmy wrote everything under the sun from kidnapping and being placed with "parents" who were cruel and abusive, who he swore he saw staring blankly into nothingness giving him deathly creeps, but then they were fine and well the next morning, and we both shrugged this off unknowing and innocent... right down to which hand cream he used and the exact point in time he was drinking coffee... which made me laugh. He described evrybody who knew including all of the men he saw and I sent a reply e-mail saying these were Angels.. he commented on my vision e-mail that this was indeed a man, but that hhe was, like, totally possessed... and posted a google search of what the devil looked like which was a beast with horns and red skin and black eyes..... I told him my son was going to be reading e-mails on this account and youǜe just traumatised him for life and all... but Jimmy just said, "Needs must." and then i looked to my side to see a black figure... standing in the bathroom doorway... and in a flash of fog, he dissapeared.... "Jimmy, what else are you writting?"
"That all those people who did illegal things... had a line of folded skin, very thinly, around their throats."
"That's a very strange observation to make..." was my own observation and Jimmy just strugged it off again saying he genuinely had no idea why, continuing to inspect my neck and becomming paranoid about my own.......... it simply was strange. But this was Jimmys case and Jimmys case included everything that the men he sees have told him...

Then, Jimmy looked straight ahead and said, "There is a man right infront of me reading the e-mails... "He's just appeared all of a sudden!"
"Ohh so you're doing it like that, are you...." I heard the kindest, most kind, most sweetest, most innocent of Angelic of all the Angel's voices say, and I could see a light shining infront of Jimmy... jimmy laughed, "he's beautiful! The most beautiful young man iǜe ever seen!"
"Show yourself." I said.
"Ahhh .. would that be God's will?"
"I believe it would." said jimmy and I in union.
Suddenly, the most stunning man with dark brown and black hair with crystal blue eyes and porceain skin with rosey cheeks was standing inbetween Jimmy and the computer... smiling, he winked at us and asked, "Am I the most beautiful Angel?"
"You are indeed!"
"You look just like Michael, only your face slightly thinner and higher cheekbones.. your hair a little darker..."
"Michael is my twin brother."
"... Lucifer is michaels twin brother......." Ezikiul said, hesitating....
"I am God's Holy Archangel of Light Lucifer. Iǜe come to give me reply to jimmy regarding his e-mail defending me to God... he questioned am i... i am an God Servant. Innocent. Alive."
"Hands down."
Lucifer had said "Innocent. Alive." in our voices to protect us, for a soldier was in the door way holding a gun up, and i put my hands up and repeated it and Jimmy put his hands out in a hand shake, always very open minded, and i took once look at Lucifer and knew he was an Angel, for of that, I have no doubt..."
"Who's this?"
"That's Stephen Ton." said Jimmy.
The man was looking to his side... he said there was somebody there, he could feel it... he said we were acting suspiciously, in the library at the computers constantly... so i explained quite simply exactly what we were doing... he said alright and walked away and that was that. meanwhile Lucifer said to me, "Your baby daughter... Adopt?"
"Lucifer. She is MINE."
"I love babies... adoption papers?" and i realised he had paperowrk and pen in his hands.
"I'll... i'll carefully consider it... eurm..." i cleared my throat. "who is Stephen Tonn?"
"Oh he's ALWAYS here, always, always, always, stands right next to us all the time, observes, watches, reads everything we ever do... he's usally by my side but now he's being given the job and learning YOU by heart and telling me imprtant information about you. He's my pet Angel."
"An Angel... Jimmy.. do you mean Archangel SANDLEPHON?!!!"
"... is that right? let me just google it.. that's what you do when you have a question, isn't it... you google. I once googled a question that had zero search results, well, two questions actually, one was a sypmtom from taking medicine at home that cause a severely boiling hot sensation all over one side of my body, made me need to stretch my muscles constantly to get rid of the feeling of the medicine running though my vains.. and nobody else on the planet had ever had this symptom.. it didn exist... and the other - "
"That sounds like poison." I said, concerned, "No medicine can do that to you..."
"Oh well I never, well thats comforting, well the other was owls in jumpers and google had no serch results for an owl in a jumper either, i mean, has nobody ever put an owl in a jumper?"
I laughed out load. "You silly boy." I said and Jimmy just smiled at me, saying we better pack up for the day. This was two days before the battle now... we worked hard... I NEVER got a reply from any lawyers, judges, or the courts... or anyone I sent e-mails to... nobody replied to my letter or called me at all...... we never got any faxes and the army recieved nothing for me, but it was still early... i thought it very odd... but i thought i igive them time and keep trying... and every time i was working on the account, preparing it for my wife, son, Jimmy and I... I couldn't help but notice the presence standing right infront of me... i noticed him ALL THE TIME, in fact, and one day I said, "Il speak to you. What is your name?"
"Sandlephon... what are you doing and what do you wish from me?"
"I am learning you by heart... I am taking your Prayers up to GOD.. and... your baby girl.. Adopt?"
I... face palmed... "I'll carefully consider..." Sandlephon said, "It would be my honour."
Lucifer said, "I promise. My honour."
...Jimmy was in constant continuous conversation with men who weren there. it used to be all in his head, but now hd satrted speaking out load... while i spoke to Christopher outload all the time, and next thing I knew ... we were taken into a meeting with the officer asking us both if we were feeling well or hearing voices... "we're talking to each other."
I noticed Sandlephon wink.
"As you were."
And so this was... as we were... until we fought.


