Chapter 16 - Revival and Murders

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Chapter 16 - Revival and Murders

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Dream SMP / Krew

That was enough for George. He headed straight to Techno's. Dream told him about how to kill the Watchers. The brunet had ran all the way to Techno's house and was now banging on the door.


The door then opened to reveal the pink haired man.

"Calm down why don't you?" Techno said. He had his axe over his shoulder.

"Well, are you going to help kill the Watchers?" George demanded.

"I'm working on it!" Techno said, waving George away.

. . .

Rainbow was now searching for ItFunneh as Draco was searching for Cheshire Lunar.

"Funneh?!" Rainbow called out. She was in a tunnel that she had dug underneath a river that she hoped would lure ItFunneh.


"Funneh?" Rainbow turned around to come face to face with Funneh...ItFunneh. Instead of her usual blue hair and blue eyes, this clown had red hair and yellow eyes with red slits for pupils. In her hand was a red ballon. Red as blood...

The pink haired girl backed away from the clown.

"Funneh," Rainbow whispered. "Please! Its me! Your sister!"

. . .

Draco was in search of Cheshire Lunar. He kept thinking that he was close to her but soon the feeling vanished.

"Lunar! My god! Stop vanishing away!"

"And why should I?" Said a voice from behind Draco. Behind the youngest sibling of the Krew was Cheshire Lunar. Instead of teal hair, the female had black hair with purple highlight streaks. Instead of gray eyes, her eyes were blue and yellow. And on top of her head were black cat ears and she had a black cat tail. "That would be no fun!" The cat frowned before smirking again and vanishing away.

"LUNAR!!" Draco screamed.

"Fine, fine!" Lunar said, annoyed.

With her back turned to Draco, the green eyed boy pulled a potion out of his jacket pocket. A potion that Lunar had made. A potion that would turn anyone back to their original state. Oddly specific, but that was the type of person that Lunar was: Oddly creepy.

The male threw the potion at the cat.

— — —

Hermitcraft / Empires SMP

Grian and Dream gathered the people they needed to revive Xisuma. Karl, for time travel. Ranboo, or now Ghostboo, for the dimensional. Dream for the ability to revive, and Sapnap for the ability to kill. Grian still had Xyla's blood, too. But unfortunately, Karl was dead. Fortunately though, Impulse found Karl's watches which coincidentally had his blood on them from being cut. Luckily, the blood was on the watch and inside the watch, and since time was affected so the blood was still fresh.

"Alright," Grian said. "Let's risk this."

"Yeah, whatever." Dream said. "Let's bring back your stupid admin."


The blood written name on the paper looked wrong, mainly because of the substance used to write it.

Following the rest of the steps carefully, they managed to bring back Xisuma. With Grian and Xyla's Watcher magic, they managed to get Karl's blood out of the watch and onto the paper.

"Where is he?" Grian asked.

They heard a shocked British voice come from outside. "Generik?! It's been so long!"

The SMP admin sighed. "Found him."

Grian ran out the door and hugged Xisuma. "Hi X!"

"Hey Grian, it's good to be back!" X said, smiling.

"Xisuma, thank goodness!" Xyla exclaimed, as she hugged her eldest son.

"Mum?!" The Hermitcraft admin looked even more shocked. "Okay, you guys have to fill me in!"

After a cup of tea, and a lot of filling in, Xisuma had many questions.

"Wait, since when were you a Watcher?"

"I was born a Watcher."

"Xylo's my uncle?"

She only nodded.

X glanced around. "Wait, where's Xavier?"

She glanced down, that was the only thing she hadn't told him yet.

"Mum, where's my brother?"

Xyla took a deep breath. "Well...your brother died trying to harm Xena, for killing you."

X started to sob. "No, I lost him so many times! I can't lose him again! I'm so stupid! I can't protect anyone I care about! I don't deserve to be Hermitcraft's admin!"

Generikb decided to step in. He looked at Xyla. "If I may?"

She nodded again. Generik turned to look at X, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "X, you deserve being their admin, whether you realize it or not. I got your letter, and I disagree. I know you would have done anything in your power to protect everyone. Making the decision to leave behind 8 of your friends to save the rest, was very mature of you. I know you didn't like it. And I know you would've protected the 11 Hermits Dream killed too. You're not a failure. And you know what, you kept your promise to the best of your ability."

"Generik's right." Grian agreed. "You deserve it. You invited me to your server, even knowing the risks you were taking because I'm a Watcher. You are SO kind, Xisuma."

This lightened X's mood, but not by much. He was still deeply hurt by what happened.

Then Tango rushed in. "Grian- Techno's gonna try to kill Xena and Xylo. He's gonna need your help, seeing as there are two Watchers."

Grian nodded, and stormed out the door. "I'll take Xena. I have a PERSONAL score to settle with her. She won't know what hit her when I'm through with her."

He put on his Watcher mask, once again his wings shifted from parrot colored to light purple. Tango was getting scared of his friend.

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I'm just spamming your notifications at this point aren't I?

- Pleb

Watchers gon die


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