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Albus Dumbledore walked through the corridors in Hogwarts with professor McGonagall following after him. "Is it true? Is it true Albus?" She asked struggling to keep up with his pace, Dumbledore stopped and turned to face Minerva "yes, the Agnasè family has returned from France."

"It's been so long since, why return now?" A faint sound of footsteps could be heard behind Minerva. "Because he-who-will-not-be-named has returned" Mad eye moody said while limping towards the headmaster and professor McGonagall.
"All of us know well about the Agnasè family."

"The only ones Tom Riddle cannot harm in the entire wizarding world" Dumbledore finished. "They are safe because of the blood oath Salazar Slytherin himself made with the Agnasè. None of his blood descendants shall ever harm nor shall they plan malice against them"

"If he or she ever does, they are doomed to death, permanently. Even with hocruxes You-know-who is not safe from the oath his ancestor took."

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