Where am I?

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There were two ships, one was a tug boat that was in front of another ship that was completely stripped, and there were both heading towards Oregon. The name of this ship that was stripped was the USS Medusa. A repair ship that served in world war 2 and in 1946 was decommissioned, now she was sold to be scrapped. Both of the ships were heading north, then there was a storm forming in front of the ships. The captain of the tug boat that was towing the USS Medusa decides to try to go around the storm, so the ship turns and heads northwest,  this maneuver makes the chains break and the USS Medusa was now a drifting island. When the tug boat saw that the chains are broken it was too late, the storm was overhead and the waves were too dangerous to turn around. With the USS Medusa, the waves were filling the ship with water and she started to list to port and began to sink under the rough waves, then there was a portal that appeared under the sinking ship and it went through.

Timeskip was brought by Unicorn sleeping in Kaga's tails 

3rd person POV 

In the middle of the ocean, there was a ship that was motionless, in the captain's dorm (i don't know what it's called ) there was a short girl with white hair. For 30 minutes she was asleep but then there was a wave that yeeted her across the room and she woke up.  

Medusa: what the f**k?! 

Medusa saw herself in a mirror as a human. she got up and walked around the ship and she got to the bridge and wonder how to move the ship forward, and then the ship's engines started up and the ship moved forward after a few minutes she figure out how to control the ship, now she wondered where the hell she is, then there was a  voice that came from the radio.


Timeskip was brought by Amagi fighting and winning against Akagi and Kaga. 

When Medusa got there, there were two women with fox ears and fox tales. One has short white  hair, white 9 tails, blue eyes, a blue skirt, and a white robe-like top ( I'm too sleepy for this and tried multiple times trying to explain Kaga's outfit) 

The other women had long brown hair, brown 9 tails, crimson red eyes, a red skirt, and a black robe-like top. 

???: First carrier division Akagi

??? and  First carrier division Kaga 

both: we hold and treble

Then zeros started to take off the carrier.

The zeros start diving and attacking the girls on the water. Medusa is on her ship and thinks, what if I then  2  3 in (76 mm)/50 cal guns open fire and take a few zeros down. Then there was a squadron of spitfires attacking the zeros 

???: interceptors!? said a girl with Golden Blonde hair, red eyes, and a cape-like thing around her neck 

she look behind her there was a little girl with purple hair, and purple eyes, wearing a white dress and  holding a unicorn plushy 

 ???: stop being mean to my friends right now. The plushy turns into a full-size unicorn, and the little girl Is riding the unicorn. Medusa is thinking "What the hell did I see" while shooting down some zeros.

Kaga: she appears to be a carrier, at that size she ain't a meal but then again pray is pray. 

The aircraft carrier disappears then a big ass white fox appears with decks on each side looking at the little girl. she tries to run away then zeros appear on the decks and take off to go after the girl. The other girls start to shoot their AA at the planes but they are overwhelmed. Medusa sees that one of the zeros is going to hit the girl, Medusa somehow activates her rigging and rushes over and gets under the girl at the same time she gets hit. Medusa catches the little girl.  

???: thank you for saving me.

 says the little girl before passing out. then Medusa sees that there is a cut on her shoulder out of nowhere a medkit appears and she cleans and wraps up the cut. A blue eagle comes out of nowhere and hits the fox in the face then an aircraft carrier appears.  ( unlike my dad) 

Timeskip was brought by the author being lazy 

Medusa POV

Both of the fox girls leave saying their garbage, then the woman with an admiral cap and outfit comes at me and shoots me in the leg. still have the little girl in my hands I sit down, put the girl on my lap, and cover her ears.

Medusa: what the fuck?!? 

??: what is your name!? still aiming the bow at me 

Medusa: why should I tell you!? you just shot me!!

???: enterprise stop this at once said a woman with a British accent 

enterprise: why!? 

Medusa: I saved this girl that you did nothing for! still in pain so I made a medkit appear and the girl in the red outfit said 

pow: my name is Prince Of Wales or just wales, let me help you. 

she fixes me up and helps me up and asks  

pow: so what's your name?

Medusa: my name is USS Medusa a repair ship. 


( I'm half asleep, rewatching the first episode and writing this so don't roast my ass) 

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