Chapter 14 - Repentance In Christ - Ending.

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Through secret giving of information, we were sent to a Sanctuary a little less than half the size of a village in the Netherlands at a secret location. We were close to ciilisation, but had most of what we needed where we were.
Caitlin, Truth and I hadn't stopped holding each others hands and hugging for the entire flight there. We never stopped repeating how much we loved each other and how much we missed each other and I told Caitlin she is a hero, for she has saved all of our lives. Caitlin is the real hero of my book, for Jimmy and I had blood on our hands, but Caitlin had never harmed a soul, only saved lives, and she had been the bravest, strongest and best mother to my son Truth that he could ever wish to have, and she had found a way of getting his daddy back,,,, However, the stress had taken its toll and our baby was underwaight, so before we could even unpack, we took Caitlin to see a gyneachologist who worked in the small Sanctuary who told us that our daughter was very underweight, which was worrying to say the least... but Caitlin was strong and we certain that she would be fine, and wouldn't accept anything else as the answer. She got herself a whole load of different supliments prescribed and we went to the shops next to stock up for at least the next two weeks. Our case would take no more than a month, my guess was. While Caitlin unpacked i gave her a kiss and said I was taking jimmy to the church, she said she would be allong soon... but it gave Jimmy, who had greeted her and was saying now, "Aunty Caity!" which i found sweet... time to do exactly what we had to do... for, we went to the church and met the vicor and repented our sins. Then, we lit a candle in rememberance of all the soldiers who had lost thier lives in the Army, and GOD watched us closely with His hand on His heart... In the church we didn't have to pay money to light a candle (On the priests stand there was a bag attatched to the side for donations.) but we were meant to leave a little card with a Prayer in it under our candles... I lit one large candle and wrote that it was in a memorial of lost lives, found by GOD and all in Heaven." when the boy came along and lit evry single candle there was leaving one... He wrote different names in them all, calling them, "Legion Angels - billy, bob, stew, phillip, peter, david and steve..." and was busy writting all the other names he could possibly think of when I asked "Why did you leave one candle? So that somebody else could have a free chance to have thier blessings and prayers answered?"
"This one is for my nephew to light in celebration of your reunion."
I smiled at jimmy, and he muttered that he offer to replae the candles or make a donation for using them all.. when caitlin and truth came in and Truth ran up to me sayin and stood looking at the candles for a long time in wonder of the eautiful of the glowing lights and then he lit his saying they are all "beeeaauuuttiiifffull..! Youǜe got to take a picture!" so i recorded him lighting the last candle only to find... a beam of bright Holy light behind my son... "That's his Guardian Angel." jimmy confirmed looking at the footage later,
"An Angel caught on camera... this is a miricle."
This time, everybody who saw the film could see him.......................................................................
Later on that night we gathered numbers of three different sos workers, sxix workers, judges and lawyers... and were due to interview them all the next day. Truth was playing in the playground opposite our home when one of the sos help workers arrived at our house... asking me, "is the boy alive?"
He was the most beautiful man i had evr seen in my life.... the most caring and understanding of all eyes.. angelic eyes... and the most caring, kindest, magnifescent, gentle of voices, which I recognised immediately... "Th boy in the army, the opposite side from the battlefield."
"You read my account?
"I did. I saw that the e-mail had been send from your wife's account and forwadŕded to yours. Did you get a reply? If he's alive, i will be your sos help worker. I have a bike and a laptop for your son, and a bag of sweets and chocolate eggs. I hope he will accept me. I will forgive you."
"His Guardian Angel says he's unharmed... i recognise your voice from somewhere, somebody familier."
"I know exactly who you are."
"have you read up on my file for court that my wife presented? my entire account?"