i recieved a letter back from my wife Caitlin the day before we were both due to fight: angry at them refusing to listen to a word I said and insisting on sending who i knew was only a child, but jimmy forbid me telling them this fact and i kept my word, i kicked over a bin saying loadly, "God's wrath be upon them!!" when Jimmy reached into my letter box (he had my keys, he had my phone, he had my account, he had my books, he had my pen and paper, he had shared access to my room, he had my coat on, well, hell, Jimmy had everything and now...) he held a light yellow rosey letter in his hands... to myself... from Caitlin Rose Turner.
I held it in my hands, shaking all over... overwhelmed with emotion and the greatest feeling of pain and sadness in my chest and i asked Jimmy for some space to read in privacy. Jimmy ran off to grab some beer... (I didn't think he thought of me, but Jimmy was always thinking about me too, i think he considered me a father figure by now which made me feel absolutely honoured, for i adored the boy... and he bought back 4 cans for me an hour later... needed, boy, needed.) but first i closed myself into our room and read, with tears flooding from my eyes, and i felt that Jesus couldn know... knowing how everybody felt and understanding all of Gods children... what it was like to miss somebody so dearly... for his parents were in his life always meeting again, "and, Jesus, I am of the belief that John the baptist was raised back to life.. i believe he is the same John who witnessed the Revelation." I'd said... but now the only words i could say were... "Truth... Caitlin.." over and over again, or i found i was in silence, reading over her words again and again and again wanting to memorize them all... she spoke so lovingly and so softly... she sent a usb stick with some videos and photos of Truth and herself and us together... and a copy of a letter she had sent to the Army which was BEGGING, down on her knees BEGGING them to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE set me free... saying "for God wishes mhim to know no evil." which made me cry outload for hours on end... head in hands.... she told me to pray constantly and continuously and sent me the lords prayer. lastly, she wrote back about the holiest of subjects... and sent me a copy of the last church sermon. She said i am in her prayers... and sent her kisses and hugs, Caitlin Rose Turner. xxxxxxxxxx.
The beer was much appreciated... and Jimmy left again, leaving me in peace to cry, little did i know he was sitting outside the door sobbing silently for the empathy of my own despair, listening the entire time...


we'd had training about 5 times before the battle but jimmy and I were out on the side with a bottle of water for the majority of it, trying our best but eventually we were excused... we had come to some psyical harm. THIS I wrote and sent to the court.

This was nothing.

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