"Everything. It's perfect. The rest of your brothers entire case is explained by Angel. It makes sense. He's got to get to a place of safety and i'd happily work with him too."
I said we'll go to check the e-mails to a man who introduced himself as... "CHRISTOPHER. I'M YOUR FRIEND."
............. Absolutely, Robin had lived with no injuries, no suffering and no harm, not even trauma. He was the army's best young soldier. He was going to go far. ............. "Thank you for your concern and i hope we have met the request of your enquiery."
Christopher flung himself into an embrace and said, "Remember me."
Then, i knew exactly who he was... The young man who i had been telepathic with all those years! "Show me what you wrote on your paperwork for us to read," i said, "Tell me what else will convince my son aside from my own going down on my knees and begging. I wasn't crazy after all! Here you are, you are real! How did you get a job here?"
Our conversation went on... meanwhile, Truth was still playing in the playground, as i could see, swinging standing up so high he could turn right over the bar at the top, giving me a slight heart attack and Caitlin was gentle rocking from side to side, not bothering to stop him as she had done exactly the same as a child and knew he knew what he was doing and trusted that he was safe, she gentle raised her hand to tell him slightly lower but that was all and then rested it back on her stomache while i was laughing out load to Christopher's documents which said in the section "Secrets.... I psychic and i seretly am obsessed with Sonic The Hedgehog. I insist any child i work with reads the comics, plays the games and watches the films, but dare they ever beat me in a race, i may get a sudden case of torrets. It is another secret what this is, i speak another language. to keep it from children. needs must, safety comes first."
"Very amusing, very amusing, run along to get the gifts."
And he did so, came back 25 minutes later with a bike that looked like a silver and blue smart moutain bike, a very large bag of goodies and a chromebook in hand in its own laptop case...... he greeted Truth with a big hug and told him, "I am Christopher. You are the most beautiful child I have ever seen in my life. Are they your mummy and daddy? Are they your superheros? What a magical smile you have! you ahve eyes like Angels!"
Truth accepted him as working for us in an instant, and Christopher was in an absolute brilliance of eternal Delight and Horrahs when Truth said he also had a slight obsession with Sonic, but more Dragon ball z, which Christopher didn't know and asked him when he liked it so much, if all it was was fighting?
"In Sonic we have time travellers, rivals who become best friends, guardian angels who save the world from war..."
"I know! But in Dragon Ball Z you get to make wishes whenever you find something marvelous... you speak to Dragons, you always win against evil, you got to Heaven and then live again and in the end there is always world peace and all those badies either g to hell or become your best friends. Dragon ball z is all about the Truth of GOD and his miricles and the wishes are your prayers which GOD always answers."
"You are the wisest boy i have ever known. I WILL give dragon ball z a chnace."
This be the most important thing... the scond most important thing was getting the judge the next day, a sxix worker and a lawyer, and Truth chose the lawyer suggested by my wife - Caitlin - who had already met Truth before, and they got on smashingly well. The Judge was a family judge but was HIGHLY knowlegable about the war and the laws surrounding the army, as i assumed all judges were aware of this fact as we were living in a world war now... and Jimmy had dissapeared off for the morning and came back saying "I have a job! Decrypting documents and files for the SOS!"
............................ was this Really........ As good as it gets?

Part two:

But it did get better!! Well, first we found a whole load of illegal activity what with the courts nor lawyers not recieving any of my letters or post in Russia... and those who Jimmy (name now legally changed to Adam Turner) had been described and given the location of were arrested and unmasked, and while the investigatin was ongoing in the search to find those who had witnessed Adam's stabbing which was an ordeal, Adam was otherwise proven innocent and as acting in self defense and was recognised as a hero. We were all given medals of honour by soldiers who came to the sanctuary in passin AND offered jobs as Army Generals which we both turned down obligingly... and as it turned out the judge would have to write a letter enquiring of information as to any opposing arguments to the Army but Not that they could just send one in and the judge didn do this but instead sent questions from my wife and son which they were very appologetic about and didn ask us to return having their greatest empathies towards my children... not that they dared disagree when they found that Jimmy had been underage and i had been Correct that I was forced illegally, and really they were walking in the wrong shoes to have an opposition, so that was that...
Our Sxix worker was very good with, you know, paperwork and signing documents, getting us all the right contact details to arrange our plans for the future and we couldn't go far wrong with a pre-prepared house and an SOS worker who was as obsessively tidy and clean as Christopher was! Christopher documented all that we ever did and said and made our life the happiest running comdy that made the judge laugh, for she had a sense of humour but saved only for Truth, whereas for us she tried her best to remain official and serious looking... Christopher bacame like our own family to us, (a lot more than just a ... in short... basically, a family support agent.) and then in compensation all of us recieved about a billion euros which we put towards a home in Sardinia while Christopher looked to carry on his work as an SOS worker working near Sanctuary residencies in Florida, which were both places where were unlikely to be recruited, but this was never going to happen anyway because by Law, Christopher had his own private and Secret line of work which was needed by the countries of the world and had the right not to be recruited but to continue his work... while myself, my father and Adam were, by law, never to join the army again. We were free men!
Adam moved his girlfriend to Sardinia to live with us, and a day later she went into labour and gave birth to my niece who Adam and Klara called Zephora, and there were were to live out our days on sandy coastlines and orange, sapphire, red and yellow golden sunsets, and as i once again began my morning scrolls, I called out to Caitlin that: "That coffee was a ---" turned, and saw a man standing by my side, "Lifesaver.. . Archangel Azriel." I said.
Archangel Azriel has written this book through Angel Mary Aryia Clement.
Amen. - The Angel of Death otherwise called God Servant The Archangel of Life, Death and Judgement.
"Is the boy safe, Adam?" i asked, "my last worry are those two men and his fraudulant marriage certificate..."
Azriel laughed over the marriage certificate and said it would be FINE, really, Fine. As for the two men, Arriel said that they had gone to Hell.. For HE had taken them there. I remembered his words that he would protect me in the war... and I asked him if he was the one who had saved us.
"For I was called by Jesus Christ to protect you throughout the entire time. It was my greatest honour. Tell me what you will do now."
"live my life in god's hands, until the day that I go to The Kingdom of GOD."
"God commands that you are in The Kingdom of GOD. Jesus Christ says to tell you that your sins are forgiven."
"GOD bless you."

The end.

Ps. Charlotte Jane Turner was my daughters name. And she had the eyes of an Angel, exactly as GOD had shown me in my dreams.

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